A A A 4 4 4 4 I a 1 1 1 1 1 1. ROOMS TO LET. ROOMS TO LET- Continued. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FIFTH Market- et-Sunny suits; single; HOUS transient.
CORNER INDELL HOUSE -LARGEST LODUING (ALMONTE house in this city: 475 single rooms, 15 $250. energetic in profitabie OPPORTUNITY FEW GOOD RESPONSI- centa per night: 50 elegantly furnished front business this requires the as istance of cash A bie parties can nice sunny furnlahed rooms, 81 20 per week. Howard sta. active working partner; no night or Sunday 501 -ELE work, business: but the must best of devote re nine erence hours and ench trial day 7 MASON, NEAR MARKET HOUSE cantly rooms rad suits from $15 Apply tO W. F.
HEALY, 702 Market street. given: keeping rooms, to. 085: easy walk from the 00R. fine principal view hotels; the one block com street cars; $300. CIGAR STORE LOCATED ON 8 sanny MASON, rooms; also rooms for business good of neighborhood: city and gentlemen bay: healthy preferred; location; ref: stock and street: good erences required, to J.
W. DONNELLY 00., a 34 LeArnS BE Apply fixtures: going at bargain: 11 KEARNY visiting the (RASSETTE city will find HOUSE) band- DEVERE HOUSE- -FOURTH AND MIScomely furnished rooms at reasonable rates. sion Transient: quiet rooms. $350. CHANCE carriage shop: PIRST 12 month.
TRANSIENT, DAY, WEEK rell street. Inquire $18 BATH Ellis. ON O'FAR- tian. PACIFIO AGENCY, room 11, Odd THREE ROOMS AND tuals and stock complete; low rent; locaFellows' bail ring. 19 suits and 1122 single; charges moderate; -SUNNY tran- THREE or NICE without SUNNY board; central TO location; LET, $400.
RE OPPORTUNIT sent solicited. modern improvements; furniture new; home able ner wanted) in an establisbed profitcomforts. Address A box 22, this office. bustness receiving orders from city and 20 MINT roots; HOUSE FURNISHED HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BE age; chantry; sure to clearing nestly $250 double a in month a short 00 s0 time: aver- no tween Sixth and Seventh-Just opened: previous experience required; no night work: 25 FELL rooms for FURNISHED housekeeping, OR UNFUR- to week, everything e1 to new; open all night, night: 35c to families. $1: per a the number owner of la a years' plain, practical.
experience; reliable man of desirable parties. cheap party will and this a good opening: an 30 acceptable days' SUNNY, NEWLY PUR BOARDING AND ROOMS. trial cetore you J. purchase if desired. Particu26 nished rooms housekee, lug.
lars Kearny through street. W. DONNELLY 84 264 onable KEARNY will dnd TOURISTS pleasant VISITING rooms 16 board, FURNISHED ROOMS $500. BOATING business AND at Long Bridge, FISHING foot ra: es. 26 FRONT SUIT Fourth 2 houses, 10 boats, sails, tools, TWELFTH FURNISHED SUNNY and single rooms: handsomely furnisbed; bargain.
HURNEY, 605 Clay street. 28 room. Call after 3 P. M. Erst-claas table: references.
WANTED FLOOR: UNFUR 100 MALLISTER (RECORD HOUSE)- in this $500. PARTNER IN 30 nished rooms for FIRST business parposes. corner suits; single rooms: kept by month present owner 10 yeurs; clearing $250 board optional; references. per over all which will be 34. EDDY -NEWLY SUITS by a most thorough investigation; DO shown and single rooms; transients modated.
109 st. cable NESS -Single VE. NEAR with MARKET- excellent night learned: or owner Sunday work; duties light and easily board, 86 per week: private family. is about to extend is a the reliable, business responsible and requires man; room, complete for housekeeping. 211 Or AND BOARD FOR 22 the services of street.
a partner. Apply K. KENNY, 48 ROOMS, FURNISHED lady child Kearny 58 SOUTH housekeeping SUNNY single. ROOMS, FUR- WANTED AN 212 FRANKLIN board; A use of NEAT parlor; in SUNNY 6100 $500. energetic man with above amount: 108 suits; single.
LARGE SUNNY Vale family; $25 per month, pri- 1045 to Market $200 street. per month. A. ALBRECHT. 113 suits of 2 and folding beds: ROOMS bie; 303 dow reference.
EDDY rooms: PINE first-class CORNER board; BAY- reason- WIN- $500. FOR stock SALE tools: Dwight BLACKSMITH Way stoves; $18 and upward. SWABEY station, Berkeley; selling on account ill health, 114 with EDDY use -SUNNY kitchen. ALCOVE SUIT, 308 home: LEAVENWORTH- sunny rooms; all con PLEASANT eniences; Apply McINTOSH, BUSINESS Berkeley. to JOHN 122 HAS CHANGED single: superior board; terms moderate.
HOTEL TO 8000 Inhabitants: suits, $1200. IN elegantly furnished rooms for 311 SUNNY FURNISHED cluded; a dead bargain, the place; HORNEY. borses and 606 bos leading hotel in gentlemen or family. MRS. L.
A. TAYLOR board: references. Clay 138 MALLISTER, floor, OPP. furntshed NEW for house CITY 320 GOLDEN furnished GATE sunny AVE- re room; HANDSOME board. private; clearing A route $200 FINE for sale: 18 OPENING: caps trade; MILK all keeping, for two; sonny, OF is delivered you per month; your milk 157 rooms, complete H- for THREE housekeeping.
SUNNY 424 Ing-room: board; NO, references private bath and dress- trouble 2 with wagons, cows; harness any day one and at can cans your run place; complete: this; no 3 ROOMS, to every FUR you Apply can K. bare KENNY, 30 22 days' Kearny trial before street. you buy. 195 HYPE ROOM piano I lessons. LET IN EX- 427 EDDY rooms with board.
206 EDDY nicely -SUNNY furnished; SINGLE gas, bath; ROOMS terms OR 510 board; also egant table sunny THE board: reterence. LONGWORTH) Arst-class ness; $1500. best stand in town; full doing good ESTAB bustSTORE, reasonable. given: will sell at invoice prices. GEORGE C.
YOUNG, Petaluma. Apply to 210 lors: reasonable. SUNNY SUIT OF PAR. 514 suites: board; FURNISHrooms. $2250.
One of the handsomest ATTENTION 217 EDDY (CHANGED roome: rent HANDS)-NEW- reasonable. 517 MASON-SUNNY ROOMS, WITH day suloons for sale in this city; 25 MRS. HAIGHT. years; prominent doing trane $25 day; is one of the most 221 MASON bay-window and NICELY other rooms. FURNISHED 522 YARN NESS, COR.
GOLDEN GATE- busines men; commercial ciearing sa 8200 a month: patronized cheap by suits; board. rent, with 4 roots; cluvroom, klichen; bot 231 week BUSH or month. MAJOR ROOMS COON. BY DAY. Prop.
591 ELLIS ROOMS. WITH BOARD: lunch; STEWART. full 652 stock: Market must be street. sold. GEORGE French family; references.
236 TAYLOR gentlemen preferred; FRONT also sunny PAR- 607 ELLI8 ALCOVE ROOM, WITH $4000. HOTEL FOR city, SALE -50 railroad; MILES 26 double rooms. board, for two, $65. rooms; faN all the me; clears 8200 per ADJOINING RUSS HOUSE 613 ROOMS WITH OR WITH- bar: month, bar 50 which you guaranteed can double boarders, by keeping 314 A quiet, clean house, with sunny rooms, board; references. transient trade with a good by the day.
week or month. MRS ELMER STOCKTON, CORNER CALI. 4 years; will as always well: be kept by present owner 321 BUTTER NICELY FURNISHED suits family boarding bouse; you outhouses nay for the above amount the hotel, barn, 615 OF increasing: in this case room to let. and single rooms; first class and moderate. and line lot, 50x100; best reasons AVENUE for selling.
Apply to KENNY, 22 Kearny. 321 somely GOLDEN furnished GATE sunny parlors; HAND rea- 640 dow suits, with good board, from $50 WIN- to $1000 INTEREST THE sonaule. per month: single. $25. business on the coast: ex866 best SUTTER-HANDSOME L.
per accensary: write for 80 inter view. H. 333 rooms, TURK furnished FLAT for THREE housekeeping. SUNNY 730 tront room; first-class FURNISH'D board; box 3, this office. 334 ReNT furnished front AND rooms; ONE sun 743 $25 PINE LO 830 ROOMS, Dionth.
WITH BOARD, $20. ondition and trade Can growing; business party in has ether reterence. $15.000. SPLENDID BUSINESS day. per business on band.
Ad. F. 8., box 89, this oflice. 336 furnished parlors. HAND.
813 nisbed rooms, HANDSOMELY A PHYSICIAN city can DESIRING secure TO a fine START GATE 905 HANDSOME ROOMS: ing by addressing PRACTICE, box 5, this open336 nicely. furnished AVE sunny rooms FLAT for very superior references. office. bousekeepi.g; references. 912 ANDSINGLE ROOMS; A FIRST-CLASS HAND IN FINE BONPOOS bons, with all the tools necessary to man411 rent, $16; FLAT uufurnished.
OF FOUR ROOMS: AVE capital facture, open wishes store. lady or Address gentleman with small 922 furnished sunny parlors; front -HANDSOMELY this ottice. box 92, 421 newly WELL furnished parlor ELEGANTLY suit. AND and other suits; superior duard; references. alcove NOUNTRY STORE ARD WAREHOUSE NEAR SIXTH 1000 VAN NESS AVE business for sale, doing a good business: 478 5 sandy rooms, secon1 door: -TO $12.
LET sunny rooms, with buard. NIA LAND jutred about ASSOCIATION, CALIFOR 634 Market st. 502 pisi.el rooms from 83 to $8. FUR. with 1148 ursi-class oughly renovated; WEST caule large END sunny THOR- rooms, 400 white RANCH FOR ABOUT beard; road.
Peking ducks, 150 chickens, 2 502 en NEWLY suite or single. FURNISHED 1206 OPPOSITE SIXTH, tons rent. teed, 1884 house, Short 5 street, rooms; West Oakland. farnisued: low Rooms, with board, 508 nisbed 100ms THREE for To OR housekeeping. FOUR FUR- 85, 87 and 88 per week: 825 to 8.30 per month.
RUG country, STORE R. WANTED- 627 Geary. OR 1250 CALIFORNIA relereuces. HANDSOME LOR -THE BUSINESS AND OUT521 one 810: one 88: gents only. SONNY 1408 fit comprises of Pacific will Table Buttter Company: O' 524 PINE FURNISHED ROOMS EN private natures, will 6 horses, 6 wagons, 6 seta barness VAN -SUNNY ROOMS; good of business, furniture, suite or 1516 CALIFORNIA LARGE, SUNNY ter ma to a be responsible sold cheap, and on reasonable 527 TURK THREE OR FOUR ROOMB, nished: board for two; room, reference handsomely.
required. far- inquire PAUL BRION, 225 Front bay window party. For further at. furnisbed hou-ekeeping. TAYLOR -TWO NICE SUNNY 1522 CALIFORNIA CLEAN, AIRY lays at Howard street No.
can be mace BALE ULENCOE, AB MAR roots to rent gentlemen. of board. ready Tor 8 a at Spall expense, Apply at 48 527 all con kood attendance. A COMFORTABLE HOME IN A PRI- street, JOHN ENDING. 542 TURK salt: LARGE AL- bouse! terms moderate: young man: references modern- fe to A DRUG STORE vote single room: furnisued.
quired. 1008 Mo Allister a rect. location. doing 10 a paying choice ROOMS, Apply LANGLEY MICH. 568 to WONT all sunny.
81 A ALCOVE, BAY- WINDOW, NUNNY FiLe, wholesale druggists, San Francisco. POOR also gle or without bouts. Batter street. BALE CANNIERA ROUTE ON 603 p*rn cheap: housekeeping. Los Angeles daily (morning) only MIRICAN EXUHANGE HOTEL, SAN.
carrier wanted. 605 foomA. BUNNY, FO D1, 01 street- and Table 01.50 first per class: day: board Week, and A spply ageles, to Cal. COMPANY, Los per 605 NICELY TURNINHED month: nice alagia roome, 60 Gents per per FOR HALK-4 GOOD MI Lu table board, per of 800 Ant of 8 or 4 DOL ADA 0 1d (Fee to from hotel. night: olk NEP.
well supplied and fir trade. 160 ever gibing convenient for eL ELL, ON PROM for oDe or two IN laciest A best FRENCH oppor ALP ACRE LOT. CONTAINING GOOD minutes from Kearny street for learning the language: good trade and barn and blacksmith 02500 chop gas, butt, etc, terma usederate. Taut re 6 Post LOUTS ONE generally, located in per the live per newly furnisbed; DOUBLE PARLOR apply Verpdale, to For particulars housekeeping I.D, BUNNY street, POOR NEWLY PURNINHED and Contral, Ad. C.
Dos 75, most this oltice. MADLY AR -VOR AN EATA 4 parlors: good bourd: luestion suits or single; transient growin, caplial business in A rapidly and single room. NUIT FURNISHED red peuple or every comfort: shaude for a live man. Apply NEW ROOM FUR sown; require with or without board, Address bux 40, DON, Front HOPKINS corner Market and HANDHOMK BUNNY this office, streets, also double and slugle roomia, LARVEY HOUSE, 807 CALIFORNIA- PAPER AGENCY AND STATION. MILT Elegant suita of .0 alto single rouma: ery st.
sale; situated in postoffice in urst clay table: terms mo erate: tuis house is large country town; two rue tram San FURNISHED very sultable for familles is located in the all cisco; Joral finest climate in the state: agency Pre apartments to let; private family. heal hint part ur the city is wear t3e elegan. or subscription and san Francisco papers: large hob hill real repoen and aifords a grand view list of periodicals and weekly ol the city and bay. papers; horses, cart, stock, fixtures, DO TEMPERANCE $150 previous per exper month ence necessary: page present AND 710 CALIFORNIA SINGLE MONTH and HO dress net; price 63000 cash. Adrooms iron 80 also handtome 227 229 Second street- Board and box 1, this en suite, rooms up; office, per meals, duy, 25c.
75a to 81; per week, $4 to single rooma per nigut, 25c. and hotels to THE BEST-PAYING COUNTRY -NICE, SUNNY. FURNISHED Tree conch to and fruna the hotel. Santa Clara county for sale: will parlor suite, separate. pay LAND for Itself inside of 1 year.
CALIFORNIA DRIVATE FAMILY WOULD RENT ASSOCIATION, 634 Market atzeet. HOWARD, NEAR THIRD 200 two connecting frout rooms with board to guod rooms at low rates; gas and water le nan and wHe, or two gentlemen: cable POULTRY this RANCH side FOR SALE ON MIS each room; reading-room and baths free: road; excellent table; references. Address 8. lot well sheltered; of Six-pulle House; large changed daily: hou open all night: DOX 18, this uttice, water, and house of 4 rooms, well of of foums per day. from 50 cents upward: stables everything requisite for week, from 81 50 upward.
JUNNY ROOMS, ELEGANTLY raising wacon. poultry: stock on hand, together witn n.abed, with excellent board, in a private horses, can be bought reasonabie: POST T-PLEASANT board. ROOMS; view: faculty; cars desirable pass the door. neighborhood, Address with C. F.
mar.De 8., rent uf chance premises tor a only man $10 with a small month; this means is to 8 BUSH WINDOW 17, tuis vince. make a god living. Inquire at 1914 Howard SUNNY THE street in the morning or evening. uit; newly furnished. VENDOME-725 AND 727 PINE GEARY FURNISHED nitcent run on view: fine Europeardp.an; table: elevator.
sunny rooms; mag- sale- ESTATE tine office, OFFICE low FIXTURES FOR street rooms; terms moderate. THE" -SECOND flour: Bush street, above Montgomery; bet CORNER HYDE-LARGE Folsom-Sunny in the city for an active man; AND location double sunny furnished table corner suit and single thing complete to go to work. Apply every K. rooms; superior and service. KENNY, 12 Kearny street, and upward; night.
25 centa, 50 hotel, corner Market, Page and Frank- FAM- AND ROOMS $1 PER WEEK 'THE ORIEL -NEW FIRST-CLASS ESTAURANT 81; open ail night; roomers can have lin; all sunny bay windows; magniticent view WARD good HAAS, business; 17,8 cheap rent; must sell. use of kitchen and dining-rooms; suits of of bay and surrounding Fillmore street. cheap. and venulation bills: santary plumb.ng the very best; hydraulic BOARDING AND I LODGING GUERRERO fall elevator: ele parlors, billiard and cheap: 20 rooms; all 50 NINETEENTH, furnished smoking-rooms: delightful dining-hall; table boarders: large profits: good reason for sellNEAR table for housekeeping; rent 2: rooms, $16. com- supplied with the best the market affords; a ing.
605 Clay street, room 1. $14, 8. quiet home rarely found, containing all modCALIFORNIA- ern dated. MRS. improvements: J.
must SANDFORD. be seen to be appre- RESTAURANT street AND COFFEE HOUSE Double parlor and Ringle rooms fur- $60 a bargain; receipts, WELL NEAR or not; sunny fine view; all new and de- 605 a day: rent, good reason for selding, able. PHYSICIANS. Clay street, room MISSION, FIFTH -LARGE RESTAURANT FOR SALE: SPLENDID dewly forni bed. A.
DR. HALL, 426 KEARNY STREET- long lease: doing a fine busiDiseases of women a specialty. nes must be sol on account of ill-nealta. POLK ONE UNFURNISHED AL Cail at 322 Davis street. cove room; also one other, A.
DR. APPY, 631 SUTTER-SUperfuous hair removed by electricity. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT IN MISSION two: rent SONNY $20. SUIT: SUIT- DR. BLANCO HAS OPENED HIS NEW city; established: doing A everything steady new; cash a business; bargain: well office Montgomery avenue, where ties desiring a business of this shoul1 pArkitchen, furnished ROOMS, for BATH AND 7 he to 8 will P.
give consultations from 2 to 4 and from look at this. Market. Inquire of HILLS TWING, housekeeping. M. Bay City pal UNFUR ME.
C. ANTONIA, M. CORRECT nished rooms: upper floor. diagnosta and successful treatment of all DENTISTS. MARKET -NEWLY FURNISHED chronic diseases and diseases of diseases; 81 50.
$2, 82 50, 83 per week. women a specialty. 10 0 Farrell street. A SET OF TEETH FOR FILLDR. HAGENOW.
19 TWELFTH PERRY ings BLOAT, lowest 541 prices; work Warranted FLAT FOR HOUSE street hospital and Market, opp. Baldwin. ca cheap; bath; fine view. foun lings' home and many best years medical care: womb standing; diseases pleasant A LEEK. the HIS discoverer of DR.
G. den- W. home: iu high SUCCESS, for housekeeping: also single ROOMS rooms. specialty, and a sure specific for monthly tistry, la still using irregularities: those his unrivaled method and three diplomas at her office. and does al use two deadly poisons, cocaine FURNISHED TO PHYSICIANS A RARE CHANCE chlo1 by teeth.
urate, SAN for alleviating FRANCISCO pain while ply sunny rooms; housekeeping. TAL extracting DENfor a live man. For sale, the largest sud UFFICE, 230 Kearny street. (THE DANBRIDGE)- best paying office practice and private disfurnished rooms, suit- pensary on the Pacific coast: business well ad- DENTAL ASSOCIATION, No.823 for families and gentlemen; transient. vertised; correspondence solicited Address street, above Fourth SPRPINE SUIT OF NEWLY FUR- street.
Portland, Or thetic in use for only the safe painless and reliable anceDR. 134 Third CIALISTS: the nished sunny rooms; also 3 unfur- teeth; SIMPLE, HARMLESS, extraction of rooms, with alcove and batt. MEDICAL. and SUBE; artificial teeth PLEASANT EIGHTH- Ailing from 81: extracting 50 cents, and with sei; 00, from $7 ver lore MARKET CORNER OF rooms A NEW Vice PROCESS DISCOVERED BY DR. gas, $1.
housekeeping. monthly periods of Eerin and any for other Irregularities conditions. and COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. Saits single CORNER housekeeping. can be used at home peed and be sent; taken; it a is help Inpossible for ail; 803 Market): teeth GAS SPECIALISTS; po itively city no medicine building, parlors 7, 8, 10 (entrance to tail in safe to use.
General extract without pain: ONLY OFFICE SUNNY FUR DR. POPPER, any case; 1 127 Montgomery street. Agent, that makes established and gives in the celebrated Colton nished rooms in private family, 1863: over 25,000 referM ME. CHAPEL'S tistry. ences: aiso DIS.
performs CHARLEN all W. operations DECKER in denPEN furnished NEAR parlors HYDE and TWO A tarities French of monthly Female Pills: periods valuable from in irregu- in housekeeping in a private residence and price, in delicate health colda, and other DR. DOL 805 HOWARD OLD neighborhood: other rooms for conditions ladies should them: and superior work: teeth, $3 a set. huusekeeping; one block from cable cars. DA 428 use street.
never fails. CORNER M. HOFFMAN, 1422 FOL- Kearny street. VIES, Kearoy DENTIST, REMOVED 7A TOOIDS: SUNNY, bay-windows: gas ant bath: use of piano; private som street-Lying-in hospital and found- C. B.
WILSON, DENTIST, 925 MARrent low. lings' home; ladies whit hare the best of accom- ket street, opposite Mason, San Francisco. modation and treatment; she has a sure spoPINE furnished CORNER OF POLK-ELE room: 44 cite years' for female experience. irregalaritles; terms moderate; F. 906 BLISS, Market DENTIST, Baldwin ROOMS Hotel 7 AND block.
8, family. M' DR. STRASSMAN, 916 POST H. MASSIE, DENTIST, 114 GEABY Sells specific: sure and sale remedies for street. NEAR LARKIN- female irregularities of housekeeping; also single furnished rooms suit for light matter from what cause fails in any case.
SEVEN DOLLAR A SET FOR TEETH. monthly periods, no F. warranted as good can be -made: teeth plied REIN, BET. SACRAMENTO S. for abandoned Children, 1065 Mission HOME fillings, DE.
SEMMS, Dentist, 826 Market. ten FEMALE HOSPITAL AND 81. and streets newly fur- for female diseases. front room; bath and gast ref- lying-in women and has ILLIAM returned B. and ALL located at 228 DENTIST.
sunny exchanged. Post st. FURNITURE FOR SALE FIVE NEATLY FUR- SUMMER nished rooms for housekeeping. LL PRICES MARKED IN PLAIN FIG- a RESORTS. ONE OR TWO FUR ores; as on installment you can furnish your A AMEDA ROOMS, BOARD.
LARGE rare nisted rooms in private family, with house furniture cheap as for cast, of at the extensive corner rounds; milk, cream. Everett street, gas and grate. 00.. 18, 20 and a.d carpet 22 Ellis house street. W.
J. HENEY Eagle avenue; broad gauge; Park street. MASON, NEAR TWO OR BUY PARLOR AND CHAMBER FURNI- TOTEL DE REDWOOD, SANTA CRUZ three nicely furnished sunny rooms; on installments: terms 324 M. S. mountains: COx, fine climate: beantifal seenfor housekeeping: rent cheap.
ture easy, BROTHERS. Hayes ery. Laurel P. 0., Santa Cruz co. street, near Gough.
POST ROOM Address FOR B. GENTLEMAN box 30, this OR band COUNTRY turniture BUYERS or carpets WISHING at reduced SECOND- prices from DIEDMONT prietor-Park Oakland; and dinners HOTEL, mineral J. D. springs: 8 PRO- miles A. A call at 110 Fourth street: satisfaction guaran all and lunches served at teed or money refunded: goods shipped free.
netting hours; at horse Washington cars' direct street, to cornet the hotel, Setenth conFLAT- OF THREE NICELY FURnisted 123 rooms for street. housekeeping, with yard. CARPETS AND FURNITURE NEW" Oakland: telephone with and Eddy and "good as ear terms; one price. special accommodations for private parties. LUNDY, 829 and 889.
Market street. front suite: newly and MARKET elegantly furnished: SUNNY INSTALLMENT PLAN- CARPETS, DRICE REDUCED THE WERKLI for offices and families: single rooms. niture, wood mantels, pulpits, on PUB- easy postpaid, CHRONICLE one will for be sent to any terms. STERLING FURNITURE COM- year, $1 50, Single copies cial accommodations HOUSE, 781 MISSION-SPE PANY (Gilbert Moore), 18 and 20 Sutter st. for familles and anita and single rooms TOSECURETHE ADVANTAGES OF BED- cumme*r mountains HOME -Telephone FARM, SANTA CRUZ 50 centa to 81 50 per night: Mission and rock prices in household furniture, carpets rated line to city: street cars pass the house.
stoves and desks, for cash or on easy install- landings. circular B. C. see photographs at feery ments, no to T. H.
NELSON. 132-186 Fourth. BROWN, Glen wood, A PRIVATE FAMILY A NICELY furnisbed front room with alcove and bath THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE ONLY ROOM BE exchanged, 441 Goiden Sold 81 by 50 all per news dealers angle copies 5 cents cent bay view, 7 minutes from wind: the reference ect; sunny; sheltered from dress ALPHA, Saucelito. CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, HOUSES TO LET. $14.
of rooms separate UPPER entrances: FLATS patent 1 yard 715 to avenge, between Twentieth and Twentyfirst streets. 14 and STOCKTON Block ton sta- PLACE, Nice lat BET. ze brick DUPONT house; 9. rooms; patent bathrooms: tent. 845.
Apply to GEORUE WALLENROD, box office of ine Alcasar Theater $15. NICE COTTAGE FIVE Nineteenth ROOMS, street, bear Howard $15 Bose MONTH: FIVE Haight ROOMS: and 169 Page, basem*nt Gough and and Octavia high large Apply BULLIVAN'S CLOAK HOUSE, 190 Kearny street. $15. furniture PARTOF 479 HOUSE: Jessie BATH: street, below Sixth. $16 TOORS, EL of 7 rooms; FLAT.
bayWindows; grand view. 1721 Hyde street. $20. UPPER FLOOR house: OF 5 rOOmS SPLENDID and bata; ments all newly papered; modern improve 2009 Webster street, near California, $25. SIX modern.
ROOMS 908 Fifth AND street. BATH: ALL 5 rooms; rear. Pine street. W. NICO1, 418 Montgomery street.
$25. bath. HOUSE 1617 FIVE Laguna ROOMS: near Butter, GAS; $25. commanding HOUSE. superior view STOCKTON of the bay: 8 rooma: bath, NATHAN 641 Clay.
$32. NEW UPPER Web ter 726 ant FELL Fillmore, north side: 7 large rooms, 7 large closets, laundry, Ane bathroom; all modern improvements: good basem*nt; large pard. Key at grocery, corner Webster and Fell streets. $40. and FINE BRICK large HOUSE, yard 10 and ROOMS garden: MOREAL, part 402 street, 829.
E. P. Montgomery street 234 MOS sunny rooms, housekeeping. OF THREE ADply room 15. 313 rooma, bath, conservatory, COTTAGE: etc: SEVEN rant, 610: key at cornet Oak and Octavia streeta MADISON BURKE: 607 FELL bath: HOUSE OF latest SEVEN improvements: ROOMS rent.
large Key yard; at fine stable for 2 horses; cheap 605 Fell street. 635 EDDY fortable new flat of 7 THOROUGHLY large rooms COM- and bath; every convenience: must be seen to be appreciated. Key at 637. 1119 RE no PART children. HOUSE 1622 bath, yard, garden; $25.
SIX ROOMS, PLEGANT UPPER FLAT AT 190 Tweifth street: 7 rooms and bath; all modern improvements: key at 122 Twelfth street. HOUSE OF improvements. Apply ROOMS; on ALL MOD2428 California street. premises, AIGHT, bath; carpets for DEVISADERO-TEN sale: rent Market reasonable. MASTON ELDRIDGE, 618 street.
HOUSER parts FLATS of the AND city; call COTTAGES and see our TO BOVEE, TOY 19 Montgomery st. NO LET--IN BERKELEY, NEAR STAflowers: tion, cottage, furnish: surny new rent free to desirable couple in exchange for board for young man. A. box 10, this office. THREE LARGE ROOMS AND STABLE Southeast corner Post and Baker streets.
rooms all modern improvePLAT-1816 POST STREET: SIX ments, PLEASANT HOUSE 2112 teenth: sion 7 street, between Seventeenth Eighble; S. G. rent, $40. Inquire of BOOTH, rooms: modern improvementa; staror DENNISTON, 655 Mission st: eet. WE largest HAVE list of THE MOST SELECT AND houses, flats and cottages for reut in all parts of the city.
DAVID STERN SONS, $28 Montgomery street FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. ROOMS ON THE -RENT REAsonable. Addess 8. Dox 23, this office. 108 FLY 7 rooms and NICE bath.
FURNISHED 333 ronins TURK furnished FLAT, for THREE housekeeping, SUNNY 823 YAH 8 A honsekeeping. FURNISHED FLAT, ply to CHAS. upper fat ABNTON, 411 and bat it. 12084 NICELY FURNISHED Montgomery 21061 or BUTTER unfurnished NICELY FURNISHED A UPPER completely FLAT (FOUR furnished OR for FIVE housekeeping: adults. 1000, Fine, opposite sunny! PARLOR nice FLOOR, cheap.
street, corner RIVE ROOMS AND DATIL, 490 BAY street; rent 426. woman only: tine a Amari HE location 4 Blocks from NEW DOX this Address $16. room cottage: PURI nice garden. 1 Web place, off Webster, 11' between Jackson and Her rec. to streets, 10 o'clock.
DART nished; OF HOUSE. side: COM PORTABLY sunny near cable road; to quiet people: 2629 Sacramento street, near Merce: 5 to 7 rooms, OFFICES AND STORES TO LET. 261 KEARN offices; LET, suitable A for SUIT, dentist. OF $35. 1CLE OFFICE building.
TO LET Inquire IN of THE the CHRON- Cashier Of SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE DRONT ROOM TO LET; BAsem*nT TO let: CALIFORNIA desk room to LAND let. premises; Market street, opposite ASSOCIATION, Ness ARKET-STREET STORE, 1822, tine SULLIVAN8 windows aud CLOAK good lignt: rent, $30. Apply Van avenue: high celling, HOUSE, 120 Kearny, To LET FURNISHED OFFICE; TWO rent rooms: 715 Clay street, corner Kearny; $25:. doctor's office. 10 LET-FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER SHOP in Yreka; all Russ fixtures complete.
for Apply to Vreka, Cal. House, 8 days, or at THE ranged for and COMMODIOUS occupied by OFFICES ARburr, for the past 9 Drs. McNulty on the 1st of October next: rent reasonable. years, will be for rent Apply to LANDLADY, 118 Grant avenue. southeast corner Post street.
OAKLAND AND ALAMEDA. $2700. NEW acres: HOUSE: near Melrose. WINDMILL; $630-House; barn; lots 100x100. $2100-Furnished house; 13 lots 50x100 each, 50 iota 50x100 from 8175 to $250 each.
10 acres, 80000; 12 acres, 818,000. GATES PAUL. near Seminary Park Station. Address Postoice box 5t, East lant. $4000.
CHEAPEST be sold; PLACE new IN 0-roomed UAK cottage streets: with lot 66x100; corner of two prince 321 Mon terms to sait. H. GILMORE, gomery street. VALE NORTHWEST corner and nde one bi -ck eust Fruit Vale avenue: street, view; offered for one week at $1250 per acre h. FRANK J.
KRAUTH, County Clerk's office, Oakland. FOR SALE ON NORTH SIDE OF EAGLE avenue, neat Willow street, house of. 6 rooms and baca; barn and bouse. Santa Clara avenue Apat 2086 did SALE- IN 45 SPLENone body; a cargain: 5 acres near Park street: 8 acres in the toothilis nes Fruitvale; splendidly improved: several due mansions, with lovely grounds. and lots animreasonable prices: several great barin cut ages and lots: call and see us be-: you purchase.
THOMAS A. SMITH Park street, Alameda; take broad-guage ferry, ONE be ADVERTIsem*nTS red at regular FOR rates by TRE0. E. SCRANTON, 881 Broadway; open at all hours. RANCH city, in A SALE lameda ONE county HOUR'S and RIDE 14 miles from station: 50 acres One land: 6 acres 18-room orchard; tree ye 4 oid: improvements; house; une barn: well and tank, capacity 6000 gallons; land fenced and crossfenced; a fare chance for a good investment.
Apply at 18 Califorula s.reet. OAKLAND ROOM3 AND BOARD. 658 nished EIGHTH ruoms: LARGE Ane SUNNY locution: FUR- nice Brondway good board! terms reasonable: neat station. BRAKE HOUSE, A 1059 Blake House WASHINGTON is supby pure and excellent water from a dye; rooms large premises: and the grounds are exspring on the excellent: terms reasonable. well furnished; table and THE WINSOR, 8.
W. CORNER NINTH Washington streets. Oakland, A county, lately renovated and refurnished: family hotel of high order; first class table of excellence a dis in mistinz feature of this establisbment; its patronage is first clars: reasonable. regular guests entertatned: terms proprieior. P.
A. WILDER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. 809 California RICKETTS, ATTORNEY street, rooms 11 and 12. 1A 120 California street: advice ATTORNEY free. TENRY I DAVIS, TOHN R.
AITR N. Kearny bet California and Sac mio. W. W. California DA VIDSON, street, rooms tadvice free 420 Only 50 Cents to Let Your Old Friends Hear From You.
You can for 50 centa send the WERELY CHRONICLE for four months to any part of United States. Send the money in 1-cent stampe or cola, 4 4 4 SAN FRANCISCO SEPTEMBER 27, 188T. SEAL -Con'd. CHOICE LEVEL VALa Fresno county, in section tent. 00..
RE -1000. ACRES FINE plenty wood and waters the cheapest ranch in the 38 acres, 2 miles from Mills all the year: will cut he location, acres near Lafayette, Contra pod -Improvements; a. comin Los Gatos; place covered trees 8 years old; a lovely delightful climate, Lake county; good fruit within 3 miles of railTY MORGAN, 640 Market, COUNTY ROAD TWO Cartinez, in Vine Hill tract; us: barn and chicken-house; 2 years odd: 100 trees 2 years part cash. DAVID BUSH I street, and at Martinez CHOICE LAND TWO spot at Martinez: 8000 viues fruit trees 2 years old; 40 ail choice: $5000; part cash, SON, 316 Sutter street, and RE IN CONTRA COSTA jacent to the Doherty ranch, Johnson farm: good land; id; soundantly watered by ea: much timber; over twograin, yieiding large crops; fenced; about 1350 of payment If required; ent. ALBERT CRANE; street, San RANCH INNAPA sheprice: will be worth 8100 de year: 820 acres, 24 miles fine climate; magnificent alley: suitable for villa lots; od and water: comfortable sheds 19 and poultry houses; thents: be.d stock; hogs, HURSEY, 605 Clay street.
E- -THE FINEST RANCH county, containing 200 land, aud 600 train land in the Modesto only 1 mile from Oakdale, Stockton and Copperopli Ales from Stockton can go back the same day; plendid fruit land; splendid Aid grain land; an elegant acre. Call on or adMARTIN, Oakdale, Stands E-86 ACRES, MILES sard, in the beautiful Car orchard; bouse, barn, rely home: hours from HUTZ MORGAN, 640 THE WELLRancho near the town of la county, pa two sides of all level, deep alluvial crops of bay, grain and valuable property will be ad very easy terms of payreceive the attention of ad: centrally located. ALdio Montgomery street. RM, VALLECITOS VAL road from Sunol to Liv. well watered, and imfor grain, stock, vines a prompt sale the price is acre: this is a bargain.
410 Moutgomery st. RUIT. VEGETABLE AND ad extending into San Juan from town; stream running springs; fine dwelling, good fences: 2500 fruit trees, plums, pears, 500 ac.es plow land; tine climate: no trost or titie perfect; level land in artesian belt: -failing st cam of water: and outhouses: miles fect. Sun Bep! county: well large abundance bard in edan belt, de perfect. of choicest fruit land in rom town; tine stream of land: 300 acres plow land; place: nom -rous springs; chard: Are rate dwelling fifty head of cattle and arming haplements: title MoM AHON, Real Estate dent, San Benito.
Office House. ACRES: NEARLY ALL trait: house of 4 rooms, chicken-houses, dy a short distance from meda counts. Fresno county, adjoinair's Buena. Vista rancho: suburban homes terins PION MAARON, ery street. 1 street Manta Rom.
PEEN ACRE IN THE Warm bels, 8 infles from Valyersity 1, 0 sulles from hours Iran San Fratbottom Inuit acres timbered alter strenin: sure soonery deper fugt farms. Ala, 024 Market street, 0001 PARMING Dolana county 8004 and good faintly orchard and vine tooled feed, send, to with IL. GRAPE AND 10, miles, from depot, born, res choice and peering: 4000 rooted ablest plenty wood; WAR ole; household roperty, Apply to 8. H. stredi, for further IMPROV ED 48-ACRE Sonoma county: 12 acres fruit and vegetable land: ocount of ownet residing LIFORNIA LAND ASAfarket street, opposite LORES FINE LEVEL la Polano county; tmonly reason for sellto the neigh bor hood.
ASSOCIATION, 634 ACRES LAND: 800 States patent: fenced ares in cultivation: also barna: horses: implementa, with halt a and spring; especially or stock: one of the aches in Sonoma county: terms. THOMAS HOstreet. ACRES OF LAND; buildings and furniand fuentare; 8 storeblacksmith shop and Cels doing good banness: hotels, one stage line be824 Market locality. ACHES IN- RINCON on Sonoma stage road, Rosa: bas an elegant erw-bulls dwelling: also with carriage house, walks and drives, Patal trees, flowera, ad yard: splendid barn excellent drainage; structure built apon tion, making it 4 stories, for a wine cellar, wine for fruit canning and good tenement house, venient buildings; the bird of a mile on the main de, and slopes gently to runs through a portion ed into four parts, and fence; about 30 acres 80 acres in natural alfalfa land, and has of 4000 Bartleit lines, and assoried he- acre in berries engine fur hoisting pamping water from 18 acres in bearing mile distant; trout wagons, sto.k, tools, In inta Rose and Carquines yards of this will exchange for alty half blocks level from and the heart of half rolland creek; bearing oris old. an Mateo: 2 miles from barn aud' chickenIn.
wheat and barand orchard: water if mile east of Hayairy miles from the proFarm Railron fine with spring and well: a good view of ale orchard. Central Hotel, Brentcounty: 8 miles from rallroad: a buriding of with bar and billiardfor quimproved city one mile from miles from Walnut land: good house 20 mites sores east in of Napa, On vinas; 6 siard; balance in grain; barn. in Stanislans counts, Turlock; house hard dinill and tank; good 3 barn, miles from windmill Salida; and Lund vineyard; ornabbery: lands fenced; of ntficent San tract of land, 12 trains a day; a Francisco: repot; Pork; divided in nz on two roads; to the residence of 10 Mentgomery st FOR year-ol4 vines: mineI bearing; the best soil pie 1 or will 2 be years sold at cheap; 8 per this the description. improvements go P. sold cheap.
For furs GUNN, 820 San- PRE SWISS NEWS Montgomery avenue, are more dairy and her sale than in a this butter ad scarce at that: COUNTRY REAL Con'd. AND HOME SEEKERS. seres of fure trait land in the cently belt of the famous Unpay valley, Y. lo county. can he subalvided and sold at a large profit! the rallroad now In process of ction will run within one quarter of a mi of the land: the tract will be offered for a at a good bargain Apply so or address THOMAS HOLCOM, Land Owners, Woodland, Yolo county.
ICE LANDS IN MONTEREY COUNTY FOR SALE BY HERBERT RIORDA SALINAS CITY. Correspondence Solicited. LANDS IN SAN BENITO COUNstock ranges, orchards, trait lands: Call on or lots, saburban tracts, ranches, address can Benito Land 00., Hollister, Cal. TOR SALE -IN PLEASANT GROVE, ON land; price, amento 81. river, 820 acres good wheat BORCH 1.
Further particulars of W. ERS, 2311 Eighth Sacramento, FOR couaty; SALE roadside CHEAP-IN house: stage SAN calls MATEO daily; large popular ball resort 80x50; for hunting and trout-finning: cottages and rooms good well furnished for dining summer room: visitors; chickens, stables, cows, 38 stalls; 7 acres good land: postoffice attached to horses, place. buggy, carriage, tioniars Inquire of AR. J. J.
For further parKearny street, up stairs. CLARKE. 238 TOR 3 ACRES OF GOOD FRUIT and near Putah miles west of Winters, Yolo county, bearing: er-ek: has 138 orange trees mostly the earbest and one of the best acre. fruit Address Regions la the State; price, :60 per the undersened at Fairfield. I Solano county, or E.
C. BUST, Winters. T. TOR SALE-SEVEN ACRES OF CHOICE frott land, with 2 story dwelling house of 6 POORES And good basem*nt; large barn and Other cathouses: situaied less than hair a from the beautifal town of. Rio Vista: Water from Sacramento river is carried into the windmill: price.
$2500. Apply to L. VANDOREN. 475 enson street, san Franslaco, or to WADS WORTH, Rio Vista, DOR SALE-820 ACRES LAND. SIX miles from Livermore: One spring near house, Apply to F.
B. VEIR8. 645 Market TOR SALE CHOICE FARM AND VINEyar of 360 acres, 9 miles from Sonoma, 9 miles from Napa. county road; beautifal view all over the valley; all under fence; 70 Scree in vines; plenty of water: fine orchard; for large 70.000 house: 3 large wine wlue cellars; cooperage gallons; press; distillery for making brandy: large stable and barn: farmImplements, stock, 200 ac en good farming land; balance pasture; this year's crop included, and will produce 20,000 gallons of wine: ELDRIDGE be sold. Inquire of EASTON, 00., 618 Market street.
TORSALE 80 ACRES OF CHOICE FRUIT and vineyard land, miles southwest of Livermore; permanent spring of Ane Water; $40 cholce locality; 10 acres well wooded: price, per Inquire of PACIFIC COAST LAND BUREAU. 618 Market street. TOR SALE-80 ACRES: THE BEST CUL tivated vin- sard in California, 2 miles from the beautiful thriving town of Lincoln, Placer consisting of 60 acres of Muscats upon resistant sock, 6 acres table grapes, best ties, 800 olive trees, balance fine growth of timer: dwell.ng, sleeping-bouse for workmen, raisin-packi. house. barn and outhouses; the grapes are of the variety of which the best remium Debesa raisins are made: great bug to; go and see 1t.
Inquire of EASTON, ELDRIDGE 00., 618 Market st. TOR SALE -NICE RESIDENCE AT 60.6 ('lara, one block from depot and college: -tabl windmills. tish pond, ardor. fruit trees, etc. Apply to R.
ASH, 601 Callturnta street. LANDS. TIMBER AND agricultur school sections. PUBLIC LAND BUREAU. 403 Kearny street.
all THE GARDEN OF EDENFor homes, town lots, fruit farms, to 40 at bedrock prices, or unimpr Hay ranches. wards, Address Alameda BLOUMER PROWSE, connty, Cal. TOMI99 IN NAPA VALLEY IN LOTS to sutt purchasers; a tract of 47 acres as a whole or ed, 2 miles from Youn ville. bala ce suitable for fruit, grain or vegetables: buildings: conta ning orchard, vineyard and no station el irrigation ruliroad necessary; being bunt beanuful sopDery; pe al corner of A. propert CARTER, per and upwards.
Yountville. AKE COUNTY LANDS-80 ACRES Li good valley land, one mile of town; larxe, new two story house; windmill: tank: water piped to bou4e: large barn: well fenced; all apter cultivation: $5500. 100 acres Al fruit and vine land: 1 ving springs; aunn lance of umber; plenty of paR: core: One views of Clear lake: two miles of town: (20 per acre. Hotel properly: good location: 25 rooms: safe; all complete: large lot: 2 cottages; baru, woodsbed, Ape son water: kamith shop: Ane location: main street: large lot: sets of to is: extra buliding on Jot, rented; all complete: 81700. Barber shop 9 loin, house and barn: 2 chairs and tine chalice fur a live man: cheap: al ant Livery stable on main street, doing good business: lafye lot and barn; no conF good opportunity: 82003.
ly to Peal Katute, Loan and Agetta, Kelsey vide, Laze county, Cal. Collecting AK IS COUNTY Rend LANDS stamp FOR for HALE AND STEW exchang M. Middleton, catalogue Cal. to choicest FOR land BAT K-8000 OF THE cation, silesian is bell, offered in in one of which re quires no trek in Tulare valley within the one half or bath Some tremely of the best lands in opportunity to purchase COAST 607 LAND BUREAU Market street. wait free of America.
to Pamphlet of ARK COUNTY, THE SWITZERLAND 611 an Lower Lake, Lave county, Cal, 012. Lot fort, RUMINES coruer Pirat aud Law- 616 rence streets, Napa City: valuable business a. property: woods large all the and granary: la fret- 620 good class order: water and gas on the premises; merchantse store, with large price, of goods, now W. doing NEWELL, paying Howard street. Agent, 630 631 LAND Among them: COMPANY OFFERS BAR gains.
per 907 acre; acres 25 1 acres mile in from city 60 of acres Napa at meadow 706 land; tine dwelling of 12 rooms. rooms 200 acres southwest of Napa. on projected the rest good grain or vegetable land, with railroad to Hanta Rosa: 12 acres In orchard, 715 wharf 09 Napa river; extensive improve menta: 715 Also, number of small ranches; send for in circular. Apply to NAPA LAND COMPANY, linen Napa, Cal. pr.ce DLACER COUNTY LANDS- ADAMS per SMITH of Auburn, Placer county, have for sale large list of choice improved 717 and animproved frui.
vine and grain land, situated neat Lincoln, Newcastle. Auburn and Clipper Gap; prices from $15 to $60 per acre; 728 terms ay. many prizes at citrus, district and Hitate fairs, Placer county oranges and fruits bare taken 734 fruits being the earliest and best for shipplag raised in the State and one day's travel 736 nearer the Eastern market. Aisy the largest and best-paying hotel in Placer cuanty. 737 For descriptive lists and information apply ceuts, GEORGE McGILLIVRAY, 201 Market the street, Francisco, or to ADAMS rooms SMITH, Auburn, Cel.
IN 40 SANTA acres, 24 CLARA miles COUNTY- 827 Ranch plate Park and 2 miles from price, Agent, 680 Impruvements. Howard $50,000. street. W. NEWELL 828 Dished DANCH IN SONOMA COUNTY, 8 MILES si south of Santa Rosa, on Petaluma avenue: fruit: acres house fence and I and barn, new: cross-fenced; plenty 15 of acres water: in 845 furniture, farming implements and Incubator Acolars in utre of W.
NEWELL, A gent. parwith the place; price, 85000. For full 917 Howard street, Sag Francisco. of DANCHES 180 acres, IN NAPA miles COUNTY- RANCH 9194 5 from Napa City and 2 miles from Soda Springs; 80 acres Ane grape 927 fruit land: 100 acres pasture lard; 15 acres nearly grapes all now varieties bearing: of fruit: small good orchard improve with 927 ments: parts of plenty the of water which and can be all piped do to well: price, $12.000. ranch: oranges fruits 931 Farm of 100 acres on Howell Mountain, mites from St.
Helena: 40 acres cleared: 1002 vineyard; good house and bury. to which water ELL, already Agent, piped: 630 Howard price, $9000, street. W. NEW. 1013 CAN scriptive BENITO circular, COUNTY embracing FOR grain, DE fruit 1020 pasture lands lower than lands can MONTUUMERY be purchase! for BRADLY, elsewhere, Hellister, address 1111 able Angeles county, lots until 26x95 Saturday in TO Manchester, October Los 1132 with the privilege of purchasing an ad- nished Joining lot at from $15 to 9500.
Deed and knowledgment at expense of grantee. 1203 Although the lots are being rapidly taken for are still many choice lots left. including several plication fine should corners, be tor made. which immediate the con- ap- 1203 ence of. partres engaged during the day and Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock.
H. the office will be kept open on 1220 NEWMAN 411 Kearny street 1304 WEKA and FINE vineyard STOCK, farms in DAIRY. high for nice of cultivation in all parts of the State, to suit, that we which are sell paying low very handsome profits, can or exchange for or Oakland 1500 solicited. H. BROWN 30 Kearny grate: San Francisco.
family: CLAIRVOYANTS ASTROLOGERS 1502 private LEOLA THE GREATEST present aud clairvoyant future: and love, fortune business, teller: mar 1509 mugle charms, giving good luck and at first sight: also, tells full came and shows Bi: true love picture charms of on the hand, one all you sizes. will marry 15134 Mission street, near Twentieth: fortune telling nished taught erences veals GREATEST present, past, FORTUNE future, 1006 TELLER: Market. RE- 1518 clairvoyant ALESO, THE reader, CELEBRATED 1528 bath, IRS. DAUGH115 street. 25 and 60 cents.
1821 THE GREATEST FOR- complete correct Information of love unhappiness and wish charms familles and remedied; love tokens A ladies, 50c. 789 in Mission at, near Fourth. fee, office. CLASS TRANCE ME 2. Seventh at.
120 and 8 M' to 5p ALESO evening, 7 to render, THE 10 5 o'clock. Stockton CELEBRATED street: A suitable ME COHEN, WONDERFUL MEDIUM. Call and know your destiny reliable ad- on love and business matters. a. 1068 Broad- 1 transient Oakland.
Fee, 61; by letter, from DROP. OLDEST ASTROLO Fourth gist in the State: 1400 Telegraph TN 19th FAR Stockton Gate OF attached: TRADE AND FINANCE. The Baltimore Fruit Market. PRODUCE MARKETS QUIET. Produce Quotations Tonnage Statistics -Shipping Intelligence.
Steamers to sail to-day are the State of Callfornia for Astoria and Portland, the City of Chester and the Coos Bay for Eureka and Arcata and the San Vicente for. the southern coast. Steamers due to-day are the George W. Elder from Puget Sound and Victoria, the Empire from Nanaimo and the Arago from Coos Bay. The overland receipts yesterday Included 6 pkgs Hardware, 45 pkgs Paint, 17 os Druga, 42 (8 Paper, 293 pkgs Fish, 50 bxs Candles, 25 bIs Soap, 6 ctis Lard, 12 pkgs Glassware, 250 ctla Hams.
76 ctis Tobacco, 40 ctis Cheese, 863 pkgs Iron, Our Export Trade. The following vessels cleared for Queenstown yesterday with full cargoes of Wheat: British ship Sirenia by J. 8. Hutchinson: ........14,000 ...881.285 200 Total value. $81,565 German bark Undire by C.
Stoue: ...29.870 $41,830 ....17,000 340 Total $42,170 Tonnage and Charters. The following la a summary of the engaged and disengaged tonnage here and on the way to this and neighboring ports Monday morning; 1887. 1888. Chartered for grain, tons 8,804 64.303 Miscellaneous charters. 8.9:0 44,789 63,833 Total in 75,675 136,616 At neighboring ports: Engaged, 1,580 .13.756 15,386 Total last 1887.
1886. Tonnage on the way. To San Pedro. 15,067 24.105 To San Diego. 32,191 8,652 Totals.
334.169 285,029 The disen aged list here and at neighboring ports numbers 36 vessels, of which 29 are British, 5 American aud 2 Norwegian. The list of vessels in this port chartered for grain numbers 8, of which 6 are British and 2 German. The list of vessels chartered for outside loading include 3 tor Australia, 1 for New York, 8 Hawalian Islands, 4 for Nanaimo, 1 for Havre, 1 for Tahiti, 1 for Departure Bay, 1 for San Pedro, 1 for Santa Rosalia and 1 for Seattle, Baltimore Canned Fruit Market. The Baltimore Trade of recent date says: Peaches Packers complain of the high prices of raw stock, and fear that the resulting cost of stock in tin will restrics consumption. Pears are in fair request at Gaotations; market strong and stock light.
The crop was heavy, bat the bulk or it was not such as packers could handle. -The demand has been quite brisk, as the pack will be small, good fruit being scarce all over the country. No. 8 quoted st 10: gallons at $2 50 65. Berries Are all in active demand and prices advancing.
Gooseberries about out: Strawberries and Raspberries nearly out, quoted at $1 50 for Strawberries and $1 40 for Rasp benes. Blueberries and Blackberries are in demand at $1 10 for the former and 0. for the latter. Cherries--Market bare, bolders waking prices by the pulse of the market. Plums--Pack has been limited, packers paying $2 per box for bide and 50 for Damsons.
Packed stock rales high and small quintity, There 18 a decided lethargy in all varieties of Canned Goods, resulting from the small Inquiry from the East. It has been very sively demonstrated that California canners must make reasonable figures for their pro duct Eastern if they trade. desire a continuance of the large The moment that prices reach certain figure consumption is very greatly curtalled. This la shown conclusively by the almost stoppage of the demand tor Peaches and the great curtaliment of the demand for Apricots And PearA, The Visible Wheat Supply. The visible supply of Wheat eat of the Rocky Mountains, as published by the Produce Exchange, is an follows: September 17th, 1 946h, Decrease, 008.401 YENTERDAY'8 MARKETS.
Spot Wheat Quiet-The Call Board Higher-Barley Dull and Weak. There in little or no change in the Wheat market, There is no demand for exsample port Millers are the only buyers at a range of 61 50 g1 40 per cenial, the latter figure for choice, The Chicago market advanced sharply for all options, New York was lower. Caicago Whost market, September 96th: Delivery, 2d. 84. 24th.
704 694 695 December New York Wheat market, September 28th: 82 September. .804 81 80 October. 8114 November 817 821 821 823 The prices of futures at Liverpool re ported at the Produce Exchange were as fobLows: Rept. Oct. Nov.
Dec. Jan. Sept. 24.06 Id 68 68 2d 6s 34 6s Sept. 26.6s id 6s 6a 2d 68 65 The local speculative market was fairly active and higher.
CALL BOARD- Morning Session. Opened, Highest. Lowest. Cloned. Buyer Buyer 81 463 61 81 seller 1887.
1 1 1 30 SO 80 20 CALL -Afternoon Session. season. 1887. 1 47 37 1 47 Buyer 87 81 Total sales -Buyer season. 2700 tons: buyer 1887, 1000; seller, 1887, 110.
The Barley market is very doll and weak. Prices are only sustained by Call Board manipulation. Receipts continue heavy and stocks on hand are very large and in excess of any previous year. The Call Board market was active but lower, CALL BOARD--Morning Session. Opened, Highest.
Lowest. Closed. B. B. 08 81 06 81 06 81 06 8.
1887... 1887.... 98 90 90 CALL 90 90 BOARD--Atternoon session. B. B.
07 $1 $1 1887. 1887. 98 07. 90 90 904 1887, Total sales-Buyer 1837. season, 700 2400; seller 700; October.
$00. tons; buyer Bran and Middlings are lower, owing to heavier supplies. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES The Fruit market yesterday presented few changes worthy of notice. Business was quiet, Sapplies were lighter than usual, but stock cleaned up slowly. Receipts of many variet es are daily diminishing in quantiti.
Choice Bartlett Pears are scarce, and readily bring a good price. Peaches are not plentiful. Arrivals from river have almost, ir not wnolly, ceased. The majo. ity of stock on hand comes from the mountains, and a small portion from Santa Cruz and Vacaville, Wine Grapes are arriving to better condition and more freely.
Watermelons and Cantaloupes continue at about the same figures, Supplies of vegetables continue somewhat heavy. The demand is only moderate. Prices show little change. Green Corn is doing, perhaps, a little better. It is only for Ane stock that our top figure is obtained.
DAIRY -PRODUCE. The Butter market is steady and firm. Super or qualities continue scarce and in active demand. aithough only strictly fancy brands bring our top figure. Pickled roll and firkin Show no change in price.
Choice stock cocasicnally sells slightly ahove quotations. Supplies of cnoice ranch Eggs are still light. Choice stack sometimes sells at 40c. Receipts of Eastern Hags are of fair volume. Stock eleans up readily at our figures.
POTATOES AND ONIONS. The Potato market is quiet. Prices show little change. Garnet Chiles have declined. Early Rose sell as a slightly advanced figure.
Choice Sweet Potatoes in boxes sell above quotations. Onions are steady. The demand not active. Produce Market. FLOUR--The receipts during the 48 hours ending 10 A.
M. yesterday were 23,003 gr sks. Net cash -Family extra, 04 15 04 80 bbl: Supertine, $2 9003 25; Bakers extra, 84 90. -The receipts at this port during the 48 hours ending at 10 K. yesterday were 29,461 ctl, We quote No.
1 Shipping at 81 30 7 cti; Milling, good to choice, 61 30 1 40. BARLEY-The receipts at this port during the 48 hours ending at :10 A. M. yesterday were We quote No. 1.
Peed st ctl; do 81 No, 15: New No. 1 Brewing, Old, si 12 No. 1 Chevaller nominal at nominal, $1 60; Brewing OATS -We quote Surprise, 31 65; choice Feed, No. 1 Peed, $1 30 381 35: No. 2 do, 1501 25; Black, 1 2001 30: choice Milling, 40: Gray, 30.
CORN- Small Yellow. 15 a eti; 1 Large 81 15; White, 81 20. HOPS -We quote BRAN -Quotable at 81. a ton. MIDDLINGS From ton, accord ng to quality.
CORNMEAL -Feed, from mill, 27 Ton. CRACK ED CORN- From 827 OIL CAKE MEAL 007 old process, 839-50 8 ton from mill. GROUND BARLEY- 1 100 RYE- Quotable at 81. 66 MIXED FEED- 50 3 ton. BUCKWHEAT- Quotable st 81 0581-16.
Flour, 8Ke Graham Flour, Sc; Bye Flour, 3 get Flour, Rye Cornmeal, Oatmeal, 40: Oat Buckwheat Groats, Hominy, Cracked 440: 40 Flake Pearled Wheat. 83 50 in 50: do. 88 75; Pearl Split Pens, California Cut O. meal. Homing, in 18: Capital Mills' new cess Back wheat Flour, in bols.
Breakfast the Delight, case: Normal Nutriment, 19 in case. 40. DRIED PEAS Green, 01 90; Niles, 81y Blackeye. 15 ecl. SRED9- Fellow Mastard.
Brown, 34 Hemp, Rape, Timothy, Per, BEANS $9 Small White, 60 8 80: 2562 50; Pink, 01 60 91 66 Red, 01 90: Lima. $9 01 7502; Butter, $1.75 $13: HAY-Wheat, Wheat ton; Oat, and Oat, mixed, Barley, Wild Oat, ver. 12; Compressed, 89 15 50; Altifa, 810.11. STRAW -Quotable at bale. quote as follows: Blackberries, Strawberries, 1 Plums, box Prunes, Pears, do Bartietta, Quinces, box.
20 0 Peaches, box. Apples, 8 Lemons, Sicily, do California Grapes, A box do Mascata, box. Black Tokay. do Wine Grapes, Bananas, A bunch 50 Figs, White, 3 box. 0500 do Black, box.
a 50c Tames, Mexican, 7 50 07 Cantaloupes, 7 crate. 1 Watermelons. 100. Pineapples. Mexican, dozen.
DRIED -We quote the mazzet follows for new crop: Sun dried. Per pound. Apples, do sliced, Pears, Plums, do Peaches, in sacks do do Apricots, choice. do common. do bleached Evaporated.
Apples, Alden and Peaches, in sacks, unbleached. do do bleached. do In boxes, do do Apricots, in peeled, in loc Peara. do in Prunes ..10 0150 Plums. Blackberries.
NUTS -We quote California Almonda, 7 dc for hard It: shell Pecan, and for soft; Peanuts, Brazil, 12 14c; Filberts, Cocoanata, Hickory, Pine Nuts, $5 100; Chile Walnats, HONEY-Comb, Extra White, It do, Amber, Extracted, White and new Light Amber, Candied, 22c ib. -Dark to Bright Yellow, -We quote as follows: Artichokes, doz. Cabbage, Cauliflower, 990c Cacambers, do Pickles, A Neg Green Plant, Corn, 25 Turnips, 1 Paralos, ...50 Garlic, 3 Okra, dry. 8 lb. 5c do green.
3 Beets, Carrots, 75 Peppers, dried, do 1 9 green, ..25 Celery, Summer Squash. A .50 75c ..25 ireen Marrowfat Squash, A Peas, String Lima Beans, a Yellow. UNIONS- ctl. POTATOES Peerless. -Wharf prices: Garnet Chiles, 70c: Burhank Seedlings, 10: River 600 Rose, Re 18, Potatoes, jersey Blues, Sweet BUTTER fair to Choloe, to: fancy.
Arkin, good, California pickled roll, 28 803. CHEESE- to fancy, 19 fair 10 California Young Atoerica, choice to fancy. California in drums, New York drum, 10 vis -California store, dozen: choice ranch, Eastern, 1872146. POULTRY 50: A pals 84 50002; Ducks, 0400 dor. 50: do, 5000 Roosters, 19 60004 young, 5000 60: Broilers, Hens, Pizoons.
Turkeys, live 13 00160 bi Cobblers, 150116. 01 A 60: Doves, 6101, 95: Hare, 41,250 1140 Quail, 1 Venison 2 Ducks, 60: Teal, 61 sun Widgeon, Rastern, 1001 Standard do, 07 dozen Bay, sack; canned, cane. cured 1401440 for salt mediaus tina, Her extra California Pork. 10 3 bbl, Clear extra clear do, bbl -bbl, 100 09. 50 a 07 50: Pork, bbl, 601 exire Pamily $8 50009: Muss, bbl, 760 hf-bbl, hr-bul.
So: extra Moss bb1, 09 50 Entern 86 50; Smoked lb; Hans, 150; A. C. 154c, priees HIDER follows: AND Local dealers quote as Heavy Baited Steers, 54 and Cowhides, over, 1 4a; medium do, Salted Dry Rides Salted Veal, 8c: Dairy Calf. 25 Ralted Kips, do Calf, and Kips, Dry Hides and Kips, sound, culls or damaged, Dry Calf, Goatskins, 15c: 70c; damaged, 100; prime Hair, medium do, 50c; small Skins. medium, Kids, 26c; 5c; Deerskins, good summer, thin winter, No: poor, Wool.
Soeepskins, medium, sheerings, 10 0 25c Long each; Wool, Short 25. Butchertown Green Skins sell relatively higher. TALLOW -Refined, 3 for fair quality; common rendered, in shipping order, country rendered, Soap Grease, 8c. WOOL quote: Mendocino and Humboldt, Middle counties. San Southern Burry, about.
Northern Burry, less than quotations, San Francisco Meat Market. The following are slaughterers' prices for whole carcasses: On foot. stock. 9 Ib: hard grain and fat, dressed, country dressed, 6c. Venl-From 647c 3 for large; small.
Heef-First quality, ID: second. third, Mutton -Quotable at Do for wethers: ewes, Spring Lamb--From ID. Receipts of Bay Produce FOR 48 HOURS ENDING AT NOON YESTERDAY. Flour, qr ska ...18,843 Lime, 243 Wheat, ctis. Leather, 56 Barley, ctis.
9. 11 Paper, 1,653 Oata, :03 Hides, 814 Corn. 357 Pelts, 14 Butter, 211 Skins, bdis. Cheese, 111 Bro bdis 262 Tallow. 10.
Wool, 229 Borax. Aka 43 Hops, 172 Bran, sks 240 Straw, 26 Quicksilver, 103 Hay, 481 Middlings. 650 1, umber. ST 18 beaus. 2.56 Kegs, dos 1,750 Potatoes, aka.
5.1841 Wine, Onions, ska. 770 Brandy, 120 Almonda, 59 OREGON, ETC Flour. qr aks. Beans, 519 Barley, Wheat, Rye, cis. 110 5,500 Wool, bis 1,233 46 Bran, Oats, Financial.
The local. Money market la quotable as follows: Commercial Loans, 7 cent Commercial Bills, prime. Loans, Loads, mixed Mortgages, prime, taxes paid by lender, Mortgages, 24, taxes paid by lender. York Sight Drafts York London Bankers' 10 days. London Merchants' London Sight Bankers' London Cable.
Refined Silver, 8 cent Mexican Dollars, NEW YORK, September 26. -The following the closing quotations for Government Bonds, 48, 44s, coupon. N. Y. Central.
of .1084 Northern Pacific. Pacific 64 do preferred. Canadian .105 Northwestern. Oregon Canada Southern. Oregon Central Oregon R.
Pacific Mail. Lack Rock Denver Rio Or.12 L. Paul. Texas Shore. 4 Union Louisville Nash.
8 Express. Michigan Central. Wells Ex. Kan. Western Union.
Money on call wan easy at to 5 per cent. loin closed at 4 offered. Prime Mercantile Paper, 6408. Sterling bills. $1 $4 81.
Fine Sliver, 8 ounce. LorDos, September 28. -U. 8. Bonds, Sliver Bullion, 44 9-16.
Consols, 101 7-18. Bank of England rate of Interest, 4 cent. Eastern and Foreign Markets. NEW YORK, September 26-Petrolenm United Pipe Line, 68c; refined, 64e; crude, Leather Oak, Sole, Hemlock, tanned from California Hides, 3 1b; Dry Hides- California, D. -No.
1 American, $22. Australian Tin- Stealth, $23. Borax- California, ID; concen California Yellow Mustard Seed Grain freights by steamer to Liverpool, CHICAGO, September 26. Afternoon Boardwas quiet at 76c. Shoulders.
Short Clear, $8 35; Short Hibe, 50; ton, 07 Pork is 812 80. onsh, 66 42 48 Receipta of Wheat at the following olla, principal Eastern points- Calengo, Minnesp: Duluth, Toledo, Louis, Kansas and Milwankee-For 48 hours. 860,854 the els: shipments of Wheat from same places Rice same time, 211,719 bushels LIVERPOOL, September Spot was Arm. Numbers and Standard California, Including Club highest price eti, 6a 14d; American Spring, 8e 1444. Later 8:30 1.
Good demand. pro- Los DON, September Cargoes on sage and for shipment, Cargoes coast, Arm. California cargoes off const, 9d gic. Cargoes just shipped, 80a Cargoes nearly due, 80s 64. Wheat in turn dearer.
Flour la Park, turn French country markets, generally Mark Lane, Arm. California Products at Chicago. Special Dispatch to the CHICAGO, September 96. Receipts of fornia fruit continues to be fair, from one three carloads arriving daily. The fruit mostly in good order, with the exception some Muscat Grapes, which have a very demand.
The market rules about steady, good Muscat Grapes at 4202 50 per crate, some choice at 82 50; Tokay Grapes 69 75, and fancy, Pears sell and have a Bearre good demand. W. Sagenne 60 62, and Bearte Diel, ell, and otuer good fail Pears sell at 81 40c Quinces, 81 25 01 50. California Dried -The market is Arm. Penches are in sharp request, but 50 are no offerings to speak of.
Apricota will 50 sell ail readily, but there are noDe offered, from accounts there are none to come ward, Prices are quotable an follows: do cota, sun-dried, bienched, choice do, prime, do do, not Peaches, peeled, evaporated, do do, good, do, peeled, evaporated, fancy, 50 do, choice, 18 16 no do, san-arled. 15c: Plums, pitted, new, 25 pose Muscatel, old. box. London layers, a bos, $1 she 65. and Hopi sales are continue to rule quiet at former prices, not important.
Brewers manifest no deaire to purchase. The are small, for new Hops are is due to growers asking above what payers are wiling to as We quote Pacifica crop, choice, do medium, 1886. chuice, 14 Pacific's medium, Pacific' 1885, 5 The British Grain Trade; Special Dispatch to the CHRONICLE LONDON, September. Mark Express in its review of the British trade during the past week says: There has been a fair demand for Seed Wheat slightly hardening values for picked samples, but prices generally remain at the lowest of last Monday. Sales of English Wheat the past week were 72,293 quarters at 288 per quarter, against 52,121 quitters at 80s during the corresponding week last.
year. sellers Foreign Wheat remains at former low values, asking advance, but basers do not spond, with fine English White Wheat at per quarter. and splendid Red Wheat at I delivery in London. Even best Russian at a discount, while American and Indian not compete. Rates for Four are maintained.
Corn is a turn dearer, Elzht arrivals of Whet cargoes, one sold, four withdrawn and three main. At to-day's market Wheat dealings slow: English Wheat steady: Flour weaker; Corn 3d dearer: Oats 3d lower. LIVERPOOL, September 26. -Wheat is Arm and Corn the is demand and good; 14 holders offer sparingly. steady, there a fair demand new mixed Western, 4s 3d ctl.
The London Wool Sales. Special Dispatch to the CHRONICLE LONDON, September was a attendance at the Wool sales to day, but ding was restricted on accoant of the high limits placed on many of the lots offered. New South Wales -1100 bales; scoured. 1s greasy, 6d: do locks and pieces, do locks and pieces, do Queensland-1000 locks and bales: scoured. 9d.
pieces, greasy, Victoria-400 bales; scoured, 1s do locks and locks pieces, 50; greasy, South do and pieces, locks and pleces, Australis-200 bales; scoured, 11d; do locks and pieces, grenay, 1a bd: do locks Zealand-8900 bales: scoured, 1s and pieces, d. Swan River-29 bales: greasy, 6d. Cape 01 Good Hope and Natal -2500 bales; scoured, Spanish-200 bales; greasy, greasy New. York Market. Special Dispatch to the CHRONICLE NEW YORK, September 26.
The Stoek market to-day was quit with a sudden change in the temper of deals in the middle of the day. A bout noon the street was full of rumors that the Preddent of the Pacino Mail bad sold the balance of his boidina, willah was followed atatement that the plans for a thorotich Were completed. cent The stock wan quickly bid of the company and directory up over Jersey per Central and trannactiona became but not so with a similar extensive a raise, while the entire list dull moved and up sea in ty, Governments were of decline, rallied and Petroleum, recovered after the an Jons interval of tie morning. but declined again to the let hour closed weak, Opening, Jewest, 60 i closing. Males, barrela.
New York General Markets. Special Dispatch to the CHRONICLE NEW YORK, September 26. fLops light demand, Sugar is Arm. Antiqua, 4 11-16c: gal, 514 fair refining. 18-16er refland 1 45 7 16e: extra 5 (o; white extra 5 muold yellow, at off A.
6 1-16c: standard 5 cone toners' do: powdered, 6 de, Are 10 16 Spot fair Rio is firm at Options tve to points higher and mo ferately October, Bales, 58,000 bags September, 17.90 December, November, January, 17.750 18.05 Lend Copper in la quiet; Lake, Tin is quiet and Arm, domestic, Boston Stook Market. Special Dispatch to the CHRONICLE BosToN, September were the closing prices today: Atchison, Topeka and Quincy. 184: Mexican Chicago, Central Burlington common, and 14; Fe, do, first mortgage bonds, 69. MINING STOCKS. The Market Slighily Weaker-Assessments Pending, The Stock market opened a trifle weaker yesterday morning.
Prices generally showed a slight decline on Saturday's closing figares. In the afternoon the tendency wAs downward. Values were mostly lower. The Assessment of 50c per share on Best Beicher was delinqueat yesterday. ASSESSMENTS PENDING.
The following is a list of the assessments now pending: COMPANY. No. August Sept. 30 Utub Sept. Sept, 10 10 Oct NorthEx.
Utah Sept. 19 Sept. Oct. Bulbon Sept. Oct.
Sept. 19 Oct. 14 Phil Andes, Sheridan. Sept. 13 Oct.
Sierra Nevada 8 Sept. 19 Oct. 11 8-pt. 1 12 Sept. 22 -Oct.
20 Trojan 22 Oct. Sept. 22 19 Alpha Sept. 21 Oct: Be Belcher Sept. Oct.
Overman. Sept. Oct Justice. Oct. Oct.
Oct. Con. Imperial, Oct. Oct, Con P. Oct.
Nov. Oct. Oct. Mono. Oct.
Nov. 21 Nov. Oct. 21 Nov, 15 101 Oct. 21 Nov.
18 The following were the sales as the different Stock Boards yesterday: SAN PRAXCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE BOARD, MORNING SESSIONS 100 Alpha 450 10 600 140 Alta: Andes. 100 Nev 25 50 100 It 300 Occi. 100 Belcht.4 25 20 875 Ophir. Belle .4 55.0 50 Bent 300 250 Bodie. 8 4 1 Peeriss 1 10 650 7: -200 Pioneer.
480 625 Potosi. .8 90 01 75 1155 500 505 Co 30. 900 2 05 CEL 300 400 Cro 530 100 20 120 860 .00 0 0.8 150 3 15 20 070 Union 2 2 65 940 N.8 90 775 100 1 85 01 40 150 Julla. -510 Weld m. 95 150.
800 85 100 05 75 MEt 05 250 10 -400 Nay 100 Neg 100 400 Belle 550 50 Bent B. 10 100 2 10 310 Ophir 100 Com 500 30e 150 V. 354 200 Pruneer 150 Crocker 370 Craw a 480 350 450 8 Nev.3 3 0. 310 0 4 0.3 05 0 3 10 50 520. 1 10 300 300 300 L.
Wash. 60 Jack, 50 820 Mex can. LACTIC STOCK EXCHANGE 100 15 100 200 1 15 200 Lady We. 360 Beich. 4 40 0 4 20 200 3 15 100 Bent 10 500 Ophir 300 Belle 850 90 76 200 8 8 25 3 20 .00 300 70 Cro 250 Union.
2 00 100 Crocker. 800 Utah. 350 100 4 0. 300 Tack.3 75 AFTERNOON SE 400 Alta. .1 9601 850 Lady W.
.656 250 Belle 150 Mexic 150 3 8. 4 1504 10 -100 Overm $150 150 4 05 260 Ophir 10 100 Peer 250 Bodie. 80 20 00 Balwer. 220 Sliver 200 50 150 8 Neva 05 85c 200 Umon. 400 05 60 00 10 710 Utah, Belcher.
Nev On. Belle sie Ballion. Bodies Benton. 2 Bulwer. Central: Chollar: V.
15 00. 15 Cr- iver H2 3 Eureka Excheq't. STONE 1 05 AND BOND Scorpion. EXCHANGE Bid. Asked.
U8 is cp mc. 124 104 Cal DIS B. 100 ins 125 Fire Fond 140 Hom Rot NURR Cal.118 State Sun Oak 8PRR (is Union 110 8p Ir Cal Powd. 100 494 Clay Central st R. Vie Safely Nit Giant Pow.
City 75 Vulcan Of at 0 Cal Art St. R. 93 Cal Dry D. 0m Cal W. Cal Presidio 48 Cal Cal Ird 8p V.
Wat. Gas Cons. Central Capital 6. 56 048 Tel. Oak Ga- if Haw Com.
Pac Gs Um. 64 Jadson Mr. 8 63 Ex BId.100 0 01 Bank 8af Da 61 181 Indic. Pac First Nat. 11 170 Plo WI MI.
RI Pa 1 N. 45 SATES 30 10 Cal Judson Elec ME Li. Firat NE 84000 Co 01000 The Market AF Now York. Spe al Dispatch to the CHRONICLE NEW YoRK. September 28.
-Mining shares are Tate dull. 63 40; Amator, $1 1 Sierra Ne31ct El Cristo, 82 Phon 90. 01 70; Batro Tunnel, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. spot BAGS- deliver -Calcutta Grain Bags In Job lots for 87 tory, Bays, 74 Porato Gunnies, 19c; Wool 500; do 4-1b, 32c. ton, BROOMCORN according Wharf prices, quality.
BRICKS California Hard, 18.5028 75 3 Red, Bath Brick. Soft, 16 el Brick, Brick, M. 600 dozen: English Fire QUICKSILVER- Quotable at 838 £6 176 61. SUN AND TIDE TABLE LIE PAOLPIO STANDARD Computedby Cast Te sneat, Caron a an a nent Maker. 18 Market street WATER LOW WATER.
27 Small; Large. Small 1 Large 1 9:31 A 8:28 PM 2:23 PM AN Ban 8.01 WEATHES PRED.0210.1S. Indications for the 24 hours commending A. M. September 27tbt For California- Fair weather: variable generally westerly; nearly stationary, temper- winds, ature in the southern portion; slightly cooler in the northern portion.
For Oregon and Washington Generally fair weather; variable winds: Territory warm weather, with falling temperatore. dA JIVE INTELLIGENCE. Stmt Arrived-MoNDAY, September 26. Pedro, Eureka, Hannah, mose 60 hours from Ban' Co. etc; and to Goodall, Perkins Stmr Gipsy.
Plummer, 66 hours from 8an Buenaventura; produce to Goodall, Perkins Co. Br ship Lucipara, Witt. 129 days from London; Batn mose to Balfour, Guthrie de Co. Hongkong: Hattie Bangs, 50 days from muse to Macondray Co. olalu: Brig pass Consuelo, Cousins, to 19 days from Hone Schr Annie and midse sprecke Bros.
Bay; Harley, Smith, 48 hirs from produce to Goodall, Perking Co. We-sport: Ida Florence, 48 hrs from bark- river direct, Bear Schr Harbor, Ocean 110 Spray, Peterson, 30 hours from "bark to Iversen sen. Point Schr Joan Arena: 05. McCullough, Hansen, 24 hours fm Smith. Jumber 40 Moore 4 Cleared -MONDAY, September 26, Diego; Stmr Queen of the Pacific Alexander, Man Goodall, Perkins Co.
Stmt Goodall, State Perkins of California, Debney, Astorias de Co. Vigodail, city, or Chester, Wallace, Eureka: Perkins Autobinson sirenin, afeintyre, Queenstowns 1 ship Wells. MeAtlep, Port Townsend; Chas Ger bark Undine, Kruse, Stone, assignee, Balled-MONDAY, September 20, Queen of the Pacitio, Alexander, Diego. Mime A lontras, Johnson Leland, Polas Arena. Walterboro, Lindbork.
Greenwood. Ur ship ship Lamore, Lowrison, Queenstown. Nahr Wig Mary River Deleo, Landing Queenstown. Schr Barn Arugo, Palkman. Humboldt Alexander, Cousins, MIll.
Imporcations. mica SAN coffee, PEDRO 170 -Per Eureka -6 bdle hides, wipe, potta, household goods, 15 aks mustard, on honey, 33 buster, 2 bbis San lemons, Buenaventura 781 aks beans, 28 bas os mineral water, 61 or honey. 60. bola Asphaltum, one, Santa 87 hides, Barbara- 8 70 ska 82 bas lemodis 2 pols tallow. hides, 380 sEA 18 bis wool, 2 pelts, 2 bdis wheat.
Port egg. 72 Hartord-50 as cheese, 8 bxs hides, bhis wine, 10 pkgs butter, Han -100 aks beans, 17 ox butter. 3599 bgs rice, 157 Per bbis Consuelo molassen, 4 1458 ca bgs sugar, guitar, effects, 1 ska beans, 1:0 ska BAY--Per harley, 1 ba Annie butter, Harley 925 500 HALPMOON potatoes, the to 80 to $30 and in all ind there ven time, day state size city street. A pant, ringer Jove for A. stocks: elven: 61 dAY, rice PRO 5 Per Teggart Eureka Brorsen: El N.
Whitney de Cot. Maraball, sier Sweeney Co: Co: Smith's it Cash Rouse Co: W. Martin, Fende 00; Dodge, Co: Baker Hamilton: Store: Sumner A Man Co: Goidtree Brigham, 1 Hoppe Bowen; Bisdon Wooster Co; Co: Gage, shattuck Co: ton, Russ, Sanders de Co: Schacht NorCo, Leicke: Lowry Cohn Stella: Bros: Getz Dutard; Watson Paint Co. Bros Co: Per Bros; Consuelo Williams, Dimond Beck Sons: Ca: Jones Hyman Co; Phillips: Woo Spreckeis Bros: IN Knowles Per Annie Harley -H Dutard; Thomas Spoken. Per Arenas from Schr Lettitis (from Punts 132 W.
And San supplied Francisco) her Sept 22, Int 38 Aug Reed, 30- hence Lat 10 lou 190 W. ship. Thomas with provisions: Aug 12 Ang 11 for Queenstown. from 18-Lat London for Ion 28 W. Br ship zon, San Francisco.
Miscellaneous. Port will Townsend, in the 8apt next 96 The following three days: Ship Erbark ricsson, Charles Port Discovery for San Francisco: Levi Burgess, Kenny, Tacoma fur San Diego: ciaco: bark Majestic, Port Discovery for San for Fran- San G. Tacoma Francisco; ship Alfred Ropes, Tacoma for Franciaco: Francisco: new ship Indiana, Seattle for San Ladlow for San William I bark Jewelt, Emerald, Port schr Port Gamble for San Br bark cheur. Spanish Utsalady stmr for Melbourne. Francisco, put Caridad, into from for with boiler tubes leaking: Pernambuco, Telegraph.
thick; POINT wind LOBOS, Sept 26--10 M-Weather SW: velocity. 12 miles per bout. Domestic Porte. GRAY'S HARBOR -Sailer Sept Pedro. Eureka, San Diego.
25-Schr Marion, Han 18-Bktn Arrived Townsend, Sept both 28 Stmt Einily and schr James PORT from San Diego. TOWNSEND Arrived Sept 18 Honolulu. Highland Light, DiscovK PORT Ham, BLAKELY Arrived Sept 20- Bark hence Sept GREENWOOD San Francisco. Sailed Sept 26 StmE PORT land, MADISON- Sept 26 -Bark PORT California, hence GAMBLE Sept -Arrived Sept 26 Bark 11. ental, TACOMA beuce Arrived Sept 26 Ship Ork Maryport.
Sept 10; Br ship Rydalmere San Br bark Sept 26 -Br ship MoresWilming on. County of Anglesen, 150. EUREKA hejice Be Arrived Sept 25-Stmr HumChallenger, it 24. 26 Mabel Gray Diego: Ban Pedro: Nore Hargius, San Bailed Western Home, dence Sept 19 Schra Edward Parke, Bertha Doland Mary Dodge, San Pedro, Cleone FORT BRAGG Sailed Sept 26 Stmrs and 1' limook, Francisco. SAN DIEGO Arrived Sept 8tmr AL Sail Francisco.
Balled- Stair West CASPAR CREEK Sailed Sept 98 Schr Han Pedro, BAN PEDRO Sailed Sept. 26-Schr Elvenia. CAPE FLATTERY- Oil Sept 28 BRin Re triever, bence 18: buck Sonoma, hence 11; bark (ieneral Butler, hence Sept 6. Eastern Ports. BALTIMORE Atrived Sept 28 Stma Hamer Denau, Bremen.
Foreigs Ports. VALPARAISO- Arrived Sept bark Swansen Castle, Port Blakely, PANAMA- -Arrived Sept 19 Stme Bouth Carolina, Sept 15 8tmr Clyde, Acapulco, DUNGENESS Pissed Sept 23 Br ship Machrihan st, from London for San Francisco. sims HONGKONG Arrived prior to Sept 24 Vanconver. May '7. Sept 24 Ship Alameda, Georgia.
GLASGOW-Arrived New York, Sept Stma State HON LULU and Salled Sept 3 -Bark Sarah Discovery Port Townsend: SOUTHAMPTON New York for Arrived Bremen. Sept 28 Stmt en HAMBURG York. Sept Les Clamor, Limerick. Sept 23-Ital ship Arrived stint Sept The Queen, Stmt New City of York Chicago, New MOVILLE from New Arrived York fur Sept 90 Stmr LONDON Ranza, San Entered Diego, out Sept 16-Br ship Glasgow, Arrived LIVERPOOL Persian Arrived Monarch, sept New York. Roman, Boston.
a 20 Jupiter, KINSALE from Portland for Sept. 24 Br.