Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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AN Monday August 3 1998 www8tar-telegramcom Section Page 13 F594 F582 Sporting F580 Computer Gold Silver F585 Musical instrument F559 IF568 F559 F559 F579 Office Equipment F559 Air Conditioners Fan Heaters Furniture Accessories Furniture Accessories Exercise Equipment Equipment (Software Furniture Accessories Furniture Accessories CASH BUYERS Gold Silver Jewelry 346-3777 OMMY ARMOUR 855S 3-P SOW CKAlt stack $450 rwiLauuKr'i33j2 active CLOSING OFC drk wd exec AIR C0NDI1IONERS-NEW 7 7rnMrilBlirk hl $350 483-7791 Ext 125 CD 51000 85-798 CAPT KG sz waterbed frame COUNTRY ENTERTAINMENT ers (Bl 31 8423 MAC COMPUTER for Sale 110 220ac wind units stackable washerdrver 831-1438 ARMOIREENTERTAINMENT CENTER Oak 5700 Nordic Track Pro $300 279-8914 oa wood S223 4b0-b92 9 HOME GYM $650 654-2474 F586 Stamps 1 Coins desk (36 x2 drawers) exc cond $250 Oak ere-denza w6 drawers $200 Cash 429-2460 427-0922 1 965 FENDER Jazzmaster S550 (817)485-5451 1616137205 110-V AC $100 220 AC S275cash 817-220-0811 HOUSEFULL OF beaut furn vnmic wn re wmaicn nR BUY GOLF CLUBS 601-4 00 FREE INTERNET access 1 800 770-0390 headstpek $1850 496-6616' MUST SELL 6 pc walnut wood Bassett bdrm suite John (81 7) 443-0338Jv msg KONICA COPIER 1290RE REFRIGERATOR Side Side wlcemaker Almond Textured Front $325 545-4835 NEW CUSTOM Full spread NORMANDY CLARINET used 4 coucn cnair ojq-tjqq i GOLF CUSTOM fit Copies Co MAC SE wext CD modem 50 Cost $200 838 3057 ReducesEnlarges comm all consumables rprentlv re lyr 550O Bundy clarinet GOODMAN JANITROL 4T ha unit mk offer 924-8281 NEW LENOX 2'i ton heat bra Galloways 23-3b39 Ht' prntr b33U B34-yab4 SOFA love seat outstanding placed $649 4 31 -8884 NICE LOVESEAT $50 Wood 5 Drawer Chest $80 Old Bookcase DeskSl 50 281-9045 92 4 wheel Melex ESC golf Blessing tromboni? cmrf cono ouu ibi 329-2420 COIN SiAMP SHOW SAT AUG 8 9AM 6PM SUN AUG 9 9AM 4PM GREEN OAKS INN 6901 FREEWAY 1-30 Free admission Free parking Register for a FREE CioldCoin PAYING TOP Silver Coin Collections 214-824 4013 WE BUY gold silver coins and jewelry 589 7263 TOWER 166MHZ 2GB-HD 32MB $600262-639 1 pump SB3U 22U-2234 Haworth Herman Miller cart 585U 3b-u2ui center Solid Wood dble doors 2 Irg drawers 4 sm drawers Holds up to 35" TV 6'x6'x3' 641-2569 days 51 7-7662ey Jim THOMASVILLE CHERRY Sideboard (buffet) wbrass rail S850 Milk washed Armoire fits 32in tv $500 Rattan din setglasstop table $750 AIJ MOVING VICTORIAN Rosewood dining table 1 2 chairs 8 pc living room suite $8900 Curio 51250 stand-up freezer $290 BBQ STACKING CHAIRS 10CF CHEST deep freezer wsmall rack thermostat exC cond $150 735-4298 GE FRtDQE 2j yr old $200 txcc desk chair S100 lor both 486-109? nev- Steal Case Work Stations sftcn 530U tsocn I rum pat cm 468-7976 HOME GYM Weider Pro $400 3 TON central cond unit new Jn box $525 831-1458 NEW P233MX 2 8gb 32mb used 512 ea 610 BEAUTIFUL EARLY 1 900s Walnut Table 6 Chairs Buffet $1095 181 7) 481-8398 obo 81 -b 14-094 5 Pre owned great cond S600-up 817 416 1622 24XCU5 5 5warr4 31-44 BACH STRAD Trombone 42BV HIDEABED SOFA full $100 5 WEIDER STACK Weight exer HEIL 4 ton cent ac gas heat unit 1 yr $550 379-5919 FXFC S7 PC desk S50 qwr wooo rue cap S4U 4JU-4139 Siuuu Yamaha lromoona YSL-682B 1 200 738 3 1 96 PENTIUM MOTHER boards $20ea or 465-0257 MODERN DESIGNER DESK cise bench 5100 268 440 wmatching 6' bkcase $30 NICE REFRIG washer dryer treezer stove 838-0262 PC cust desionpd nak Hk Jt I IFF CYCI 5500 wFloor WOOD BUFFET clarinet for exec cnair w4 drawers ex-cel cond S700 735-4200 LARGE SIGNATURE 220 window unit $1 75 237-1 754 file drawer $500 329-2420 F588 Guns NT II 300 Guar approval 0downi817)53tS-70o6 cnerry wo lammat NRH 81 7-427 9589 Mat $425 (81 7) 927-7092 FRIDGE WICE stove washer sale 5550 Conn Alto 5ax 500 446-754 7: 3PC KG SZ bedroom suit TOP PRICES pd good used furn appl332-2562 MAC CLR classic Loaded 3 TON 3 phase condensing unit $99obo 560-8864 COPIER Reduce Enlarge LARRY BIRD Jersey signed 5250 595-8829 595-2201 set Mil new 2-332B CASH FOR Fender Gibson 1 lxl with slanri warran S600obo 534 6397 teacher papers 5500 483-345 SEARS FROST free refrig wice mkr $200 281-8625 5 PC Rovri Rrtrm ftnito REFRIG $75 sect $200 SOLOFLEX WALL attach ty Will deliver New $8500 will take $1175 467-5580 AC SELF-CONT unit $250 478-7450 Martin Marshall PRS etc guitars amps 447-1394 444-9Z01 Used 2 Months 797-0653 INTERNET SALE S92YEAR Plus Set-Up 244-5133 ments 52ybtirm 4H-ubU2 SOFA PLAID ex cond like new GALLEAN- KREUGER Base WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE ALPINE Shooting RANGE Open to the puolic Rifle pistol range $6 oer person action range $10 per entry Trap skeet sporting clays guns reloading gunsmith Concealed hand gun course rea ua I tf) cation RAINBOW VACUUM mint wrn-ty $475 (8 171485-4 181 BUYSELLREPAIR LUVSEAT HUNTER green leather 9mo $400 858 932 1 RRIFN TRICK Ski's Like LAPTOP 150 mg $800 obo ac units $250 5583 4 2 ton Barg (81 7) 443 mos 53UU obo BbO-039 new 585 (817) 571-3355 Amp complete sound syst -violin (817)447-2654 bale used copiers 550 up 946-0513 uaunei iDlMto-ii'tj i inoAv TOP QUALITY Futon sofa bed J-SECT Sofa W-On Refrig wd etc 838-0262 APPLE-1 desktop 1 laptop EXERCISE RIDER like new OUTSIDE AC Unit York $700 Used 1 Week 293-6782 aw cover $4u 488-02 1 50 447-5570 SEVERINSEN ETERNA silver DESK- WOODEN metal Con 520 285-0166 uesKaprntr S2uu oji-ujtpi 2 RnnKCARFR like ny GE WASHDRY 3 yrs Hvy du-ty capacity $300 276-9099 SOFA matching loveseat trumpet 5375 Vito Alto SAX $425817 926-3191 ference table wcnairs NICE! 221-3364 CITMFCC Fl VFD 4S6DX WITH color monitor 2000BTU AC exc $300(817)236-2433 S45ea 921 3313 SINGLE ELEC adjustable bed wnew pillowtop matt headboard linens $550 Flex tteel sofa bed wnew matt 200 Like new microwave cart $50L 446-0560 NORTH RICHLAND Furn 6608 Harmonson RD VISIT US before you buy Store full of new quality furn Low everyday prices 35 yrs atsame address 284-7444 NEW TFULL matt 29 Queen set 99 King 129 Sofa chair 99 Daybed 69 Bunk-bed 99 Cherry dinette 279 469-1666 FTW 531-8888 11111-00 1 gicai aiiouE 478-6613Motro 572-1242 jt hoi iuiiu uu $249 572-9702 sou ooy-i3oy GE REFRIG 23cf $350 Eva NEW USED office Furn HORNS: SAX $500 Flute UTON BUNK bed black Sell DRSR 6 chrs oak ent center OI IDF RlflF 1 On Stair 23B-934B 29-3B 1 4 12000 BTU Room AC Like New $350 1817)572-5609 1 DAY GUN PERMIT i SX 8 240 $125 500 HD i25 903-567-2688 53U0 pager 942-413 a oooKcase o-b Good Selection Low Prices Delivery (817) 649-5577 Stepper Yd $50 737-3311 QUEEN SZ bdrm suite $450 DDE side frig 400obo 465 BLK LEATHER sofa chair WHT 5yrs! -8763 trumpet clarinet trombone $25(5 ea 80M35-03 72 STUDENT TROMBONE case ex cond used 2 vrs $500 861-2796 BROTHER WORD Processor FXFC1ITIVF Cnmnnter riosk i aught By Ponce utticers NEW RENEWAL CLASS WFFKDAY AND WFFKFNDS GOOD 220V0LT window ac unit $175 838-0018 AIR DYNE stationary bike exel omer rurnuure ottm SlOOOobo 237-1691 SI 50 obo Mahouanv Desk txcel cond5113 498-8131 cona 5zsu (Bi 4yb-yiJ SOFA CHAIR wicker bdrm MOVING SALE FROST FREE Refrig $185 2 yr warranty 838-3594 7'YardLiRhts wDrawers $50 376-91 16 VisaMC Arlington 860-1109 PB MB $50 TOSH CLR laptop TRAMPOLINE RND 14' FEDDERS AC 1700BTU 220V $250 640-5504 set ruton more 488-021 Furn Appls Etc 536- 3562 COLT PREBAN AR15 w3x Ulbf blUU 2-3b28 DESKS MATCHING computer NORMANDY CLARINET Wood 1 $400obo (81 7) 790-801 71 OAK COFFEE table end ta COMPACT CHEST Freeze 3yrs old $150 465-3289 2 TON A coil outside compr taoie computer eqpt sup- SCANNER HANDHELD 167 paas 3iou CARIOGL1DE $95 817)468-4925 BLCK METAL bunkbed full 270-2595 scope SHOO firm Interesting trades? 817-573-3610 bles 520U 181 7) 514-8055 INHERITED NEW must sell Ig useo 1 mos3u 203-UBD3 piies ano more 4 7-343 1 mil any Jru-uoo BOOMERANG PHRASE Sam-' piers (817) 831-2921 MULTI COLORED couch re eve itsmeu uimbi vintage oner- TOAST MASTER tabletop ov-en Good 498-6396 LINE nhnne system natri I -IKE NFW lioht romnuter ta- FORM DIN'G set Retail $2500 Sell $5751817)636-2070 NORDIC TRACK $75 Obo FIREPLACE GLASS doors blowerSlOO 972-47 1-2761 rieinallv amer S1UU 22-3U22 ry China Cabinet $3300 askina ITHACA M37 It wt ltd ed quail bie chair 51 3U 4ya-8i3i (817) 370-91 16 $1500 obo biy per pnone bmo ago Make offer (81 7) 596-7627 KING ALTO Sax case accessories $350 924-1867 1 CUSTOM BLT oak ent ctr KENMORE WHITE elec dryer runs gd $50 441-5417 WOODBURNING STOVE ex cond (817T732-1268 GOLF CLUBS 4 irons 2 wds SOLID OAK computer armoire $800 (817)926-3535 special 26 improved cylinder barrel near mint $45 (972) 262-8138 FXPANDABI1 TOSHIBA Bua blond stain S450 483-256 WORD PROCESSOR $100 (972)642-3194 Stove pipe 555 292-8020 putter bag 5b5 656-38 Phone Sysw8 Display Phones VIOLIN BOW case Carl Re- iser $350 274-1958 VA FLORAL PASTELS sleeper so AtiwiviuKt tLtcimc uryer Almond $100 477-270? INTEL PENTIUM multi media SOUTHWESTERN love seat $900 817-222-1922 1 MO old Amana 9k btu $349 568-91 12 588-4654 VM WEIDER 3 station home gym iU MOS UUJ £04-OBlC3 PRE BAN AK 47 under folding fa lovest 5250 42-5082 ESTATE Moving Sale High quality furn at bargain prices- Henredon Broyhill lethr chairs sofas tables (817)451-4596 system S395 346-6730 KENMORE A GF DESK wood desk Dryers BLACK LACQUER Entertain tocK inm Minea receiver 850 obo JANITROL 3 ton ac Inst avail TOSHIB 620CT 40K mem TRAMPOLINE 13FT Road- $100ea Pager 493-081 COUCH CHAIR Southwest $450 set 281-5950 105 ment Ctr S75 237-1976 CLARINET great for beginning student ex cond 367-0526 TRUMPET case Like new 572-6437 file cbnt credenza 5375 all 817-572-2347 still in box ibU 516-9994 Pgr 817-2166892 1UU b93 4Dl-439b flTXOP master S150 292-9368 RED METAL bunk beds Ful1 WRQI IrtMT IPHW Hinafto RETRO 50'! cook stove 1 LRG EVAPORATIVE water i free-standing i225 282 0285 BROWNING MODEL 53 32-20 11 IN IBM VGA color monitor BASKETBALL GOAL $70 OFFICE FURN exc cond btmtopS150 473-7483 6chrs $150(81 7) 485-2226 cooler SlOOobo 281-0053 cal Hemington stainless S2U 283-ulbb North tuless 51-601 2yrsold 795-9296 Rob rs QN SZ Bed set black lacquar bdrm furn ratton dining table w4 chairs couch loveseat all for $1 000 817-465-8576 NORMANDY 4 Clarinet 3 yi old $475 (817) 329-5163 CUSTOM KING spread 2BU cal (81 43-2S6D 110 AC unit 8000 BTU $125 ALMOND KENMORE wshr W-house PANASONIC PRINTER Parts to KATHY IRELAND Health Rider DESKS FROM $50 Files from LEATHER SOFACHAIR nic drk brown $300 485-2226 drapes 525U 81 z-334-4994 4U-UU45 62U-35Ubpager REMINGTON MODEL 7 deer Casing KXPUBU 545-2088 S30 (8171 284-58Z8 523 Lg selection yy2-203 KING WATER bed rifles mm mm-U8 complete 220V-2-TON WINDOW KENMORE WASHER or dryer $135 ea 2 yr warr 838-3694 QN SIZE bdrm set including rv OAK OFC desk olass too UNIVEGA MTN BIKE 21 spd 5545017 5395 each 940-566-2 1 2 SI 75 (81 7) 801 051 5 matt aiuu (Bl 4Bb-222b Bell cheap 817-801 1290 comp count515U 4ZB-1 143 tiie orawer a3Q3 oa-yuoa WANTED Reminjzton Derrin- NAVY BLUE hide-a-bed sofa LARGE OAK entertainment center $200 Game table with 4 upholstered chairs $150 Small oak rolltop desk $125 280 0894 RAINBOW VACUUM with sham-pooer $295 292-8833 FORMICA TOP table 41" sqr 5 OTN carrier ac unit good MAC PERF 550 Blkwht Stew OLD FISHING tackle all $250 ers OAI 41CA Call Al 5249 48-1280 PEAVEY T-60 Guitar Looks New Case $350 285-9776 TROMBONE case goorj cond $200 577-5252 YAMAHA ALTO sax waccess like new $525 467-9956 ROWLAND XP-50 keyboard Best offer (817) 784-0914 MILLER steelcase cubicles Bob 214-632-8491 cono blUU 431-3iyB neignt so 249-U413 art Packard print 545-2088 (81 bJ-96Ub 92-5907 SOFA BEIGE pastel stripes ETHAN ALLEN blue floral sofa GE MICROWAVE carousel like new $125obo 282-0285 (NEW) 2 ton ac compressors FLIGHT SIMULATOR '98 GOOD GOLF Balls SI 5 $25 NEW -USED COPIERS JEW Svr nxe new S23U 249-bbb 1 55 Mark (940) 648-3893 $29 (81 7) 293-2367 love great S4uu 293-692 WARRANTY 834-5122 II BOSS 7mm mag rings GLASS ratan din table 4 per 100 (81)461-uss HARVARD Poollable 8 ArJ EVAPORATIVE WATER cooler KIRBY VAC cleaner system runs $25 485-2226 13 Color monitor SVGA like mount q3 qo-ujio WOOD DESK crend chrs MOVING 3PC blk Ithr den $1450 lOpc Oak Din Ste $2250 Ksz compl bdrm ste $2300 On Brm Ste $2000 (817)238-8915 ANTIQUE 3 leaf wood Table 6chrs $650 498-2209 arm cnairs 525U 238-9b excel cond 5200 551-1826 newb3 y2u2b4 bk-shelves indiv 274-3043 CeS 515Ul--j6B-HW CARniriGI lOF NFVFR used STUDIO SALE: KB300 Alesls Rol ART etc 924-6455 STYLE BUNK BEDS small AUSTRIAN FAL STG 58 762 like new $1000 BEST OFFER Furn LR DR 19500 BTU 210 AC win RAINBOW VACUUM exc cond $350 254-965-2830 386 LOADED color mon soft ARCHITECTUAL dresser 5200 2 75-5369 DRAFTING 496-9123 Kiln Molds Etc 481-3958 dow unit 52U0 38-1412 war b2UU OOP 42-UU2 $100 447-0234 day (81 7) 280-0451 tble exel S25U KING ALTO Sax good cond RECLINER MINT rn ad con- fnM niMr hi AC CENT Outside Unit like KENMORE WASHER Hotpoin Dryer S85set 577-1356 5350 181 431-333 FORCE exeroizer RUGER RIFLE 1022 Deluxe unr-n nFcuc SY QUEST External HD 15 656-3502 dition 580 181 tbl top pad $450 656'-48l7' new 21ons 5249 483-4772 COMPLETE CHERRY king bedroom $2450 10 pc cherry dining suite $2500 Cash 3pc leather living 500 Hardly used236 0144 never used $175 447-0234 UD in UOX iOI-SODI Chairs Files 496-6338 VIOLIN BOW case full sz never shot wcarrymg case $250 OBO 4281143 KENORE fridge harvest MUST SELL Stanley Qn Ightd USED WINDOW ac's Sell re- WALNUT DINING Ste Hutch 3COM PAI MPII OT like new like new 5500 483-8046 SEARS ERGOMETER tread DRAFTING TBL It mach gOIQ S13U 438893 orqge ste b33U 4BB-yDD3 pair a clean 732-1U26 $150 226-2206 533U0PO 4b-0b34 aft bpm mine 5200834-181)1 GD STI inFNT trnmhone 6 x3 5240 (81 )4B8-8 7FT MPH Qla Cnfa rinA 1 nnn RTII mntol ctlo a- SMITH Wesson model 1000 shotgun auto 12ga Good concT $250 339-3114 POP UP trundle 2 mattress- 195 (817) 656-2232 KENMORE ELEC DRYER EXC COND $75 801-781 1 SCHWINN AIRDYNE bike like MISC COMPUTER Compo- OAK COMPUTER Desk with Cond $225 Cash 534-9924 $125 (817) 31 W1? es 545 42-884 nents 525-550 294-1850 mDMCT I lur Mmu new 5275 (817)477 1555 Drawers 5150 236-2804 CREME CANVAS sofa chair 2 ottomans exc cond 1VS yrs old $700 firm Cash or certified checks only Call 817-468-3483 GRNNayy sofa loveseat chr PI I IF CrPTinWAI ir-ine-r $300' (817) 292-2342 LACE WEDDING dress size 8 1 1 $100 972-206-2304 HP COLOR printer Mac Com- CAL GYM Health Club Quality 2 IBM Exec typewriters good wotto 4 3- F570 Telephone $225 obo 237-3938 patibie biuu BB-223 trot tquip sjuu dob- jOj GEMEINHARDT FLUTE silver cono biuuea 000 Bbu-33ua REFRIGERATOR $150 Wash nai Supplies Service DIN ROOM table chrs $75 COMMODORE COMPI svst never used 5230 433-4188 LIKE NEW Huffy Basketball CONTEMPORAREY GREY ded S40ea 656-3502 ATT RELOADERS! Need pistol brass? I have all cal call Eddie 834-5716 or 994-3755 GUN PERMIT COMPLETE 6500 grads'972) 263-GUNS WEATHERBY ACCUMARK 300 WBY $1100 297-2972 or yer eacn tm-i U3 (81) 48-338 xlntcond 5115 249-1284 Goal set 5125 354-545 SKB 6 rack case ex cond desk asking 575 294-1545 MATTRESS SET SALE Twins $49 Fulls $59 Queens $89 Bunkbeds wmatts $199 Futons $149 274-1266 TOSHIBA 6 1 6 8 speaker SOFTSIDED KING Sz Water- $50 obo 860-7029 QN SIZE matt set good SMALL CHEST freezer $75 Call (8171 572-2773 WONDER TOOL Cruiser $65 NORDICTRAC ACHIEVER like OFFICE DESK 5't 30 Good bed $250 (817)847-8906 pnones instaneo tor byo conoiiou tyB-joiyarto 81-656-3424 new 535 obo 23 5303 PEAVEY MINX 110 like new Cond 550 23b-28U4 lyr warranty 214-332-U443 KENMORE APT size stark FULL SIZE frame mattress S99 439-3574 HP DESKJET 540 printer $75 MANY GOLF Clubs for sale FORMAL DIN Suite Solid Oak w6 Fabric Chrs Like New FAX MACHINES: ID card ma PARTNER PLUS SOFA SLEEPER $95 (817)277-2990 washdryer $200 824-2883 boxsprmg 535 4B3-149 000-34 4 800-4619 1 1 DisDlav Phones 6x18 chine 540-55 294-1850 CLARINET EXCELLENT condj raid M900 Asking 5600 BRN BEDROOM suite HB NS ANTIQUE WHITE iron twin bed $3500 obo 572-9555 xO 5250 42-85Z NICE SVGA monitors $75 Call GOLF CLUBS 3-W $75 Bag ELECTRIC PRINTING calcula- UKbWS2UUO0O 2bB-JUB6 $200- 284-5828 RUGER 45 auto $375 (817)847-1632 I BUY Modern Military Flre- a rm 817-735-4200 P226 W2-15 round clips $500(817) 281-3638 181 3-8UU SI rutte 44-X J9 4 tor 520 249-2508 NEW SONY Sprint Z100 flip HONEY PINE queen waterbed NICE SCHOOL Woodwind Brass Horns $250 923-9904- I OVF SFAT Rliie A White LAURA ASHLEY King Comfort ELECTRIC TREADMILL $100 pnone bio 3UU-43 1 COMPUTER DESK almost new oresser wnutch mirror SCANNER PC or Mac Still box $85(817)571-4379 $200 (817)318-82381 er niiows MUU 4S1-4 JU ClAI DCI 1 Tninrunnn ir JJ2-1 bU 5600 2 night stands free (echline S85 921-3313 SIGNET WOOD Beginner Clarj' 3 DRAWER- underbed dresser EuleSS Z14-659-8655 tions in box $50 731-7759 net $200 485-072q 5 DWR chest blk gold $20 YAKIMA RACK 4 gutters 250 US ROB Palm Pilot $100 427-0729 550obo 483-1479 BROTHER WP 300 (817)237-6645 GLOCK 22 40 cal exc cond $400 cash 483-4097 aft 6p THOMASVILLE BEDROOM- bikes 5180 473-7413 NEW used BOSS Pedals VODAVI DHS wtelephone KM E-STOVE 40" wvent works $100 294-0524 1960'S GE refrig SlOOobo gd cond works 483-1 660 ALMOND REFRIG S200obo 346-0699 GE ELECTRIC RANGE Almond $75 Needs Coil 478-8716 KENMORE WASHDRY $115 ea or $1 75both 650-5504 RESTORED '50'S Tappan 40" Gas Range $375 926-6008 CARGO COUCH chair $150 81-831-2921 b4y ZDOOD1U VERSA CLIMBER $75 COMPUTER CART work sta BOOKSHELF $35 $75 277-5628 HP DESKjet printer $50 294-1850 comp desk S2U 2B2-3yib 30yrs old Nightstand desk armoire dressing mirror $650 81 7-285-0796 REMINGTON 700 BDL 22-250 scope $550 246-61 32 6p good cond 23196 tion hd 550 483-5059 SONY SPRINT PCS cellular CONN TROMBONE mouthpc I DC iWTini IF flfmniro ftnn case S200 790-7680 aft 5p phone 518U 51b-U101 IPM CFI FPTPir II uclinH FREE-STANDING FIREPLACE mantle $225 731-2051 PROGRAMMABLE TREADMILL COMPUTER $20 for all BEAUTIFUL THOMASVILLE RUG M77 VT 25-066x24BL $750 firmcash 431-3701 3-way mirror $50 572-2773' $126 28L 2836 5150(81) 244-2201 ARTLEY FLUTE wCase and" USED PHONE systems great Dining rm suite bdrm suite UPHOLST BAR STOOLS with Stand S15U (81 29-69BJ teatures 549b 831-4436 ALPINE TRACKER Ski Ma OFFICE FURNITURE tbl fridge 486 PC 16 meg $245 483-3810 wan iwin oeas complete canebike 520 ea 276-8809 REMMINGTON SAKO Varmint Rifles 283-0527 colors $125 8 1 7-581-8261 chine new $65 430-4159 STUDENT VIOLIN bow case oesK S3uea 3113 waysioe jiuuroran 03-ai4i WALNUT FINISH ent cntr F571 TV Radio BROWN ROCKING Recliner MACINTOSH 5300 Pwr Bk like new 5100 2bl-l9UU KENMORE MICROWAVE with GOLF CLUBS women's Lo CHIN SKS 762x39 wammo 2 X49 5100 545-642eve $25 Sofa $100 468-5431 wExt CD Dr $800 467-384! LONG SOFA loveseat over pez rt mint 53U 329-2420 CLARINET-NORMANDY WOOD Stereo access S24U 3bi-94y F580 Computer Equipments Software EXECUTIVE DESK chair Cra- 467-0348 Aft5 Vent Hood a5 428-6636 KENMORE HEAVY Duty Elec-tric Dryer $100 251-9664 486PC WMONITOR $150 TWIN COMFORTERSKIRT pas- sized chr ottom tables lamp enter cntr crib set BOX OF small exercise equip- WANTED STOCK 1895 Chile- denza 5250 31 13 Wayside HARMON KAKDMAN integrat tel paisley 525 283-2221 81 -354-66 ment so 9J-6U94 pm NEW USED HAMER Guitars: no Mauser Pgr 499-1 224 ed amp with matching tuner QN SZ bx matt wframe $175 WALNUT COFFEE 2 side ta lamp telescope 246-0244 SOFA LOVESEAT chr otto (81 831-2921 WEIGHT BENCH wweights 2 Hoover vac cleaners upright WEATHERBY300 $750 270 IBM 13" color monitor $35 obo 465-7148 ime new paio boou sen 3 wararooe b3U 3D1-BB3D bles 525Utor all 2 b-8984 a1U 181 4BJ-2DQ Fl ITF IN px rnnri silupr 5380 Never snot b43-42Ub S23U tirm 433-83 S4U canister b3U 4fa3-0130 WASHERDRYER REFRIGERA- 4PC SEC sofa wrecline OWNER Inanea man teal pastel tlecks excellent cond Paid $3000 $245 656-2232 WHT PEDASTAL Oct glass HP PAVILLION 8260 2 mos sieepr 55UU obo 4b0-1030 OAK GUN CABINET wKey $200 (817) 297-1454 i complete in box S95 mo no old 51 1UU 32-513 top cot tbl SOU b3J-bU4 wedges 525-550 292-3397 iuk good cond B3B-S21 iNew ftsk lbuu 244-UbjZ nder PRECISION bass 5240 581-9815 dollars down easy qualitying PINE CHEST of drawers SONY 10-DISC automotive changer never used Manufacturer price $400 Price $240 (firm) 263-4474 DK GRN loveseat $150 Rock- LAPTOPP100 16810 SMALL LITTON Microwave GIRLS WHT Wicker 7 Pc Full $60 1817)460-1030 WEIDER 8925 Fitness Sy! $200 (972)263-007 TREE LOUNGE $200 Be-tween 10a-12p 737-2603 warranty $600 447-1816 ing chr BU1-U4B2 $10(817)428-6636 Sz Bdrm Set $500 Basset Immediate deliverey ALL 12 Journey CDs ever made $75 817-560-8851 BEAN bag chairs pink USED COMPUTERS 486 4 8" JL audio spkrs wcust REFRIGD LRG sbs gold Ken- znt uak Kitcn 1 di lear Chrs $400 571-0336 MAC 6116 CD wmonitor sp WATERBED SOFA set futon bnkbed $75-S125 413-0660 ORIG HEALTH Rider video $200 370-1346 JAPENESE 12GAUGE $250 450-5043 purple new510ea 281-9555 Pentiums 133 424-9702 krs new 56k modem soft YAMAHA ALTO Sax lyr old box runcn 4U amp 3 mo old $450 972-262-6043 TRUCK LOAD! Simmons Beau- NICE BLUE Velvet Swivel Rock like newS795 465-2089 ware eames manua 500 LAP TOP compac 486-40 IVORY COUCH loveseat vm 451-0594 REM 721 30ALT 6 wscope DP WEIGHT Machine 120 bench $60 817-430-4159 er like new $95 428-5353 tyrest must sell Queen Sets 4MG 450HDd 5495 268-2022 CABLE TV Demodulator full VIOLIN GERMAN bow case Epson Stylus color printer $100 or ail for $750 Exc for S23U pgr B-B1 1 CQl irH I QVF spat dH mnH 5249 Mng bets 52yy reception all signals S249 APPLE LASERWRITER 54UU Obo 483-3039 EXERCISE BAR misc wghts PAINTBALL UPGRADED Spy- 817) 834-75ZZ UNIQUE 2 globe floor lamp: children or students U-82 more 5200 obo 483-5059 WASHER DRYER 444-9201 WASHER Dryer set $200 FF Refrig $50 447-9086 WASHERS Dryers if 1: Nee Clean 534-8998 OSTER 10PC food Dreo aDDli- $175 337-0099 Buu-y-b3yy 52U00bO 181 263-159 5250 2 1 4-343-0671 CLARINET USED 18mo der cmpct S13U 44b-B433 6200 Lvewknd-35-8931 exc cono 54u Bbu-3301 MOVING SALE Everything rnWQni amfm Caron BUFFET DINNING tble 6chairs case 52UO 92-23-054b MARLIN 410 leaver action BLUE FRAME bunkbed Mick' WHOLESALE TO PUBLIC must go Washer dryer qn WEIDER WEIGHTS total Rym SI 50 498 3149 exc cond 5595 29 1919 record tape player 175 records $225 283-0028 a hta ecu i on -sv SI 250 obo 817-265-3089 linens S235 492-943 MARSHALL JMP-1 $450 (817)459-0406 47 YR old 4-shelf wnnd rhina si ueu uuiiuie ueu lurn art (817) 329-0679 Gun Permit 8-8 to 8-9 CURRIER Ives dishes Apprx PING ZING Woods blond 1 3 5 $45ea 557-9546 46" RCA Screen TV Yr old cabinet S450obo 788-9729 P233 S720' K6-3D 360 5775 F58i 428-5877 KING SIZE Oak Waterbed ROLAND XP-50 KEYBOARD ldayclass DFW817-540-0100 bU PC 523U Tirm34U-333 $1000 Call 232-3306 Gameroom Equipment Pll 300 $975 PII-333 $1075 7' BLK recline couch $185 12dwr Dedesta mirrored MUST SELL ref Kenmore Like New 595 735-8100 FIRESTAR 9MM Blue DRAPES 2 sets approx 8ft like new 817-249-4576 corner dsk SI 00 361-8856 wwwAustmeSystem8com Hd brd wlights shelves washerdryer Arl 277-6535 TOSHIBA 35- TV New $2000 Sell $700 451-4596 -8Rd Mag $200 246-1220 EMERSON FLUTE $200 Cash' 1 Tl 51 3Uail 8 -4yyo 81 -514-83 540UODO 4B-U42 Call (81 346-4691 ELECTRIC STOVE like new NICE WOOD Desk Swivel NINTENDO 64 GAMES Playstation 64 GAMES Call 214-549-7115 NEW BEGINNER Paint Ball gi for sale $120obo 516-856 SHARP 25" TV-VCR combo UNIQUE FLOWERLEAF F589 Jewelry Stone PENTIUM II 266 color mont printer loaded includes 5150 obo Call 30-8851 F561 Furniture Appliance Rental Chair 55 428-5353 exc cond 531 5 31-8B24 VITO ALTO Sax excel cond $500 788-9693 wrought iron sofa Elass oven $100 OAK DINNING table chairs EXCEL COND 427-1277 top coffee table needs cush- 7FT BRUNSWICK pool table web sue 3yr nostirtg warr too manv features to llfit RAM Fx irons 3-w rifle shafts $24999obo589-0473 BLACK white TV $30 works great 972-446-0829 FLUTE ARMSTRONG case UNUSUAL LADIES 18K gold bamboo ring 1 06ct pear shaped diamond 2 pink 52UU 439-3bl lons paint 52UU B3B-U432 0 don fin avail 572-0331 wassc Ithr pekts claw feet $1500 GLASS TOP table wpedestal 15 CUFT Frost Free Fridge TREADMILL Ab board $100 good cono 5D 39-DUO IINIOIIF Fl OWFR1 FAF WATERBED FOR sale $100 ORION AMP $100 uaii Anytime ive msg 4 cnairs b223 3-2341 good cond 575 428-611' 00th O0O 314-1BU1 BUNDY B- flat clarinet wcase" BRUNSWICK EXEC: Retail: wrought iron chair glass top (y2) b42-3194 496-9223 sapnires on me sioes Appraisal value $7100 Will sell for $6000 Call 8 1 7-370- KENMORE UPRIGHT 153 cuft NFWISH FXFRCYC1 2336 $6000 Mah 1" slate all ac good COnO M30 24-686 ena taoie neeos cusnions GIRLS BEDROOM furn $75 F563 Baby Furniture 2 LINFAR Phase Sneakers miles $65 214-737-2773 paint 5125 838-0452 Cess S25UU 485-9855 2329 or 81 -919-316 VIOLIN 1 2 size Lewis $249 300 MMX 64 MB SDRAM 45GIG Ultra 32X CD Rom 4MB 3D video 3D sound 56K FM Win 95 bundle 17" mon $1150 656-1017 piece (811439-361 model8812 $240(168-4920 t-reezer 125 220-3386 DORM SIZE fridce like new Items exc COnd 25-437 BODY BY Jake Ab Back Plus LEATHER POCKET Pooltable LIKE NEW gltdor rocking chair $125 473-6589 KG WTRBED wheat mirror hd brd cabs $1 50 294-9838 Macn5100 38-B039 2 SPEAKERS 24x JD Rom soundcard $75 297-7707 129CT MARQUIS VS-1 set in 14k gold band 75ct baguettes appsd $12100 sell wMiiumait 31JV teal you move 5500 cash 81 246-4221 CHILDCRAFT OAK Crib with 5 HAMMOND ORGAN $250 572-2165 WHIRLPOOL 18CF refrig Learner loveseat exc cono $290 BREAKFAST TBL white wood PEERLESS 1-SW steel stiff $220 OBO (214) 503-5589 WAN KD AUU est tnillo- Drawers and Chest 5325 Af-ter 3pm 281-5093 3UUUQ0O QO-33Spgl 52UU stove 55 42-5885 PANASONIC 32BIT System no chairs 545 BbB-9425 ment 334-0549 CD 8 TAPE DUPLICATION Sales Service 461-0285 JUST MOVED Redecorating 3C DIAMOND and cold banol FULL SIZE Kenmore WD controls 1 lgames 13 mon spkrs $220 926-8207 OAK TABLE 4 chairs $150 Ethan Allen Circular couch $5900 48 in 6Vf 7mm rose 33ivicvj luu ivieg ou lam i 51 gig hd DVD drive TX pro board Microsoft key-i board wfingertip mouse! $2200 obo 847-8520 LIQUIDATION 105S $75 235-6164 51 omoi yq-oxoy MAGNAVOX VCR $40 tape re-winder $10 92-446-0829 CRIB CHANGING tbl cradle chest All new in box $29950 (817)652-3733 MISC Bl -yU-334U SUBWOOFERS AMPS Mixers 8 DJ Equip 4feU-0285 pearl strand 56100 81- w2 reamers pd 55200 asking $1200 477-3457 868-1 295 81 7-988-9803 POWER RIDER mint cond $75 244-4921 DRAFTING TABLE 3ft good WARDS 18' frostless almond frig $200 david 261-2233 8' OAK pool table Ithr pock immac will del New $350r sell $1750 267-4775 Cond 53U (81 633-504 KING SZ waterbed 80 mo 14KT GOLD ooal dinner rine TR 126 JBL Spkrs Like New $750pair Abe 640-3204 KICKER SS8 Spkr sys trek or htchbek $135 560-2550 SEARS 19" color TV $75 ENTIRE BOY'S wardrobe new born Sz6 small and med maternity clothes 270-8393 CHUCK NORRIS 2000 NEW GAS RANGfTS23995 FACT WARR 838-774 1 1 8x1 Omm oval opal 16 out SOLID BRASS Queen Bed $350 obo 222-1922 Pentium Multimedia Computer I Systems from $199 Aff must Go! 268-5151 tionless wbdrawer under dresser in white pine $250(817)355-1356 EPIPHONE BASS Guitar black er 01am appox 3 ct appr 5300 281-5093 after BRUNSWICK 7' Pool Table cherry finish leather pock-ets 572-3688 KENMORE HtS washer dry wcase 3U-013U 1 uu asx souu toy-iu 1 FUTON Green Metal Frame ACCU-SMART TREADMILL $250 (817)285-0468 BASSETT CHERRY wood Baby furn bed chng table arm-oir $650 483-2576 or 21 3 ilB 4 RIVERSIDE CHERRY Comput BRIDAL SET Dear solitaire WOOD entert Cntr 2) 12" Spkrs $250431-1194 cover Nice 5BU 514-151 TROMBONE $225 (817)431-1401 REFRIGERATOR $100 Call baggetts 1 2 14 pd $30 BRUNSWICK POOL table Windsor series good shape $500 817-921 3578 er armoire Toiooown ra-blelike new $550280-9878 AIR GLIDERWALKER (817)263-7159 4 PC BR wht daybed REFURBISHED PENT computers (2) w2 gig hd 336 modum 24x cd sound spkrs 16meg moni-tor $700 ea 280-0106 (81 7) 370-9252 after 5pm S93 81 -29-bBU4 AKAI 105" Reel to Reel Ta-perecord $50 483-8142 SIGNET CLARINET great BABY NEEDS A SQWUGGI 817-740-5790 wtrundle 5200 300-086 RAINBOW VAC wattach ex- BEAUTIFUL WHT couch cond 5450 329-3219 IMAGE 510 Personal fitness TANZANITE EMERALDS Opals Gold Much More SOLID DK oak BR set dresser FULL SIZE Pool Table wAccess $300 671-4398 cel cond 523U 24b-l Jfau wfloral pillows like new sys 5450 (817)496-8161 ADMIRAL 20" Stereo TV stand $140 465-736d BUFFET C13 Clarinet lyr- CRIB CRADLE rocker car seat toys more 656-481 7 chest bed 5200 861-4700 bbUU tBl 431-UDb By Appt 42-0UU9 SEARS GAS dryer almost new (BUU) b3U -JUB LV Msg 5500 obo aft 6 465-5345 NORDI TRAC Pro wheart mon MICROSOFT OFFICE 97 Pro Full Version (Unopened registerable) $60 1-888-442-8864 (toll free) ENTERTAINMENT CENTER must sen si b3 9z 1-3313 38 CARAT diamond soli DRESSER mirror $75 Call Bob 921-9581 itor 5240 817-295-6317 EMERSON OPEN hole flute" BLK LAQUER Entertmnt Cntr wstand $50 293-4053 JENNY LIND crib wmattrs $75 817-858-9876 OAK Brunswick Like New Green Top $1 100 551-7880 MAGIC CHEF GE Dryer $195 5200(817)485-8153 taire Appraised $6500 Sell $2900 972-679-2215 Igt wood finish 2pc glass lights $500 318238 LRG SOLID Oak coffee table EZ GO Golf Cart ex cond $650 "(817) 732-9343 461-U2SU bb2-3B32 CLARINET Evette-Shaeffer buf 25" COLOR TV console exel cond $90 1817)274-5739 JENNY LIND Baby bed wmattress $75 732-0653 dark wood 585 282-91 NAVY PILLOW back sofa 25C SLOT machine $950obo eve 788-0915 Iv msg BEAUTIFUL V4CT marque en- cas ranee LAPTOP PENTIUM 100 MMX fax modem color 788HD 8M touch pad $950 214-314- tet wood S600 596-5411 nveseat 1 rS vrs nlri ni ICCM CI7C haH EZ GO Golf cart exc cond $1050 817-261-6794 568-9 1 1 2 or 588-4654 vm agement ring 51800 neg 67-7535 YTS-52 YAMAHA Tenor Sax al $500obo 465-2270 BOSE LIFESTYLE 25 ster sys $1750 still in box 516-9994 WHITE BABYCRAFT Babybed $100 (817) 788-9460 $50447-9086 RED WHITE blue 25C slot machine $1800 860-0671 pgr ya-op tain most new 51200581-2010 16' UPRIGHT Amana freezer $50 921-2478 62CT RD cut diamond $500 QUAL OLDER 8 pc full bdrm LISA FERNANDEZ TPS Softball bat 30x20 $75 561-2571 AMin OCR MIVAV FABRICS 50 yards $75 834-8955 FISHER COMPONENT stereo systm $100 817-329-2420 Obo 244-9084 5bU-4419 JENNY LIND crib brown $45 obo (817)246-7584 33 HD 64 mg mem 56k $05 SLOT machine wstand $550 281-4734 PICCOLO $100 (817)485-8153 s-iouu Navy irnr iiv 5iauu Great buys 560-0035 HERITAGE SERIES gas range Flpx 699 w1 7' mon ADAMS TIGHT Lies 3 Graph $130 (817)443-0338 FOSGATE 250M Orion 250SX 3 Marquis ring pd $800 Take $200 neg 247-1564 PUB TABLE 2 chairs like new $175 267 4775 $975 2 QUEEN Anne chairs hand MOM LOOKING for Sit Stand stroller 249-4468 81 -JO-3o Duuvvriacr( ruuL ngm ALTO SAX wcase $450 297- 2514 or 878-8048 Amps seiitraoe 834-5238 gtoven iuu yi-330 MAYTAG WASHERDRYER (gas) $150 488-5425 37x17" $175 465-1826 MENS DIAMOND studded wed- woven 53000 orig Asking $800 for both 561-0907 F583 Bikes Toys DBL MATT box springs like new $45 498-8453 2 FOSGATE Punch 10's box $200 905-0887 AMD 300-2 3D 32XCD 72 HD 64 mg mem 56K Flex $999 w1 7' mon UNUSED CHILDS 3pc desk for 2 $150483-8142 dmgband 5230 419-915 6' POOL table gd cond incls access $650 329-2444 CLARINET BUFFET R13 like new $1500 485-0720 STANLEY 7 piece oak queen MEN'S 21 SPD Bianchi Road KENMORE DISHWASHER 788-0590 SOFA W2 Irg swivel Wicker 4K JESUS on cross wdia $150 arm suite contemporary 51299 81 -J0-J23 NlrnN ByD 5n 535 Tx ENTERTAINMENT CENTER $75 (817) 370-8340 2 JERRY Adjust Height High-chairs $30 ea 478389 OMNICORD $200 brand new 498-9239 Bicycle 5395 641-2bb9 or 517-7662 cnairs 51 ou 000 3u-bbo ike new S925 267-1759 GATEWAY 2000 4dX 2-66V light 123 624-8333 21CF REFRIGERATOR $250 (817)514-8055 SILVER AMETHYST Pendant KING FIFO dresser A rhest LIKE NEW wood baby bed 4866616 Intel inside SV- FOOTBALL PINBALL machine 3 CLARINETS $225ea Core 19" COLOR TV remote Perf cond $85 246-0882 tarring Set 525 428-5 Drawers all 525U 049-334 SOFA loveseat good condition 817-626-1827 acces 515U 496-8542 RALEIGH ALUM road bike STI Schwinn 3 wheeler exc cond $240 ea 370-6113 23 CU upright freezer works needs work $225 2941850 net :3 (Bl 2-b2u rom etc $250 457-5718 CLUSTER WED ring 19 dia- 5PC DINETTE set wglass good 513U 181 424-51 FULL SIZE STUDFNT VIOl A monds 5200 obo 2B1-6770 2 LITTLE TYKES bl roadster 731-3618 top S200 (817)926-0241 PINBALL MACHINE for sale $250 834-5258 F573 WRITER NEEDS work table in WCASE $250 419-9815 486 DX4-100 2 Gig HD CD Rom sound card spkrs Mo Home Video Equipment NUGGET RING $100 OBO ronri (an he antinue 1940'S EARLY Amer 60c BOYS 20 BMX bike $35 girls 20" $3250 girls all nice 972-642-0530 PINK CANOPY toddler bed all WHT MAYTAG Washer Dry- er $250 834-2209 WASHER dryer hd $300 Win ASPEN HOME pinball game 1 -281-6U after bpm 11 haul it away 447-2295 brm set $250 922-8370 BARI SAX Couf low Bb best after excellent81 7-488-3283 acces b30P0 BbU-U28 dem 14 bvuA monr 95 $395 817-792-3367 BrunswiCK 3u-134b CUSTOM BUILT Pro Video Edit TWIN BED solid cherry COMPLETE SIMMONS bed 2 twin size comforters sets floral $75 236-7438 F591 Apparel Queen Ann 4 post mattress ing console shaped Cost GERMAN VIOLIN bow case $250 (817) 572-0993 MOVE RE-COVER sell pool tables 431-8865 RC10 TEAM car weverythins $350 obo (817) 263-720 or pgr 617-9298 room S1600 obo 424-3303 Tblchairs 81 7-514-039 CAMPING FRIDGE $40 453-1087 quilt sneets 5323 opb-osuo TOOTI TOOTI TOOT! PC'S Printers Monitors $25 ea Many to choose from 926 9995 M-F 1 0 to 4 CROSS FOX coat lenRth 35 JENNY LYNN Crib wmatt a3K Selling 32K 4-4133 8MM MOVIE camera Proje ctor etc $100 obo 428-5877 QU SZ Bedrm set $600 Ma- SOFA loveseat floral wrust bkground $225 284-0304 HAND CRAFTED wooden BAND INSTRUMENTS guaran-teed $1 428665 SONY PLAYSTATION lot of xtras 284-0533 chng table 585 788-2694 i33uu Koyai orown rancn mink coat length 48 $2500 WASHER DRYER GE Hvy Duty BICYCLE CHILD carrier used 2x $40 WTB saddle $10 817 788-0868 nogany iv Armoire 5-1 ouu 1817)346-0347 work fine $200 354- WAVERLY PRINT designer 817-498-3056 stand 555 (817) 540-5864 TROMBONE WCASE $150 (817)624-8335- bouncer $40 45J8253 GAMES N64 Hockey soccer blastcorps $70 572-5520 good NEW CL Marcus sofa LS SUMMER NEW name brand GE WASHER Runs $100 561-4119 F582 Sporting Exercise Equipment CHERRYWD MILLION 4pc OAK ENTERTAINMENT Cen-ter $145 817-685-6036 chair otto S1600 817-26- 19" GT Force bike Shimano shifters brakes New $850 take $600 obo 483-5643 missesplus sz clothing (817)460-0646 IBANEZ ELECTRIC Guitar RX1 70 $230 obo 446-8433 FS GE Camcorder S200 all accessories 817249-4576 bed set 525U 838-561 955 92-280-522 NORGE WASHER $75 obo 2YR OLD Packard Bell Computer wWin '95 Cannon printer $736 817-641-2194 266 COMPUTER 32RAM 41GB printer monitor Win 98 5600 361-8219 FOR SALE IBM computer wprinter $500 Call (81 7) 490-0026 WHIRLPOOL LG Fridge top 84 -920 GERRY VIBRATING infant carri- BOY'S SCHL uniforms 5 shrts LITTLE TIKES TimbertoD Tree- CLARINET YAMAHA 1 yr old treezer 5175 496-141 1 PANASONIC VHS camcorder 447-8550 er 525 453-8253 QUASAR MICROWAVE like cond 5300 457-8199 5 blue pnts w30 130 3 pants w32 L32S50 834-5222 70 OFF oris -all like new Qn sip sofa $450 FAB oriental rug $500 214-954-4209 GREEN FABRIC slpr sofa tall house Climber $200 Play Slide $15 481-8398 CUSTOM FIT copies of '98 Bertha X-12 Cobra Lynx Ping DCI 855 Mizuno 3-PW $160up Titanium woods 5125 281-9053 new white $80 337-0099 GRACO DOUBLE FORM OAK din tble 8 chrs 2 Ifs padsSlOOO 488-5146 BACH STRAD silver trumpett STROLLER 276-8809 525 LONG WHITE fur coat 1 short GE POTSCRUBBER dishwash- exc end B3U 483-U33 F574 4X12 HO train layout wlots blk entertainment cntr met- Sateilite Sales Service pastel minx 4-291 1 er almond 595 5Bi-b5 obo 2 Strollers or access yo-ojoi TEAL CAMELBACK Couch exc cond $250 577-8003 DOWNj guaranteed approv- 1995 CLUB Car with trailer al desk W2drwS 2b3-5503 NICE OLD violin good cond $1200 267-6431 523 53U ObO 244-6455 BOOTS shoes 1 1A like new CANON MTN Med frame Cad at new rem 11 imernei reayy to von loaoeo line new GE RANGE elec free standing $95 581-6775 BASSETT ANTQ White French 70 sftwar a titles 763-9303 535 up 232-933 JUDI'S JUNGLE bedding wall 3 xtrSlOUO tirm B4-9398 mo wrnty remaining (817) BLACK METAL full bottom twin top $125 obo 491-3311 NICE STUDENT violin fullsize case bow $150 275-2079 access S24U 431-31 3b 25 PRS shoes name brands HI -ttOJO 33UUU rrovenciai tsarm Deaamg at Linens $300 571-9866 WASHER DRYERREFRIG ROCKING SPRING Horse jjaid DISH NETWORK 18" Satellite Syst installed 2 receivers $148 or 1 receiver Only $99 DELL 266MMX 64mb EDO 21" SVGA 45 Gig 56k FM CHERRYWOOD HUTCH $175 sz 8' 55-1 Opr 24-9689 I- 23-4218 WILSON STAFFED ultra irons S80 530 cash 379-5977 JENY LIND maple bedmatt LARGE CHERRY Hutch 51 3 838-3 YAMAHA ALTO sax YAS23 black $800 232-0649 loaded $1400 300-5501 armiore S223obo 249-44 call Metro 32-bub WEDDING DRESS wveil HOOO TRAINS all kinds mint S4-S250 ea 656-3394 l-sw woag 33 Hogan leather Staff bag $50 446-0319 or 276-51 11 Slip 525U 62U-B322 BASSETT WHITE crib like new SATFLI ITF dish installa IMPORTED CHINA new Ser-vicefor8 $200 560-1418 SCHOOL BAND Instruments Music Teacher 640-9620 LIQUIDATING 15 computers complete systems (817) 732-0916 5250 vm 451-0594 tion 90 days warranty $75 DESIGNER WEDDING Gwn Sz Accessories formal sofalove 3 tws BIKES: BOYS 18in $25 Girls 18in $25 737-4169 3head pieceS800 831-1957 BREAST PUMP: Medela dble PLAY IT AGAIN SPORTS Buv sell trade consicn DIN ROOM table solid wood 268-7076 most cases (81) 2b-9380 or 800-603-1605 GLAESEL FULL size violin case $250 492-8008 518UU Cherry taoie 8 enrs china $1900 563-0063 YR OLD LR Fum tf Havertys 2 complete 5165 560-4046 CHILDREN'S CLOTHES ac PENTIUM 16625GB-HD with monitor zip dr and Epson New used Sports Fitness RC BOAT $125 496-5752 SlBrSotBS recftner chair DISH NETWORK 30O0 Only Cess 525-53 838-0281 ANTIQUE SOFA Duncan Phyfe $500 624-7646 1 -buu-play-i 1-1 LIKE NEW cherry dresser oilman roff tbl as set printer Best offer 453-9149 SPEAKER REPAIR Sales Service 334-07 1 3 F564 L-au: oi r-4r-0433 Get Wired Satellite WEDDING DRESS very wmir K5 4 post bed wcomt COBRA OS Tour Granh 3-P Home Furnishings Wanted INT'L TRAVEL Barbie $60 MIB hard to find 831-4011 2 CLR MM Ntbks 486-100 1 S1995 or separate Oak £rv trtnrn Crrtrbookcsestand Set S123U0D0 41 -U244 gant 53 INFORMAL DINING table chairs $450 847-9144 Taylor Woods putter tour bag all $475447-9276 SATELLITE DISH SERVICE Sales Installation Reoair UU S493 P133 lb 695 540-9646 SKI JACKET overalls ladies 1 -M46-394 F595 Pianos fc Organs 3 PC Sect'l RustMed Oak w4?" Matrhino Tbl A 4' SEARS 3 wheel bike $125 244 3203 CASH FOR housefull of furni 2 WOODEN desks 2 secretary smgirlS lg 533 923-1233 81 7-558-2935 Pgr 828-2420 IAYLORMADE TOUR Irons YOU CAN OWN ture estates 831-6116 chairs an S23U b49-334 Stools $450 817-430-0016 FLATTERING WEDDING dress I INSTALL 4 Sell All Brands 27" 10SPD World Schwinn 486-16 MEG 540hd 144m VGA monitorxtra parts to bid 3 more $300 284-9353 raphic shafts 2wks old pd ilQOO take $750 536-5457 DIN TBL WHITE METAL bunk bed SZ1B 513U 483 233b Save Call 8 1 7-654-4686 575(817) 285-7815 Iss top blk base chr very nice F565 Carpets Rugs imattress smu GRAND OPENING lACT-iniM-! norrcc ic PING ZING II Red Dot 3-SW satm tin sfgrvexc A BRAND NEW UPRIGHT PIANO FOR S49DN S49M0 BRAND NEW GRAND PIANO FOR S135DN S135MO STEINWAY HALL FT WORTH 589-0100 COMPLETE 8' Satellite Sys 1997 REDLINE BMX bike Clean $200 295-3774 MATT BOXSPRINGS headbrd CARPET FULL ROLLS Train $225 (81 6561 173 We buv transient damaged fur tem excondi43U 4b8-942b PENT 266 32meg ram 2gig hd 1 5in SVGA mon 32x CD color prntr $775548-741 1 535 Ping Staff bag 5130 firm 923-2092 BEVELED GLASS li Former Mill Rep has 1st Quali dresser 5250 465-5283 niture repair it and pass the thted curio Jak hutch cabinet 5625 WEDDING DRESS wVeil sz 3-4 $245 483-5718 savincs on to vou uur pric GIRLS boys lOspd bikes S15 817-790-6355 FULL SIZE bed new mattress Nordic Track walk fit pro like F576 5 25 817-431-6681 es are below wholesale this Amateur Communications 55 Chest 525 453-98bb ty carpet rrom 39y to 52195 sq yd values to $35 Install avail 817-513-3639 or metro 972 263-8597 P233 MMX 32megs SD ram 24x 32 gig HD mon warr $695377-8007 it a rota decorated store STRFFT HOCKFY Goalie near new compneart mon po $600 ask $300 545-7401 ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY Pine MUST SELL formal cherrywd F592 We have lots of great looks Helmet 788-9582 Sewing Machine Saies Service CALLOWAY WOODS Irons Discount For Immediate Sale! rectangular table approx 36x58 $325 5576367 qinmg tapie 13U q-obui including accessories an at ICOM 706 all mode HF Radio BACK TO School Clearance Kawai Yamaha Kimball Technics Rentalsdemos Used pianos Music Haltom City 834-1974 LITTLE TYKES Green Turtle Pool $15 Call 861-3888 166 MMX laptop 133- XGA 2gig 48M 512K L2- 3yr warr $1499 428-7654 BIG BOB'S CARPFT SAl call (811 41-4503 or pgr (817)213-8771 TWIN BEDS tower Antenna 51400 cash obo 817-596 0851 SOFA W3 recliners $250 370-9624 UNTO PGE'R Sewm'r'IWa Over 20000 yds unbelievable prices Give us a try I know you'll like us! It's hit or miss but if we have 'what you like we can save 6 mos old incl linens $1 25 LRG PLAY gym wslide plastic NORDIC TRACK Easy Ski SPECIAL FINANCING Zero DAYBED SPRINGAIR mattr thine tarty liftju ex ono 400 obo i 467-1 791 (81) 428-1 15 yd up used: yyc yd up Mon-Sat 817-7888447 easily assem so qBO-p like new S200 738-8059 525 call after (817) 560-0706 MOVING SALE new couches down Pentium II 300 MHZ Computer 972-329-3964 60 FT tower antennae rotor $750 Kenwood TS 520S $400(817)431-9885 HAM STATION TS-830 1 GIRLS Bike 1 Boys Bike 1 3 SO yards of good carpet you money Furniture Store 30MML SINGER mod 20U33 7387251 OAK 62" Entry Table w3 Sm Drwrs Exc $110 361-9456 550 each obo 561-4899 HEALTH RIDER wool seat cov ch? rs barstools pool turn exc quality 457-5456 days AMIGA 2000 gen mon video FOR THE best prices on Yama- ha piano keyboard inventory in Tarrant Col Preowned rands vertical pianos uke Wickman Piano Co 371 7 Camp Bowie 737-8500 paooing acoicngaro at son release $200 222-9576 NOUS! RIAL SEWING Mach (Heart of the Stockyards) AUTO BIKE rack by Graber sorrware uu er heart monitor 5240 237-7362 SB220 towerbeam more 460-7154 OAK KING size pier bdr set 595 Bl -SKKJ-3S4 SINGLE DBL bunk bed $100 futon matt $40 483-8390 S3000 31-33 tC main 624-4411 GOOD USED Carpet Pad 817 858-0992 TITLEIST DCI oversize golf l3UU boumwesiern living room set $700 581-1590 JSED INDUSTRIAL sewing ma- ROHN TOWER Can deliver In DELL 486 DX66 VGA 288 CHAIRS BRN velourchrome will sell for $55 '571-4379' chine 515UU nego95-bUS stall 817-447-1559 clubs-full set-like new 5830 day 377-2273 731-4201 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER TOP CASH FOR PIANOS 346-8830 Buy Sell The Piano Man glass tbls S193 431-9bbB ELEGANT ORIENTAL style Rug $95 obo 571-7969 ncyuuaiu iiiuusc W'95 etc $225 923-7515 SINGER FEATHERWGHT exc lav MTN BIKE extras perfect GLASS Rattan Table 4 Chrs 550 Fat blue cnair S4b cot-fee Table $20 534-8635 SCUBA UNIT complete sz cond S240 249-1284 coverage (817) 819-6242 cond S240 924 1358 MUST SELL moving Hand 1 3 1 SQ YDS of used carpet 486 66 wNew CD Sound 1 6 mh 33fi modem S250 Like New s223 292-U3 1 small have receipts war- some ivieaiterranean uinin paa cream sc'3U 483-loiy HEADSTORM SWING Set $50 PINnilSTRIAI Machines KING SIZE waveless waterbed USED PIANOS Spinets uprights grands $799 up 545-1103 GOLD SOFA Dlentv of oillows ranty j4U0 4b9-b9b3 Complete Sys 817-367-3725 set: seats with burtet F577 Photo Eoutornent (81 572-2645 $12Kobo For Both 923-0803 good cond 24U 4BB-U21 1998 CALLAWAY X-12 2-PW bookcase headboard $75 call aft 5 571-4225 14IN VGA monitors S2995 F56S hutch $1500 Like new regulation dooI table with ac Air Conditioners canon ae-i 70-210 35-105 SEGA GAMEGEAR wcase 8 GOOD SINGER sewing mach SOUTHWEST SOFA Chair Electonics 1701 White bw lw steei snatts buu (940) 240-1458 BEAUTIFUL KIMBALL console piano wbench excel cond $1200 817-47-0660 games siuu SOFA WQN sz hide-a-bed ran Heaters 28 aomm lenses in cbnt j3U 24-483 Settlement Rd 338-1878 good cond S25U 282-183 extras $1200 obo 551-6571 cess $800 Mounted Bull's head misc furniture Seller sacrifices Buyer hauls Call RALEIGH 14 spd road bike PRE-1950 BLK Singer Sewing GOLF CLUBS-FULL set Cobra SOFA EXC cond $325 Knsz NEW AC REDUCED 5150 wextras 468-U381 Mach sstirm ifi-nt stripeo eartn rone zuu (8171488-6301 ELEGANT BURLWOOD ar-mnirp- vanitv tahle hev- COMPAQ NEW 128MB 12GB DVD zip $1800 972-264-2285 mattsprings 3 2B2-bb4B metal wds irons graphite shafts $100 329-2420 81 -54B-BU18 NW AN 18-28 MM super wide zoom lens for Pentax mount 72mm 261 1779 6FT PACKARD Grand Piano $1200 obo Needs repair'1 817-558-4082 SUPER NINTENDO 13 DRESSMAKER SEWING Mach BTU PRICE LEASE 5000 $239 $30 6500 $319 $40 BLUE RECLINER $100 pine coffee tbl $40 472-5906 515U (81 292-13 S75 4 141 COMPLETE HOME gym du MUST SELL Like new Iron base glass top bkfst table TOSHIBA LAPTOP 486DX2 liouu b4y9 bfc-2 MEN'S TREK road bike like eled mirror $995 571-7969 KING WTRBED wmirrored hd- BUY-SELL-TRADE CALL817-261-8131 bOMhz 24mb 44UMB Color ll stacx weignts very nice i250 obo Aff 6p 656-2939 STUDIO MODEL Piano Walnut Finish Beautiful Tone Exc Cond $1000 561-9339 4 cnairs wiatcning oarer's rack class shelves 23500 $799 $100 new $250(817)577-3569 F594 Display 5250 96-6951 Bedrm set 5225 801-0515 Musical Instruments SAMS APPLIANCES Iron hasp olass too coffee '98 TOP Flite Left Hand Tour brd 8 drawers wctr stor-a(je $350 obo 514-9829 2 GIRLS bikes $45 and $65 BUY SELL TRADE 481-2215 IBM COMPAT 486 loads of 838-5555 284-6300 table 2 end tables (972) FUTON FRAME $75 Black loveseat $25 263 8604 381-2913 WURLITZER SPINET PIANO software printer comout- II Irons 510UO retail sell $750 473-6355 COUNTRY SOFA sleeper WINDOW UNIT 220 volt AC 701-9856 er cart $300 477-5451 GUITAR SHOW GADGET BAG (med) blk Ithr red int Mint $35 656-3394 Beautiful Maple Case Exc Cond $1200 obo 568-8703 Mir- NINTENDO 22 games Gen pwr pad SI 50 685-6 124 Amon Carter Hall Fort Worth IN LINE skates K2 Pwr Extr loveseat navybeige 3-4 yrs old $400 232-378 7 9 DRAWER Dresser w1 rorSlOO 817-37' MOVING SALFNever Used Fum Dinina Room Bakers 8340 uuu otu blbu liu window unit 5000 btu $100 (817) 563-2136 SAMICK 6FT lin Grand Piano y-3B rrom 10 9 pm 1996 wm 9 rarely used $200obo (817)276-3270 LADIES HYBRID 21-spd bike CANON AE-1 cond 5250 obo 5 PC queen bdrm set mat Aug ytn rn 4-8 SaT 10-6 Sun 10-5 Buy-Sell-Trade nnilRI RFD mart S40 0 on weexenos like new 5165 483-333 walnut excellent cond $6500 817-613-0155 Back Mtcbng End Tbls Iron 2is top Orlg $2200 Ask all Bdrm Set Wht dwr dresser $40 483-8390 ROLLER BLADES Quantum L2 tresses i3uu rving mar-tress set $300 222-1011 NEW COMPUTERS: Pentiums 26" MURRAY Mtn Bike gdcond BACH STRAT Coronet exc (NEW) GOODMAN 4 ton ac package units 69000 BTU gas heat 208- 230 1 ph 5939 Mark (940) 648-3893 F579 Office Equipment PIANO FOR SALE Story 5 PC bdrm set $250 469-8062 sz never useo siou 817-265-7771 lbspd 580 obo 3bB-Blb2 200 MNX Pentium Pll Call for into 424-9702 1 ANTIQUE 3 oc bdrm Clark Console Very good cond $900 441-7836 cond wcase 2 mouthpieces mute $900 Call Mon-Fri after 5 (81 7) 540-2246 LIL TYKES workshop $40 or THE ORIGINAL Nordic Track set neeos rennisning obo 483-5954 4PC twin sz brm suite 1st LIKE NEW ATL MAC 5 80 OVER 400 aggressively priced ready to install 6x8 stations of Herman Miller KING SZ sleigh bedroom set desk 515 441-8361 Pro 5300 (817) 52-14b9 515 44B-838 retail S4500 Sell 5233U cu Myie writer 11 Mits 14 mont 5600 (817) 283-8454 ETHAN ALLEN Solid Wood din WANT TO buy Ltl Tikes play- WINDOW ACS Buy Sell Repair All ACs Guaranteed 1 Year (817)246-2891 FREE PIANO FACTS BUY SELL TRADE 817-282-8497 2 WGHT benches womens size Hice bedroom set BROWN LEATHER Hickory ground or irgr oi-i 1 1 BARITONE HORN Bell front three valve wwood case 2 mouthpieces Good cond $400 817-274-6867 850 Formal dining table bike exer bike 439-33U3 ing table cnairs txc Shape $600 379-0124 LEASE PENTIUM II 300 MMX rasy mair 3 zj-iodo it rhina rahinet S2100 LIKE NEW Power Wheels winternet service EZ quail- KNABE CONSOLE 40" pecan PING EYE 2 Beryl l-sw ex- PaintinKs leather couch QN 1940'S bed 4 draw chest whir $75 (817)295-600 ty down (B 1 4B3-U84 traS S33 9U9-3333 NEW EVAP cooler $29995 up New ac window units $23995 up 831-3261 S2UUO0O 42B-392 nnisn exc cono 31DM3 (817) 329-0915 chair 4810954 CHRM FREESTYLE Bike matcntng vanuy uev-eled 249-0393 Great colors great condition Corner work surfaces overhead cabinets task lights tack boards A more All discounted to move at up to 75 off of list price Even this price is negotiable depending on the quantity RUSTY JONES COMPANY quality NEW and USED office furniture 817-481-6688 2 BLANKET chests S50ea di PACK BELL PENT COMPUT-ER CHEAP 817-801-1290 EZ GO golf cart good cond $600 47-4414 CLARINET BY Buffet prof model $895 Silver Bach cornet $500 Silver Bach strad trumpet $700 439-8704 DESIGNER SELLING never 5150 (817) 795-3699 tble chrs $100 447-9676 STOREHOUSE BRAND sofa WANTED OLD popular player piano rolls in good cond 249-1371 used sofa sleeper love seat-piad Si 000 white wash ta FISHER PRICE tournament ta COMPUTER TUTOR656-8530 ROLL TOP Desk 7 drawers BATTING CAGE NETS 14x1 2x 58-14x12x36 517-7889 It gray 520U matching Ivseat $100 obo 485-0854 ble 550 441-8361 Teach New Old Users 5250 429-0313 ble 6ch 5850 deep seated sofa chair1 taupe damask WE BUY PIANOS Music DRUMS 5PC Tama Paiste cymbals $700 Aft 6pm 817-421-9250 ADORABLE WOODEN Rocking 5 PC Qn bdrm St contempo TWIN BED frame Wht Iron 486 FULLY loaded $275 1817)377-8007 MUST SELL Wolff Tanning Bed 817-905-2166 419-U333 345-1 103 norse ai 3 aj-ouai pm print pictures WGold trim 5125 685 8806 rary dik maroie nnisn good cond $250 361-0132 lamps and misc 448-8 WINTER SPINET Piano Cher-" CHIRO OFF Closing: 1 Mc-Manus adjusting tbl 1 exam 233MMX W15- 64Ram Win 3 96 HE 5000 temp star A-coil 3l6 ton 94 holds 400 PSI $700 obo 860-6353 COLEMAN AC 4T 80000btu heat 3yrs good for busmbl home $800 obo 268-2084 ALMOST NEW Fedders AC 12000 BTU 550sf window unit 2 50 972-3 36-9995 FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 excel cond window water coolers i367 6391 FISHER PRICE folding house $35 447-9676: USED GOLF cart $400 220-2234 ry 5550 (817) 346-2454 ALTO SAX YAS-52 w2 Cases Accessories Like New Exc Cond $750 860-3527 8' DINETTE set 10 $350 926-2715 98 5625neg Pgr 818-3305 6 PIECES oak furniture (2 cof stool rcpt enrs sturay ut-fice chrs: 1 14x36 view box: HAMMOND B3 Organ $5000 MONG GOOSE BMS Bike WILL TRADE Pentium for mo- BIGGEST DI flrkf CWTCDTAIMMCWT Cr KING HEADBOARD quality Bernhardt pier style storage Light lacquer color oriental design 2 armoires light hririup dimmer mirror Bertha like new 360 2dl-7083 1B1 33 3368 5100(811 534-0360 torcycle (817)868-1895 grt cond $100 460-6929' graphite YAMAHA ALTO SAX Excel cond $475 457-1918 LOWREY G-150 Like New Ex- fee 2 end 2 bunching 817-329 2420 JVC ENTERTAINMENT Ctnr wali components $2500 if obo 577-37 56 HUFFY 12SPD hnvs 01 Assorted exam tools 1 Electro Acuscope needs batt $895 1 Myopulse $995 All good cond 284-2678 PI 66 MMX 32mb 20gb MUST SEE formal dining table MARCY APEX work out mach like new $460 540-1495 matched pr $100 534-0360 S400O new sell $1500 788-9p25j warr 30 ii-joiq ex cond S500 465-2816 obo (8-1 8B-915.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.