Table of contents for Star Trek Explorer #8 in Star Trek Explorer (2024)

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Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8Captain's LogIt’s been an exciting year for Star Trek fans so far, hasn’t it? We’ve had plenty of new stories to enjoy, especially, for me, the third season of Star Trek: Picard and second season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, the latter with plenty of terrific nods to the original series, both adventure and comedic.Of course, there have been some disappointments, too: learning Star Trek: Prodigy’s future is uncertain came as a shock, although we're glad we'll see the rest of season two in due course.Here at Star Trek Explorer, we’re busily keeping track of developments on all the current TV series, pausing only to celebrate 50 years of the Star Trek: The Animated Series recently; but we’re delighted to be able to bring you more of our own new,…1 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8CHASING COMETSCelia Rose Gooding nailed it. It’s no easy task to step into the shoes of beloved actors who originated iconic roles, but for the actors on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds tasked with doing precisely that, or trying to, they’ve pulled it off beautifully. Truth be told, Gooding has arguably already benefited from more screen and character development than Nichelle Nichols ever received during her time as Nyota Uhura, and the young actress has crafted a living and breathing, young and imperfect and alwayslearning iteration of the character. It’s all the more remarkable considering that Gooding – whose mom is Tony Award-winning actress LaChanze – counts Strange New Worlds as their on-screen debut (in a television show or movie) after earning a Tony Award nomination of their own in 2020…11 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8HITTING THE RIGHT NOTESStar Trek Explorer recently caught up with Melumad at her home studio, and she excitedly filled us in on her philosophy of music in television and film, how she entered the Star Trek realm, the challenges presented by Prodigy and Strange New Worlds, and how she hopes her success will translate to more opportunities for women.What’s your sense of what music should do in a movie or show?With most composers, you’re trying to support the story by helping to accentuate certain moments or add tension, pulse, thrill, and excitement. You’re helping to clarify the emotions sometimes, or the other way around where sometimes you’re adding a layer of like, “Hey, maybe this is not exactly what the picture tells you.” Sometimes it will be the opposite way, so you’re not…11 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8The Kellidian KidnappingLieutenant Commander Tuvok did not notice the explosive until 1.3 seconds before it detonated, which was an insufficient interval for him to act to prevent or avoid said detonation.He lay under the pile of rubble, attempting to obtain sufficient leverage to shift the large piece of shattered mortar that was currently weighing down his thoracic region.It had, he belatedly realized, been foolishly optimistic to believe that locating Captain Janeway would be as simple as tracking her combadge. He had been warned that the Kellidians were accomplished terrorists, and Tuvok was quite familiar with terrorist tactics. To that end, he should have anticipated that they’d leave the combadge behind as booby-trapped bait.Once he had what he felt would be the proper grip, he extended his arms, removing the rubble from his…11 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8Lost and Founder4491 A.D.The dispersed essence of what once had been the Changeling known as Odo rode the leading edge of a derecho as it swept across a dry and lifeless plain. Eons had elapsed since Odo mastered this, the most difficult of his people’s abilities. Altering his mass to take any individual form he desired had marked only the beginning of wisdom.In the second millennium of his life, he had learned to scatter himself without losing control of his constituent atoms. The development of that skill had been a boon greater than anything he could previously have imagined. Instead of casting himself as a single stone, he could become a million motes of dust borne aloft on the arms of the wind, or diffuse his gelatinous form to reach every nook…14 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8STAR TREK COMICSRelatively SpeakingFamily has been a Star Trek theme since the 1960s. The original series revealed Spock’s parents, Sarek and Amanda, as well as Jim Kirk’s brother Sam. The Animated Series mentioned Leonard McCoy’s daughter, then the films added Scotty’s nephew Peter Preston, Kirk’s son David Marcus, McCoy’s dying father David, and Spock’s brother Sybok. The Next Generation spotlighted the relatives of every major character, and on the shows that followed, the families of Benjamin Sisko, Miles O’Brien, Quark, Paul Stamets, Beckett Mariner, and Joseph M’Benga have taken center-stage.The same is true for the licensed literature. The novels have introduced Kirk’s parents (George and Winona, featured in the 2009 film), Spock’s son (Zar), and numerous others, and the comics have followed suit, welcoming many new family members into the fold. Let’s revisit…17 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8Captain's LogWe’re continuing to evolve our subscriber exclusive digital edition of Star Trek Explorer, so our much-appreciated supporters get even more Star Trek, every issue. Do tell us what you think!This issue’s physical edition, for example, features an exclusive interview with Star Trek: Picard Production Designer Dave Blass - but he kindly sent us a huge number of behind-the-scenes images, too many to use in the space we had - but digitally, we can bring you some more of those visual treats!Another advantage of the digital edition - time travel! Well, sort of.Because this element of the magazine is the final part our amazing designer, Dan Bura, puts together, it means I can enthuse about episodes transmitted after the physical magazine is completed, including “Those Old Scientists” the wonderful Star Trek:…1 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8STAR TREK: PICARD PRODUCTION DESIGN EXTRA1 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8Star TrekReveals Aplenty at San Diego Comic-ConWith a full hall of Star Trek fans eagerly awaiting updates about the franchise, the mood was one of anticipation at this year's main Star Trek event at San Diego Comic-Con, their mood heightened further by a screening of the crossover episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and the animated series, Star Trek: Lower Decks.Entertainment journalist, critic Scott Mantz, the event's host, opened by trying to stump the room full of Star Trek fans. A fan himself, he barely managed to get four words out: “With the Enterprise crew…” when one excited fan blurted out the answer immediately, which was “Mirror, Mirror” to Mantz’s stunned surprise. He'd clearly underestimated the fans.Beginning with a five-minute preview of the season five, episode one of Star Trek: Discovery and following up with…16 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8TOP SECRET FUTURE ED SPELEERSWhat did you know about Star Trek before connecting with Picard?You’d have to be living under a rock to not know anything about Star Trek. I had an affiliation with it, in the sense that I have a nostalgic memory of coming home from school and Star Trek: The Next Generation being shown on BBC2. It was all these amazing characters. I remember feeling quite comforted by the fact that it was on. I couldn’t say I was an aficionado, a Trekkie, but I was definitely comforted by it back then. And then, I liked some of the films later on from J.J. Abrams. I know that people have split opinions on where that sits. Then, when this role was presented to me, showrunner Terry Matalas outlined exactly what he…5 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8LARRY NEMECEK'S A FISTFUL OF DATAWow – what a difference a few months make!For some reason, our digital mailbag is simply overflowing this issue like it hasn’t in years – all from fans brimming with questions. Is it due to the booming success of Star Trek: Picard’s finale season? Anticipation for the huge buzz around Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season two before it launched? Or maybe it’s just the domino effect of each new series, live and animated, piling up even more fresh canon crumbs to consider?We can only take a bite out of so many in that pile — so let’s get to it.Meanwhile, for next issue, send your queries bridging old, new, and “breaking news” Star Trek regarding its production and background continuity to — or via, or @larrynemecek on…5 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8TOP 10 FIRST CONTACTS10 The Horta(STAR TREK “THE DEVIL IN THE DARK”)A silicon–based lifeform from Janus VI, the Horta demonstrated why first contact missions often emerged as unexpected developments rather than pre-planned diplomatic affairs. Concerned about the deaths of Federation miners, Captain James T. Kirk and Spock soon learned that the culprit was not a monster, but rather a sentient being desperate to protect its offspring. In true Starfleet fashion, the U.S.S. Enterprise’s officers forged a productive truce with the Horta that both protected the species and benefited the Federation.09 The Malcorians(STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION “FIRST CONTACT”)With the commission of a vessel with warp capabilities, the Malcorians had landed on the Federation’s radar for a possible first contact mission. Sadly, Commander William T. Riker sustained an injury while covertly assessing the planet,…4 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO… ENGINEERS!Montgomery "Scotty" Scott LIEUTENANT TO CAPTAIN (JAMES DOOHAN) Star Trek: The Original Series; Star Trek: The Animated Series; Star Trek: The Motion Picture – Star Trek: Generations; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek: Prodigy Notable Assignments: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 and U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit (2265-2285); U.S.S. Excelsior NCC-2000 (2285); U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A (2286-2293) 98 appearances – first chronological appearance: TOS “Where No Man Has Gone Before” aired September 22, 1966 (Stardate 1312.4; 2265); final chronological appearance: Prodigy “Kobayashi” aired January 6, 2022 (2383) as a hologram; most recent appearance: SNW “A Quality of Mercy” aired July 7, 2022, voice only“I cannae change the laws of physics!?” The undisputed GOAT, Scotty set the template for the quintessential engineer – inspired; passionate; possessive; temperamental; infatuated with…12 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8TREK THROUGH LIFECOSPLAY COLLECTIVE:Assimilating knowledge and stories from our fandom’s finest costumers.Going for a Space WalkChris Smith has always enjoyed making Star Trek–related costumes. “First, I made a Borg before I knew how to sew, then taught myself to sew and made duty uniforms,” explains the cosplayer. Chris then turned his sights to an even greater challenge, when he set out to recreate two of the most memorable environmental suits in the history of the franchise: one from the spacewalk in Star Trek: First Contact and another based on those kept aboard the Enterprise NX-01.Creating spacesuits was an endeavor that required all the skills Chris had assembled. “I started with the First Contact suit, then proceeded to create the Enterprise spacesuit,” explains Chris. “To my knowledge, [it] had never been done… It…6 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8ARCHIVE INTERVIEW: STANDING IN FOR CAPTAIN KIRKThere were plenty of guest stars who walked in and out of Star Trek: The Original Series episodes and everyone had unique roles to play. For Eddie Paskey, who made more than one return appearance, his story and experiences on the show are equally unique and fascinating. In addition to being William Shatner’s stand-in for all three seasons of the show, he also occasionally appeared as Lieutenant Leslie – Shatner came up with the name, after his daughter, Leslie – in various positions on the U.S.S Enterprise.Behind the scenes, Paskey worked on every episode except the last eight along with other colleagues; Frank da Vinci who was Leonard Nimoy’s stand-in, and Bill Blackburn who was DeForest Kelley’s stand-in. In front of the camera, as Leslie, he appeared in just about…8 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8Master ModellersLast year Eaglemoss Ltd., who sold a multitude of Star Trek products through their Hero Collector brand, ceased operations, but now some of the popular product lines are getting a new life under new management from two different companies. The Build the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D program has been resumed by De Agostini through their Fanhome brand and models from the popular line of Hero Collector Star Trek Starships are being revived by Master Replicas.Ben Robinson, former Head of Genre product at Eaglemoss, reveals the behind-thescenes story of creating a huge line of Star Trek models, what went wrong, how things went right, thanks to CBS support – and hints at things to come…Three hundred and ninety four model starships. It’s way more than exist for any other sci-fi franchise.It’s…5 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8RE - DESIGNINGTHEFUTURE“I AM A STAR TREK FAN, HAVE BEEN MY WHOLE LIFE. I KNOW WHAT FANS OBSESS OVER.”Before we dive into Picard, can you describe your duties as a production designer, particularly as they relate to creating a Star Trek series?A show like Star Trek works the same as a show like Justified. You start with the script and the characters. Where are they, what are they doing, what is their environment, and how do you create it? On Justified, we had to create things like coal mines; on Star Trek, it’s starships. With Picard, we broke that into two worlds: practical builds and visual effects [VFX].In the practical build, I would sketch out an idea of the “sandbox” that we were going to play in. Then we would hand that…11 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8CANON FODDERWelcome back to this corner of the column where we outFistful “A Fistful of Data” with a really deep dive into a greater aspect of the Star Trek universe. And this issue, our dive is more wide than deep – as we consider a query from MAGGIE GRAHAM, VANCOUVER, WA:From the episode “Sarek” of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Picard explains to Riker how, as a lieutenant, he became tonguetied the first time he met Sarek briefly at his “son’s wedding.” Whomst? So, is that Spock?And did he have yet other fiancé besides T’Pring, or…? Or, did Sarek have another son with Perrin that Picard is referring to? Enquiring minds want to know!Maggie, you’ve tapped into a story that’s even bigger than you know! It’s a great moment in Star…5 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8LIFE AND LEGACY OF THE DOCTORThe Mark I MarvelCreated at Jupiter Station by renowned holo-engineer Doctor Lewis Zimmerman, the EMH Mark I was a sophisticated program designed to function as a shortterm supplement to a sickbay’s medical staff, with its recommended use set at a maximum of 1,500 hours. Equipped with the ability to complete over five million surgical procedures and the medical knowledge of more than 3,000 cultures, the EMH Mark I could diagnose and treat conditions as well as any biological Federation doctor, but Starfleet saw the hologram as a tool rather than an additional crew member.As a state-of-the-art vessel, the U.S.S. Voyager was one of the first starships to receive the experimental system prior to its installation throughout the fleet in 2371. Prior to being referred to as The Doctor, Voyager’s EMH…8 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8THE MAN IN THECHAIRJonathan Frakes is everything, everywhere, all at once. We kid you not. Let’s look at the man’s current dance card. He reprised his iconic role as William Riker in all ten episodes of Star Trek: Picard’s third and final season. He directed two of the episodes as well. And, for the second season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, he directed the Star Trek: Lower Decks crossover episode. And, yes, there’s more. He’s acting again, in a non-Trek role, in an upcoming Hallmark Christmas movie! and hosting again, too, with a German version of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction on the way.Star Trek Explorer caught up with the always amiable and eternally grateful Frakes earlier this year, and the conversation covered so much ground that we’ve decided to spread it…9 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8THE OTHER GUYS…MacDougal (Brooke Bundy) – TNG chief engineer who vanished after “The Naked Now”.Lieutenant Commander Argyle (Biff Yeager) – bearded senior staffer who didn’t last while TNG continued its search.Logan (Vyto Ruginis) – last of the revolving engineers until Geordi pulled on the gold for TNG season 2. Riker implies in “Where No One Has Gone Before” that three chiefs might have served simultaneously.Olson (Greg Ellis) – Kelvin Enterprise’s gung-ho chief engineer who got incinerated by Nero’s drilling beam.Kelby (Derek Magyar) – NX01 crewmember, who took over when Trip transferred to the Columbia.Joe Carey (Josh Clark) – Voyager’s assistant chief who should have taken over when the unnamed Chief was killed by the Caretaker’s displacement wave.Nog – field promoted to chief engineer of the Valiant during the Dominion War. Following the…1 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8WORDSEARCH01. CAPTAIN PIKE 02. NUMBER ONE 03. CHRISTINE CHAPEL 04. ERICA ORTEGAS 05. ROBERT APRIL 06. STARSHIP 07. NYOTA UHURA 08. STARFLEET 09. HETEMIT IX 10. ELYSIANWordsearchSpock the DifferenceTo Boldly Quote"I have a theory. I think since we’re in a [musical] reality, we actually follow the rules of [musicals].""The truth is I’ve never been able to face [death]. Everyone has some way of [dealing] with it and [moving] on, but I just … I don’t know how. How can I be a Starfleet officer if I can’t handle [death]?"1 – 6: Save the singing for the shower 7 – 12: Karaoke better than a Klingon 13 – 20: Subspace singing specialist!SPOCK THE DIFFERENCEWe're on our lunch break aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise but a transporter problem has altered parts of reality.…1 min
Star Trek Explorer|Star Trek Explorer #8A DEEP SPACE 9 STORY A Year To The Day I Saw Myself Die"MILES!”And it’s his father, his Da, silhouetted in the doorway; and it’s Miles – 13 now – in his childhood bedroom in Dublin, knowing he’s in for it for missing cello practice because he got distracted fixing the gravlift on Declan Shalvey’s flipboard. The dream is so intense –BUT“Miles!”It’s not his Da.“Miles!”It’s himself.And it’s not Dublin, it’s Deep Space 9.And the Miles in the doorway is dying.Chief Miles Edward O’Brien wakes with a start, he’s sweating, alarmed- the dream still so close and so real he can smell the static from the time apparatus on his dying self.He checks the station’s chrono- and there it is. A shudder runs through him.He thinks to himself: “A year. A year to the day I saw myself die”.After his shift, he and Doctor…11 min
Table of contents for Star Trek Explorer #8 in Star Trek Explorer (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.