The Daily Telegraph from London, Greater London, England (2024)

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The Daily Telegraphi

London, Greater London, England

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THE DAILY TELEGRAPH WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16 16 PROGRAMME THE RI GBY GAME THE TURF Flywheel fCapt A Wills) Zaretta 'Major Beat tv) May lady (LA -Col 1 C-arruthers' Mchemist Mr roea tLeut-Col Johnson Paehmina M' Ingkv) Uaning Day Laiv Ludlow SQUASH RACQUETS ARMY CHA3I PI0XSHII Krvtjfc Binr Mr Mlekin Sprite Mre p-rL-idp BoI Str -CWpt A Wills Jrcniage laird Zetland PROBABLE RUNNERS AND JOCKEYS (WbaJIcsx) fen 'k Uara-rg Day EXfAt Cft 6 DoiicLue Burnt rfTsprng R- Jaom Si vt Arg Fox V-a Bene 4 TaUw Hartford BrTvnn jvpritc R- Perryman A Van us Bmj-y Bee Star P- Buwey Zwre-jt Frviuage Jaxnew HStorical ketunk 330 OOVERIDCE PLATE ol £150 1: mik Yr Cigaie Johnson) Preceptor (Iord Zetland) Spear War (lrd Queen borough THE ABOVE HAVE ARRIVED BrigLadoro Mr kUw'h4d' FaHocit Mr ii Saradaij Polish A rtt Pulitzer) La Trace (Mr A Read PI month Hoe Mr Red Wallu Woven Gold 'Mr Korh ds on Inquisitive Mr (antK Borny Blink -Mr Reader fepectra M' PROBABLE RUNNERS AND JOCKEYS TVup MarwhA-( Pci sh Ace Rovai Failoch la Trace Pnprpr Janus luquiativo Bic-hards Brgliadtoro Pcy man PRINCE OF WAIEs 3 IT OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT The Prince of Wales yesterdav round niwUJi in the Army Squ pionhhip at Ulul Kn I I by three games to none ID 8 4 Prince who is not in fu pra Parquets just now was nut oc at first and was msjudirqj wall but later he improved and finish gave an mpraMe display tl stroke laboured than used way in which when going out for a lc adnied pice and power to hs str moment was cxuenieiy clever started shakily the IVince leal nu Sanford equalising three all Pririoe served his hand out wtii a and paid the penalty for opKin run if fvHir a reached 7 3 In 1 lands the Prnoe equalise! at seven put himaelf vut with a shot that jus he board fianloi led 8 7 made it right all with a half A was played and after being once put Priin-e gained the two a ntx'essarv In the second game Sanford led at 5 yen WV Ha ton Osborne and Jacques were excellent front-row' forwards for the winners and the whole eight packed smartly and showed much advance in their hooking and heeling All the Bank three-quarters played admirably and Van Schalkwijk usually a big force in the Catford fifteen found himself completely checked by Smith and Chadder Their oiktsuicA runti mg well d1 effe tiveJ than t-lio' of the Metropolitan Police Leoabwry at Teddiacton were able to ptce another juccea to Winr credit a goal deckling the iue A velle and Lumgar th home halve- had a happy and tbe skilled plav provided tin ha plenty of ttoe hall Tlie Police XV however deluded stonily and their heavier forwards put- in ome ttiit rruratuagiOf Etg ware again had two find fifteen the lie 1 Poor play in the centre largely otbuted to the cJub defeat at Exeter by three gol (one pooalty) to a peTalt goal and two trie? Chapman Wed EdgwareV penalty goal from ftft ards and tr were cred by Lewis ami Tboma The other Kdgware XV defeatsl Portsmouth bv a goal and a try to two tries at the White Lon ground II Gb'oc wlto made his Drst appearance for tlie bon ciuh scoring two bfRliaat tries one of which (iadney converted from the touebJine The resourceful display of Hannah their full back saved PvrU-moutU fini a heavier reverse Straatham xtiH unbeaten at lKtn were a little for tunate in overrommg tbe Trojans at Thornton Heath by ix points to Apart from the forvartF the side placed much below normal form tin half hacks being especially weak ami tin right wing pair often ni mg chance toy getting out of position rp' tlie Hampshire county full-ha did e-plendi-i work for tbe Trojana whose euorosful iefcnor tMiied make lx game scrappy A penaJtv m1 knked hy 1 Tetmant and a try from 1 WUittiugham constituted ali Lit aoortag Sudtoury t)e Wasps lot atson their full back fore half time but they ran out winncr against Royal Naval College (Greenwich) by four tries to one try A blinding rainstorm coung on soon after tlw start tlie game be name almost entirely one foot work Lillit'o Henley Hikins ajd tompton crossed for tbe Wasps while th College rred in a forward rush I pper Clapton had Royal Naval Depot (Chatham) as visitors Trinity F'ield Bush Hill Pirk hikJ a most cxriting encounter endel ir a Jraw aoh sxie clauiiinc four tries Soon after t4ie tcning Bennett an ankle badiv and retired and I'Tpcr tlitiirgli leatling by nine points at the interval afterw arris proved unequal to the task of holding with seven men a mueb heaier park Red grove was a good full bark for tlie home fifteen whose tries cane from Leigh rj Turck and West In a strenuous but not very skilful encounter at Mot igham Old F'lttkumans obtained a winning try ncajinst Royal Dental Hosp tal Tbe forwards were fairly evenly matched hut the play generally favoured tbe Old Boy for wtiofn xpru i Bpeed Andrews ami tinfTtn of the park iv A WVU (at full bak' and Noble (outside half) to much advantage Hie one item of scoring was by Lark wlo UmmI uji op -mug mad' by Vander 3 isiting Sitlcup Old Dunstonians won hy three goals (one a penalty) to a goal from a mark a penalty goal and a 1H points to 9 Their forwards of wlioro Greenaere Talbot and Hethcnngton played imnspicii oualy weM and Green who kicked all t-hree gowls proved a reliable full hack Wood and Womack scored the Dumttomans' trios while Clifford oMa-merl a try and Turner and Luker each kicked a goal for Sunup The liome club rallied finely in the second half when Sheridan the OW stand-off half had retired hurt Scoring 31 points to I) Old Paulines easily accounted for Chatham Services who played a man short throughout At New Barnet where Old Bnghtoniaiis by a mdar score overthrew Old St Edwardian iOxforI) the visiting full-hack collided with one of th goalposts nd was out of tlie game for isome ime Lawrence Pine and Fwvrus were outstanding for th- Brighton ions whose A fifteen bad a god fight witli Old Leysutos Mon loaui hy 9 at to DERBY 1 BREADSALL SELLING PLATE of 4i200 7 fur Ntfaifht Yrs lb P'ro-rAlu Mr II Bmre) Iaulkirr 4 9 Lrifciip i Mr I adecwoodl Hurtful 6 -9 LiatiurTTrllrFB Raodcx) Flynn 5 9 Galloping sv Lady Green) rttorio a 9 liranTHu 'Mr 6 9 Sitr Td Mr I Marf 4 -9 Br ant Uni (Mr Ii Miller) Dl Oudry (LorJ Qufen borough BtddU 4 9 LUielwuJf I Mr Rhxles) Flynn 2 7 Dnoliw (Mrs Wootton 2-6 13 THE ABOVE HAVE ARRIVED El Torero (M S- Darling 5-9 Milvcr Prufia-Jp iMr Todd) Private 4 -9 Squat Mr Wont ton I Owner 4 9 OroGian iMr Levin Ixacb iun 6 9 Sorua Carol Mr A Douglas Pennant) Hogg 4 9 Itenan (Mr Hanis) Thrace 4 9 ConfFpeum Mr Tfjrale) Owner 4 9 Beit Do (Mr Vaey) Owner 6 9 Vallon (Drl ilvertoni iTank Butters 4 9 PolyLbe (Mr Hall! II (Mr Hobson) piiew Oapr rylanH) River IaaIy iMr- Bennett) Car i Mr Du kson) Far Pauline Xr Moseby) MaDoliolMr Wiseman) Mim tb'Dif tr Fraver) lr puior Ea-aji'r LaHy Turringon) Aott 2--6 13 My Jer I by Soranu tMajor Beatty) Owner 2b 10 Sea GltI by Sir Berkeley (Mrs Brownlee) Butchers 2 6 10 Pa Ena-re (Mr Corrigan) 1- Davis 2 6 10 PROBABLE RUNNERS AND JOCKEYS Squat Bolls Do crer an Ijrarh PNyYte Madab tripatj Souvhey Eth- wuLf Mlvrr loatf 1 Din-iDhoYa lev-man Bonr Ba-inoe Rr zhLand C- Ray My Jean ftLy i awlry Beury IYDKirki i on BELPER SELLING HANDICAP PLATE of £20a Mrs if ht mile in in Hatmvn 'Mr Millen Dal 4 8 1 L- lhlp Mr II fH'FTWfyNl) R'ntoul 6 8 0 Impatient Bv Mr II Lvous) Nightuifall 4 7 13 l-ihUC Dindon Mr Davtaon) Tcmrmaii 5 7 13 RiK I a Mr I Glawpool) eal 4 7 10 Mar-iii Bamn dc Tuvll) Hartwan 3 7 5 ttock Mr 8 otton) 4 7 4 TH I ABOVE HAVE ARRIVED of Tuba (Mr A Jvowden) Galad Mrv Walker Vi ar Lau Qu enborougti) The Oik Mr 1 Cottrell) Mar aint Mr tiibbons) of tin A-ena Mr ILaiuin)nl) lyorhshff Mr II Miller) Dk- owlet Mr Muon) Dark Mr Smyth- trev Manen tiieenbop-ugrt) M- Bird Mr Valla Wyllie) Zadig Mr -1 Putnam) Hlark Itawn -Mr 1 Raon) ltnnKHJtb -Sir Hrsfall) pinnric Stj Mr I Peek) M-r-fau Mr 1 (jnjvill revf)t tir M- 1 Belli Betlerby a 9 0 MhttaJier 3 10 Bennett 4 8 7 Gilbert a 8 Scott 4 8 Manf-r 4 Dak 5 -8 iKitnami a 8 fawner 3- 8 nr tt 3 8 ffwiuvr a -H Iayne 5 8 ow ner a 8 Wal Griggs 7 12 Threlt 1 5 7 12 Hgv 4 7 11 Me 'all 7 10 Ba uelor Sim -Mr Vtefiyn) Htigh Hoaney 3 7 10 Rafnam 'Mr I Mra Mr Eastern Sun Mr 1- trance Pturntner) Hullo-k) More i I 1 arrutbrr-) Bellerbv Bullock 4 Glib rt 5 twner 4 4 tolling 3 McKenna 4 Owner 4 Wilson a Rcnntxon 3 7 Hall 4 7 la rkin 5 7 Ea-terbeo 3 6 13 Wilson 4 1 2 fotob 3 6 10 Hackeli 6 10 Rrarl-n 3 6 10 Eloquent (Mr Eirov) Right An Mr Sadler jun Orpine (Mr Bcnint Solihull Mr Bruetoni (Mr Sedgwick) Much (Mr Davies) Pfvg Fancy 1 Bancroft) Sivniovar II Ml 4 Benson) orra M- Alien bteveno Mah loOkf? Mr 4 Bayli) bbata iMr l-ar' PROBABLE RUNNERS AND JOCKEYS i ialadecr The rk tia-Uuiwm LonUnp Moving Bird Zadig Light Lonrkn lumouth SiannliH Sti 1 1 Doiatgliiio St Ma'-'au RbTiunls Rm liv II Southey Pay Baihocr Saru 4 Sirtt 1 Fox 'orange MloI Mragi I R'od Martin ri 'akc Orpine uulull A Burns 2 A-MARKEATON PLATE a Handicap ol £5 Inca (Mr Reil ilker A Taxlor 5 9 Artist luster Beatty) Lorl ii Dnndaa 4 lohn's sjii Mr Mrry rlartigan 4 8 ings of the i-nin Nln Ganlnor 4 7 Sun Yat-wn Mj Whjtburn) t'ottrill 4 7 Jaix 'Mr A Hood) M' THE BoE HAVE ARRIVED 5b 11 9 Sun Vat Sen ran fairly well for the Cambridgeshire and should be somewhere in the vicinitv of Inca at the finish I propose however taking a chance with John's Son Guadiana impressed me quite a lot when she won last time out at Windsor and though she has top weight in this Nursery to-day -he must take a great deal of heating Somme Orb might prove a danger to her Select ions are appended Markeaton Plate John's Son Chesterfield Nursery Giadiana Kangemore Plate: Waning Day COURSE NOTES AND HINTS FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Breads all Selling Plate (7 fur) Brght Land and Sliver Toss arc the best of the horses and Dliolla the pick of the youngsters I shall rely on Bright Land 1 30 Belter Selling Plate 1 Galadw lias been performing in letter company but 1 am afraid to trust him even here Orange Mint should run well Black Dawn has run badly ii show ng ump -nr Lights o' London ho lia- been prominent in his last two races has my vote 20 Makkeaton Plate Handicap (1 mile) Ilel us was a moderate third to Apelle at Newmarket with Inky Boy just behind him Artist Glow has a pull of 71b wiith Delius on their Hav-dock running when Mr Reid Walker's horse won Artist Glow has been rather a disappoint ent this year and perhaps he may do lietterover this distano John's Son won a couple of minor events before taking part in the Grosvenor Cun last Saturday when he was not disgraced and 1 epe-1 to see him do lietter on a straight track especially at he is so well handicapped Wings of the Morning scored on two occasions lipfore finishing fourth to Norman Duke (received 281b) at Worcester and comes into tlie limelght through his running at Hamilton Park when leating The Mohawk Ie Roi Sdeil was unplaced to Le Gros at Lingtield after winning a maiden race at Kempton in Augu-t and meets John's Sou on worse terms than the Lmg-feld race Caustic is likely to do lietter with stronger handlaig than lie received at Liverpool tbiough he is at a disadvantage of 61b with John's Son Jemco has an outside cliance aud Khod ve ha- inning form Hut appears this country for the first time John's Son mv selection 235 Chesterfield Nursery (5 fur Somme Orb was secimd to Caryl (rec 81b) at Birmingham and the former was making up ground at the finish ithout actually being dan gerous When Frankly was second to La at headquarters Yoho was unplaced and is allowed 61b for the beat ng Lundy Light wrath rd to Beechmount at Newcastle and hirst Hussar was second to Janu- at Liverpool Tin 0 M'nt has an excellent chalice oo the Newbury running as she was th rd to Twofold Silver Ore lias shown no form since the middle of July but it should Ik noted that he has been carrying big weights Silvern I-le wa- unplaced to Jack vtton at Liverpool and I have no fancy for lier on that form Guadiana wa- an easy inner at Windsr and has t-u allow- I rankly 61b more for the three lengths beating Mr Harvte fitly received Guadiana may win 35 Rangemore Maiden Plate (5 fur) When Elcot scored at Sundown from-Gracella he was a lucky winner but the form was not en hanced at Newbury hen Gracella was unplaced to Silver Spoon though I fancy the filly can do lietter Ale nous ha- not run since lie made a premising debut in the race Constant Son won Waning Day hung on to Philammon at Newmarket Nota Bene as unplaced to The Lawyer at noolin Belle Star should be winning liefore long a- -he rati a good race again-t Silver Sponu at Newbury As Alcinou- a doubtful ruufier 1 give my vote to Waning Day 330 Dover idg Plate Hi Preceptor should not beat Spectra through Sir Joshua Inquisitive ran second Zenoff over this track aud if producing that form may win The hest of the dav niav he Waning Day FWCIED HORSES SUCCESSFUL TODAY AT DERBY By HOTSPUR well-backed horses were nnors at Iieioewter yretcrday included Ik- (ivp'inn i Hu 'id r-toIH Selling Plate Rob Ieicetersliire Handicap) Talpa lApo-thorpe urscrrl Star Haxborough Handicap) and Linatora Stoughton Maiden Plate) The only other rare the Clock Tower Selling Handicap was won by the 7 to 1 chance Martian and a- this one wa rddeu bv Dines it goes without saving that after llie bright contribiitioti to history on the previous dav In- mount had ipntc a following (i'p-umcolt and arr or Mar were ridden bv Gordon Richard- and each was arouritc The trouble with tlie latter ha been mainly with the handieapper- Given a chance a- -lie was yesterday -Ik1 duly won for Mrs Kdgar Wallace and tor tlie tune Gong ber husband can withdraw In- vigorous impeachment ol tliose who in hi- opinion have stood between tin- liUy ami success for practical a whole season Gyjisum colt was a winner for the Russ ley stable which must have had a capital season 1 hanks to the return to the saddle of their jockey Richards It was very much otherwise alioiit this ime a year ago Kor a whole season they bad leen without that M-rvif He must certainly Ik given credit for lav ing turn -I the tide his return Gypsum colt ie by Sonning a sire tliat did not have tlie Ixwtof opportunities on going to tlie stud but lias nevertheless rlone really well His two-year-old was liought in for IKnes suc'-sbd on Martian a four-ycar-old llial was at one tins' I believe tile It ussier stable but now won for Mr Harry Brown Ho is bred bv Mosr and Kowson Ik in future wall Is- ns ire intimately associated wiuli ureley than they liave licen in the past Mr Brown was aide to retain his burse at WIRING DEFEAT Roll who won the Leicestershire Handicap 1v a neck bad an excellent chance of doing so a- was iointed out hv our special course inr-resnondent ThLs horse was well treated on hi-Goodwood running with Itamhou Bridge and ill fact ha- not run a bad raco the bole ol the year It was appropriate therefore that lio should wore here and in the circ*mstances hw sucrwis was well nseived It would have heeii the same liad the stake gone to Nothing Venture who was only beaten a neck The handicap ors however got the measure of this very consistent lior-e some tune ago and in the ordinary way ho may not lie improving Talpa the winner at a short- price ol tlie Ajiethoqie Nursery had an outstanding liars' at tho weight on Ins running at Manchester some time ago He had failed in the interval but tho handieapper had not overlooked tho fact Ho much pica--! barkers generally on the course by his clever win from Rhodope filly ridden by Ihnre At the end of the afternoon Linatora showed how useful she is by giving weight and a decisive heating to her opponents the Stoughton Maiden Plate Reggie Day as tlie ow ner of Byword was very confident- of lx-at ing the favourite but his plain-looking gelding lacks a turn of speed and obv lously wants a longer ourse Derby is one of tlie ractsourscs hich has bad a loan time throughout the year and tor that reason a really sueeessful meeting ind tip the season would be welcomed There are two outstanding events in i ho first tlie Markeaton Plato and tho Chesterfield Nursery Inca it is uuilerstood will eonieto in the former race and it is in her favour that she has done well over the course She would also have feen an easy winner of the Grosvenor Cup at liverpool with Wcissdoin out of the wav The mare therefore must have a very considerable chance to-dav Oue that has an opportunity of loafing her is Son who is much better handicapied here than he was in the Grcsvenor Cup race This horse may only just be wnuing to his best (eh after a long period of unsoundness Artist Glow and Wings of the Morning are Newmarket horses that will run The former lias been disappointing the latter looks to In' slightly outclassed weighted as ho is now NfAVMARKFT HORSES Dur cwmaj-ket selections for the Derby meeting to-day are a follows Breadsall Selling 4RANDPAU Tielper Selling Hock Daisy Markeaton Plate Am adl Chesterfield Nurserr Stykia RangenKire Plate Alginoub Iiovenidge Plate Pre eptor I KISH 4 AMBHIIXrKSHIKK ProoaMc starters and )ckes for the Irish Cambndge-shjre to he nin to-day are a follows kmc Eagle (A Barratt) Wet Indies fT Bnivs) Oi-eau d'Or tJ Mo lan) King Bud Childs) Anisa1-lejh (Jo lnty) Parkgate Putt Puff 4 tzgerahD Vfernault Hartyi Queeastown I HantilL Barley knowe iE Qturkei Cnddler fW Ren) inrt tooka James Doyle) Tony Boy Lord BiFrdon (P Basley) Carlovia (W Howard) Princess Peg (R Fullen) Hvppy Dale (J Caldwell Maureen's Sister tJ -Quilian) and (John Doyle) VICTORY OF READING SCHOOL PROMISING HALF-BACK By COLONEL PHILIP TREVOR CBE It was a particularly good public school match that I watched yew ten lay at Reading and as the result of it Reading School beat the Nautical College Pangbuumc by four goals one of which was a jwcnalty goal (18 points) to nothing For their pronounced victory the winners wore largely indebted to their wtand-otf half-back Hall who is easily tho most promising schoolboy player 1 have seen tins season and the Iwst 1 have teen since 1 drew attention to tho unusual merit of Laird hen ho was a cadet at the Nautical College and to Brian Daly who is still at the Oratory School Hall is only lb years of age and this is only his second season at Rugger He was originally at a Soccer school I first noticed him iu defence for twice in about a minute he came to tho rwscue when a comrade ha 1 blundered Then I observed lus unselfishness in his treatment of his three-quarter line It was subsequently tliat 1 had cause to note his capacity as an individual Ho got two tries on his own The brail of tliose gam si when he was playing dow the hill was a very good one while the sooutid get with the hill against him was about the lest thing of its kind I have seen for a long time jkast He began by gathering a halt-volley side stepping swerving and dummy selling did tlie rest for him Ill both cases lie was justified in r'sorting to individualism and as a matter of fact three were the only occasions on which lie did go on his own Those who have xntrol of the public school games which are to lie played ill the lirist-nias holidays should not overlook this player I am not often tempted to bo confident about the official Rugby future of a public school boy but this time I do not think 1 am to the jargon of the day speaking out of turn Hall of course emphasised tho superiority of his side in this match but leaving him out of the question the winners were a little the bettor team on the play Reading School have a distinctly good pack one I should say that is above the average of public school packs The lads in it put their backs in their job and they can hook and heel Hall's partner Luttman who by the way as the other try -getter took due advantage of hat the men ill front pf him did A strong full-hack and a big fellow withal is IVoodreon Because he plays confidently he inspires confidence He can kick with both feet and he is a long aud a sure place-kickcr Ho did all the goaling yesterday afternoon HOW READING AVON Reading School led by 8 points at halftime and before the of ends the Nautical College had only been twice in their half and even then they were hut angel visits that they paid However when later they played down the lull they held their own Once they all but scored Reading were attacking strongly when Teacher started a dribble later he gathered ball and he was only 2ft from the goal line when Cox pulled him down It was brilliantly done this and it deserved practical success Tho losers tackled well and one and all went down on the ball fearlessly Once one of them Clarke paid the penalty for his pluck Clarke had been playing particularly well but twenty minutes before the end of the match lie got a lia-tv kick in the face and liad to be carried off tho field The best player in the cadet side was I thought their left centre three-quarter-back Strand Jones who is a son of the old Oxford Blue aud AVelsli international liked both their half-backs Teacher and Milner It was a capital game chiefly because the losers though outplayed never flagged indeed when they ore a man short they played harder than ever Tho referee as Mr Francis the old Welsh international player Ho had only to deal ith unintentional transgressions of the law but lie was absolutely first-rate Nothing escaped him and best of all knew when not to blow his whistle If he were available to control our big games lie would rank somewhere very near the top Teams Re ading School (' A M'oodeaon Cox Lewis Rumble (captain) A A Gray Luttman Hall JenkinN LonEhurst Brown Carter I Palmer Blowers A Nicker Huggin" Naitical College I Smith Stareley 4 Strand-Jones (i Chatterten Clark Teacher Milner Haines (captain) Clarke Hamblin Johnson A Blount BLay Bnallwood Addenhrookc MATCHES WARATAHS AT BELFAST This afternoon the New South Wale team Play their second match in Ireland meeting at Belfast After their victory on Saturday the touring team will not feel anxious about the result when opposing a side presumably weaker than the full strength of Ireland hut seven of the men who made such a close fight at Dublin will take the field again The Ulster authorities have tried to improve upofl the international side that failed Stephenson standing down in favour of Hewitt who changes from half-back to centre three-quarter where If Stephenson will have for partuer a comparative stranger instead of his brother A Douglas the full back Atkinson the other centre three quarter the two McVickers Payne and Browne of the pack are the other men having another experience against the Australia os and A McUwaine of Cambridge should help North of Ireland put up a gord struggle A Watt fills the vacancy at halfback with a great chance to distinguish himself The county championship mate) takes place this afternoon the combination of Notts Lincolnshire and Derbyshire meeting North Midlands at Beeston The visiting team having beaten East Midlands and lost to Leicestershire need a victory if they are to challenge seriously for first place in the Midland division as War wi Jest) ire lead with pronounced successes over Leicestershire and the combined counties EIVTI KES AND TEAMS ASSOCIATION A Crystal Palace -Corinthians MC (Bandhurttl At Oxford University A XI At asua Cambridge '245) SOUTHERN COUNTIES CHAMPIONSHIP At Chatham- Kent Norfolk At Suffolk Middlesex (245) KKBY UNION NEW SOUTH WALK8 TOUR ULSTER NEW SOUTH AIE8 Ar Belfast (2 30) ULSTFR A lkugia (Inttoniansi Sfefthen-on (United Servires) Hewitt (lntnnian) 1 3f Atkinwn (North of Ireland) aud VCCIenahan (In stonian I A Adrian (N rtb Ireland- and I Watt (North of Ireland) Beam iR Browne (United Senuees) 1 Campbell Hnst-oman-' Mrllwaiue (Cambridge Univertit McV'icfcer ((Jueen ker lArmv and CollegjanM Payne (North of Ireland) and biggins (Collegians) COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP NORTH MIDLAND NOTTS LI NCOIN SH! ND DERBVSHIRF Beeston Notts (2 45 NORTH MIDLANDS Rigby (Old Enwardiaiu Souster (Burton Pte Ree (Biulh Wale- B'r-jerer-H Lindop (Wolverhampton) and Bather (Fve0hani A Long i and Pratr iMofilei Timm it- (Wolverhampton A Buckler i Anton Old Edwardian) Sect lone and Pte Davies (South Wales B-rderera) Piugle Brown and 3 I Sadler (Old Edwardian?) F'ellowe (Dudley) and Iti (Barton) EITHER MATCH At Camberley MC United Service? CLUB NOTES OLD MJLLH1LLIANS BEATEN BY A 8PECIAL CORRESPONDENT The victory of Old Cranlciahans on the Olo Millhillians' ground at Headstone-lane bv li: points to 0 stands out as the most notable performance accomplished on Saturday among the clubs of lesser rank As the Millhillians met with defeat for the first time this season only four of the dubs whose doings are usually referred to in this weekly artide Bank of Eng land Brighton KC8 Old Boys and Westminster Bank remain unbeaten Saracens hold a very fine record with five wins and one draw iu seven matches Bank of England had six teams out on Saturday against Catford Bridge and won four of the games Catford were leading the first XV at Bellingham by two points at the interval hut afterwards the Kank forwards outplayed the ri al both in the tight and the loose and the result was never in doubt Mackenie A 8 Hann and 8mtth scored tries for the Bank Gilbert converting one and landing a penalty goal while Hutchinson converted early tns for Catford Bridge who retired beaten by 14 points to 5 Gilbert Playing on the top of les 1 the third and oonolud riyj finishing with a brilliant aces To-day tlie Prinoe plav hen-nion RK in the second round Several other £ood matohes were played -er day and the Manlu'd plav was li ler Maa ii Monday Major Marriott lfct Scots Guards who last year was the mlv player mi a now from Um holdei Scott Coldstream Guards had a trementknjs tJi 1 Cw ley UK The ralUes were l-m? both players bring safe in return but finishing strokes hich are not easA in the Prince's Club court Cow lev led games to one ami 51 in the fourth ga he then made two bad mistakes and Marriot after drawing jp ti 5 all eventually wn )Q game and souared the mat at tw gamex all In the deriding game Marriott lasted Uip better and won with some ease 1ewis 1st Welsh tiuards made ingit brilliant allots in his match against aptaui Stradiey Somerset Light Infantry He allows unsol a small margin of error in hs shuts and ooosequenre put too many on the top of th iard but Iny won his mat against i sound player by 3 games to 1 Captain Chenev 2nd King Koval liifle Corps als slxed delightful form against I Grove The first two games in ths match were cl ns ly fought but in the last two Cheney set tir fast a fltr opponerrt Most of the remain ng matches ere one sided Results FTRKT ROt'ND-Col the Prinr of Wa'i st? It Fanftmj (It Ool4rtjrm Guanls 10 8 9 4 9 0 (RAi boat Capt Br 1 9 ft 9 2 Maitr 4 Umrrntt Sc i- 4 ti Cowley RE 9 5 5 9 fc 9 9 7 9 1 1 a law (Ut Wkh urc- beat att Strrficr Snm I I 9 3 7 9 9 -5 9 1 7tn 21 at lAnccrs) 'oL-tlommaodant II Foiilk arrmt-'hcl E-lv -2nd beat I Hnnv '2th! Grcnari er uari 9 -0 9 4 9 5 1 h-itot (Iwt KRRc beat orovr It I 10 9 4 4 9 -4: Roll (sh*th Stiffiedhir' Bourke 9-4 9 3 9 5 TO-IMVS PRObRANNE 10 am (kfitain 4 Cheney 4 KJ1 I04S Smltb Bingham 9 Fv 1130 1 aptain Drake Brm kxnan 1215 1 Mvrrmtt A Tt VUmtw 1 prn Hnbk Lytton Mkbiuu-v Hwtolc Hns- Ogllry 2 30 pm lapUam lie Foljajnbr- 3 15 1 Swwny THE HATH CLUB CUP Rochampton Club in their own nuirL yetr-day defeateil the Club a match for th Bath Club Cup by 2 ties to 1 NeiQier bide wts at full strength but in Sir John Paco Wood and Hope Ruehampton had two of their usual team vnereas the visitors were without Scott Chad Major (' Marriott jaid other strong players eiicaged in tlie ArmyUham pious-hip Dalton (Guards) though an improving and remarkably fit player was ik for Page Wood whose victory at 9 3 was not 8 one-sided as it looks on paper many of the rallies being very keenly on tested Maine (Guards) played finely in his second game against Hope hut was outclassed in Uio other two and was beaten 9-1 9- 0 The solitary win for the Club was gained by Freudenthal who gave a bet ter display than in his prev urns matuh at the Guards Club and beat (i Faber (Rw-1 1 amp ton) Ly 3 games to 9- 4 1 5 9 9-4 Faber started badly but in tbe lat two games there was little between tho players UNIVERSITY ROWING TRIAL PRACTICES Practice for the Oxford trial eights on Ike i took a new turn yesterday when the third cre was taken off and A and crews went for the first time on the loog journey The threr Old Blues Shaw A Rankin and Whiting were accompanied by Dr Bourne and I) Thomson last president They paddled up to Iflley and then rowed easy stages first to Keruungton and then to tlf Horse Gate where they halted and then pulled through to Radley Boathouse at 28 fter short rest ashore they returned and Keumng ton Read: had a row abreast and then rowed home quietly to the Boathouse Order of rowing -H form by Mug Ulml ihew Hv (Trinity) Arbr (Wdhm Mirr no v-'i (Cbri Morphett Bra'ene) A 1 Winmfrith Graham i Magdalen) (atrok A Tarkr (Cbrui Church) lonxj CRFW Tinnr (Umrer itr i IU' nr Brat 8 I aw i BrarTr (Exeter I i s'w College A GraKam a pcsn I I) I yle J' 1 Utroke btopiord (New Coucg- (cox AT HR IDG The trial eights on the had a full prF gramme jf work yesterday in preparation for lock to lock trial to morrow and an hiur wat spent by lhe three coaches the president J- Holcroft (Pembroke) the secretary 1 Elks (Trinity Hall and Ree First Trinity giving tub pair instruction prr ti tlie beuig brought out The rews were ti at late than usual and it was 3 30 prn before thev arrived on t-hc Long Reach ourse just utter fo last heat in the Col qu boons bad been dd downstream journey was acicwnpliKhed in Mages at alout 22 but on the return journey crews were called upon for some work at a higher rate There were one or two changes tbr order of rowing made principally to level loe crews up Order of rowing Tnutfl A Mirbetl -to-Thomas (Emmaouell Hanuen tTr niiv Brown (Firfct Trinity) Lriir Hhaon (Gann! W-- I A A Gaah (Kiog tairoke) A I rr CREW -D Gampbctt I Ward lA'iy MArgare Tapp (Cam lan Tr -117 Trinity) (i Connell iFtnrnan Gricfb llesu) ('i Norman Bur Ii F- Macmillan (Pembrokei Trimtvi A Monro Prubrok II Trinity 1 Cann CbanWen-R Seiwyn) (rtroke Trinity) Icox) Wtll 1 i IT sr lira BOAT RAUF DAT! defin te dhte has yet Rrat Race Mr Shaw lit dent 11 vim! Cambridge on Fri it hoped the date will tc anno pr vEhcb COLQUHOUN S( LI first round of the Th- HKLTKNHXM NH 1 HKT1NG oRDF-R OF BINNING FOR TO-DAY Oervc Selling 1-15 fmthani Sc ing Haidieap Hurdle 14b Handicap Chase 215 Amateur Ride- Hand: ap HurdV 24S Out? wold 315 Rt hU Mdidn Thre'-esr-ki HurdJe 345 RESULTS LEICESTER 4 A HUMBERST0NE SELLING PLATE of £194 two-I GYPSUM by iGnulns (Mr A Lh'UgU- Pennant) (( icbardh) 1 MANTILLA eh by Manilardo-IlatLie (Mr 1 If Bowcher) 8t 1 1 (F Iao 2 BENEDICTUS I) by 8ir Gem of Bermuda (Mr II King) 9-t (H ach) 3 Ficta iMk I larihew' 9wt '4 Martha -) 0 B-gW'i Mr 1 Hall) Dines) 0 Fr ar'- Igic Mnharajah Jam Sahib of Naw anavan 9i kaoea) 0 Tr-pnior Eleanor Iwlv Torringtnn- 9st -S TVmoghtie) Record tlrrd Gvcntrv 8t 11 Drrvtnan 0 sgor Dwrg Mr (i ovr Sst (' Brown) 0 Gnra -I 4l Johnaoa 8-11 WaWh) 0 'W inner tra mad bv Hogg Russ-ev) off 12 B- ttin 2 1 agyt 4T 7 to 2 Ttep 5 to 1 FI eta md Bvorl 10 1 Mantilla 100 to 7 other- Won bv two Irnuths length and a liali ece nd and third Sgor wao urth anl tnra last Winner bought in for 330l's 1 10 CL0CK tower selling HANOICAP PLATE i MARTIAN by Pommcrn of Mars Mr A Brow i i (1 Diaci) 1 BUCENE I I yn 7ibl LA Barn) TRECARNE I I I I Dark I ad Mr pmth) 3 yr-- Bat 7 4one- High Spray Mr Wdn 4 jrn 8st-l Burn) 0 Kim! Menior Mg 4 Aitkem 4 rs 8 Pe rryman) 0 aniing Ifc IVnnctf 3 7t 5 A ragg) 0 Marcaaux Mr 4 rvlM'le) 4 yrs 7t 9 hi RacherdM 0 Fancy 3lr Ikmcroft) 3 yrs 7t 3 ill Park ham 0 Mr selewiek) 4 vrs 7wt 1 B4ipes 0 Sumnvpr II 4 Benson- 4 6fU7 (ordcli) 0 Lot'e B-rk -Mr A jun) 4 rw be-7 Rimdli 0 Lady FToi 'Mn limllafly) 3 vr 8vt ji Donsrhu) 0 Winder tn nd hv Owner AtherMonei Off 132 Betting- 7 to 2 Trccariir 4 to 1 High Hprav 5 to I St Mire aux 7 I RT1 AN and Ikjrk Jaid 10 Klajn mg Ro 100 to 6 other Won hv two lemjtli- half a letarth second and third Dirk 1 fourth and Pfwy's Fancy last mn-r boigrht in for 2 30g 20 LEICESTERSHIRE HANOICAP PLATE £417 ROB Smme Kiss Rod Ru (Mr II fire-gory) 5 vr Bst-4 I I 1 NOTHING VENTURE IV i Galahad kv 1 Jardnie 4 vrs 9t-2 Laaeh) 2 BERKELEY BRIDGE b- Sir Berkelev Hridgement i Mr- rrelll 5 vr- 7-1-2 (A Bur nr) 3 Rainbow Bridge Ixr Derby) 4 vrv 8t 6 (T Weston) 0 Stanarch Lord If de Walden 4 vr But Bearv) 0 Mi66 Onflow (Mr Singer) 3 yr 7-I-10 Dtiog)tue) 0 Orbit (Sir A Hutt) 3 yrs 7M-7 (P Donghue) 0 Rhyolite (Mr- II BeddingGn) 5 yrs 7-t (A Wragg) 0 I at liray Sir I Ncwnon) 3 yrs -1 Dines) 0 SpinnatU 'Mr- Hartigao) 3 vrs 7t-b Richards) 0 1 apiure Him (Lord tilanelv) 5 vrs 7G1 Siretn 0 Grev Gown (Mr A Boaznant 4 vr 6st-8 (K Brooks) 0 (Winner trainer! bv Gooch lisle Off 22 Bett ng 9 to 2 agst Raiithuw Bridge 5 to 1 Rt 1 1 to 2 Noth ng Venture 100 to 12 Capture Him 10 to (rbta 8tasiarch and Rhyolite 100 to 8 Spioneita 100 to others Won bv a neck: head second and third Capture Him was fourth and Grey Gown Iat 2 in APETMORPE nursery HANDICAP PLATE tw )ar-olds fur atmiclkt TALPA or hr by Grosvemrr -Mole Heap (rtir (A Bam i i RHODOPE by Rock Flint (Mr Mu halinos) 7t -1 1 (J Dine) 2 EFFENDI bv The Royal Pcrl (Mrs 8 Sadler ju Obndtll) SAUCY GIRL by Galloper Light (Mr hnatone) bst 12 ar 7st) (S ragg) I am the Captain (Mr (Jresson) 8st-10 Fl'intt) 0 Robbers' March lxrd Dewar) 7st-12 'II Wragg) 0 Braihwooi (Mr Hone) 7t 12 (S Donoghoa) 0 Crepu scuie (Mr A do Rothschild) 7st-l I (car 7t-12) (R Pcrrv man) 0 Moonstruck (Mr 1 Bellerby) 7sb4 Bmwni 0 Bois de Rose Mrs A Dodd) 7st 8 (T eston) 0 Grand Gown (Lord Glanelv) 7st 2 (J rett) 0 Laird (Mra Lund) 6st-l 1 Wragg) 0 Rosewtlliam Mr (i llall) bd 9 (If Pckhani) 0 (Wiuuer trained by Scott Shrew ton) Off 237 Betting 2 to 1 g-t TALPA 7 to 2 I am the Captain 5 to 1 Rhodope 10 to 1 Btaishwood 100 to others Won hy a length three lengths Grand Gown was fifth nd Robbers' March last A HARB0R0UGH HANOICAP PLATE of £176 WARRIOR'S STAR hr bv Happy South Planet (Mr- Wall aoe) 3 yrs 7st-12 (G Richards) 1 ZAHRAT b' Sul Ui (Ml Ibin) 4 vrt 6t-ll (fi Baines) 2 PINAULT hr bv Dainault- -Pine Knot (Mr II Horne) 4 vrs 8st-4 (F Fox) 3 Bcarlet O'! (lion R- W'atwm) 3 8-t-8 (H Jell -vs 0 Flashing Sta- -Mr W'ilnor 3 yrs 4 (H L-ach 0 Merriment Kiev 6 ye- 8st-2 (S Dnohiie) 0 Ne-obourg 'Mr Brok a 7st13 Wragg 0 Paintbox -Mr Yfosketh) 6 rs 7sC6 Rimdli 0 Ftrcc State 'Mi3 TL Holima) 6 is 7at-10 (car 7st-13) (II Graven) 0 Jokiment Mr Gordon' 3 vrs 7st-9 'J Dines) 0 Ninon Mr 7t-l (V Powell) 0 Lady dara (Mr Davidson a 7st-4 (car 7st-5 We? tret) 0 iserretary Mr i uiot) vts 7sL4 (J Sirett) 0 Tullv Wood (Mr Fitch' 3 ts bst-1 2 Balch) Castle (Tisry (Mr Walls) 4 vrs 12 Wragg- 0 Duskv Brave (Mr 4 Bancroft) 6 yrs (H Packmaii) 0 Futnse (Mr CJUtiert) a 7t-9 (A- Burnt) 0 Chairman -Lady A- Compton Tyner) 3 yrs 7st-2 (S WrtkC) 0 'Winner tnund toy Larkin Lpsnm) off 35 5 to 1 agst STAR 1 1 to 2 Free State to 1 Nesabourtr 100 to 12 Merriment and Castle Cae 10 to 1 ZahraU and Pinault 100 to 8 Jolimcnt 20 to 1 others Won bv three-parti of a length half a length acovtd and third Castlte Casey wa fourth and Flashing Mar lat 3 OA STOUGHTON MAIDEN PLATE 1 £138 1 mile ou and a half LINATORA hr by Torelore Piocolino (Ladv Ludlow) 3 yn 9rt-4 (C Elliott) 1 BY-WORD by Biala (Mr Day) (M B- TAMARIND bv Grecian Fairy (Maj Barclay) 3 yrs 8str6 (R Perryman) 3 Hanover (Sir Frar' 5 vrs 84-13 Larh) 0 Path (Mr ekerirg) 4 yr 8st-13 Jones) 0 Dunsany Mr TV Kirk' 3 rs 8t (H Wragg) 0 -Winner trained by Watts Newmarket) Gff 332 11 to 10 on LINATORA 7 to 4 By word 6 to 1 Dunsany 100 to 8 others Won by a lengrth and a hall bad third Dunsany vaa fourth and llaaoer last OrriC I NCRATCHINGS -Derby Burnside (at 350 pm Monday) Relprr Juig 1 land leap The Lnck Dream The Rg Ttiree Cbestcrfleld Nurwry Grandmaster Markeaton Caplurf Uni 0maMn Nur-r I lardioap ght Steol Allestrre Welter Gran dflig hi Dirty engagements -Vym MANCTLEBTER- or-ley Nursery Suapirioo Mcml Socket Grandtoowr Mow fill Fb ng Uxad Grand loner Be record selling Piot- Maid of the lir well Minne 11a 11a Manchester Miniature I rtPSTOW Forest cf Dc-an Handicap Hurdle Glen Sky vail 7asc His Luck Wya Valley Irish Flier North Harris Boutham fe Ilfng Handicap Blue Anchor GJoKesteriihire Handicap Hurdla Mister Blue 'nchor Amateur Blders Icarus Charlton Park Handicap III ISCELL A CattcrV-k Belgian Boy llalnabv Hand cap 'Cha Mr Jolly Apprentice belling Plat Ling field Park Harebell colt (2 yrs) Svon Plate Park-Pouoee Hafiz: Badbv Stakes W'ar- Grandma? tor Warwick Tamugc Backend Selling Handicap Lincfleld The Three: Hurst Park rest Two-Year-Old Stake Parwiz Mvton Selling Platr Buziwing a engagements in J4r Goodwin's Tb' Ccon: all engagements Ruks A Gonedry Duncaxm ali engageraenta this Young Mid dU'in all engagements excipt Manchester Fountain Bridge all Bjick thorn VIII THE T0TALISAT0R To TMt Editor or Duir Telegraph" Sir In A-our itue of the 9th init in an an ole deaJaig with the total and the at-t tude tf memneri of Parliament towards it my name is given as amongst those to whom Mr Haiph 1 yn MP has issued an invitatirm to the meeting to the held in the House on Thurs day next To many this would appear as if I were a supporter of the project Sly attitude ha' been one of consistent opposition to the introduction of such methods 1 liave always contended that the legalisation of bett ng and a tax of such a character as would ensure the cooperation of all concerned would solve the problem without inflicting an exensive and elaborate system on the Turf Yours 4c THOMAS OAKLEY House ot Commons Nov 14 ELioi RNt Tuesday Mr Hogan tlw Victorian Prennei unj Treasurer is to the Legislative Assembly to-day the Totailisator BtD which proposes to ut a tax of 10 per cent on all investments of which 5j per cent would go to revenue and 4: jier cetg to the raOiig clubs ho run their own macluues under Government supervision The bill also prooses that dividends be payable on the first and second horses It is intended to peimt the bookmakers who are at present operating to continue their business Ifout'r FIELD GAME AT ETON At Tton College esterdav the School eJeree were defeated in the field game by Jtr A Rayner Wood Old Boys by to tomt to 'e In the first half Norman obtained a rouge lor the Sihoot who l-n at the interval On crossing over Percival scored a rouge for the Old Boys which war loroed thus securing the major points and victory In the Cambridge University inter collegiate athletic comettion vesterdav Pembroke beat Jesus hv 73 point to 35 I) Kord for Pem broke was successful in the weight-putting event the long jump and the pole jump In addition Ford won the open pole jump handicap Lavmgston e-Learmonth won both hurdler for Pembroke Play Titles bottled by Worthington THE PUBLIC SC HOOLS HEAVY K1XTI HE LIST FOR TO-DAV Then is a heavy mid-week list of fixtures to-day many old rivals meeting Brighton College ran hardly hope to stop the victorious rareer of Cranleigh on the ground and Merchant Taylors will find the Mill Hillout sides with iiby the principal danger too clever for them though they should more than bobl their own fotward Clayesmore who have won eight mat rhe should add another victory at the expense of King Edward VI School and iVvuai and the Oratory School both of whom have lost to the Nautical College should he well matched at Cavenham F'ramlinuham have lecn scTring heavily should Utkr point off Woodhndge aiid Wrekin and WOrksoo should win their rpeoUve nutdio againsa Tltenhall and Stamford Newton bhot Mlhallows Hon it on play the Vocal College and Mount St Mary and Ra-otiffe meet at lai' ester Clare Cambridge isit Tonbridge whose pa-k is very sound and ha- ght and Lincoln Oxford who lost last week to Dulwich an the guests of Berkhanisted i -iai igh? I by NN i rksi gton a very good side now play their annual match with the Exeter Club the Surrey Wanderers visit Whit-gift at Croydon ami Old Paulines Wednesday XV are tbe guests of St John at Leatherhead Other fixtures are Magnus GS Wyggeurton RodMrter RAF Fiast church Hynu College Leeds 1 m-veraity A Dunstable School Cedars School RNEC Midshipmen HMS Erebus Gresham's Holt West Norfolk Watford GS Mill Hill School 2nd XV Merchant Taylors 2nd XV Eltbam College ASSOCIATION Under Association rules the City of Londou School and Wellingborough both of whom have won only one match to date meet at Grove Park where the visit-ora should record a win Magdalen College School are the guests of King Alfred's at Wantage Highgate play their annual match with the Oxford Centaurs Sidney Sussex visit Ardingly and St Canterbury are the guests of the Agricultural College at Wye Repton beat Shrewsbury at Rcpton after a most exciting game by three goals to two Repton settling down before the visitors bad grown accustomed to the heavy ground soored three tains through Mend! and Andrewea (two) Sevr opened the seorr just before balf-tim After the interval Shrewsbury went all out for a win but the Repton defence was sound and they were only able to score once through Grant After th- game Rahr Barclay ii Fenton and Meudl received their Repton colours PROMISE OF HARROW A Crawler took a strong aide from Oxford to play Harrow including A Nunn Tunrau Shaw Kennedy Carbutt Gordon and I Stuart but the School scored a nwitorius win by a goaJ a penalty goal and three tries to a goaJ and two trie-Harrow had many god points about their play At full back CburchiR was gae and plucky while Lindsay was alwayf diffloulU to stop The handling was distinctly gooo anc there is high promise for the future Harrow nearly scoied twice soon tefter the kk-koff Dixon making a long run on the ieft wing and Lindsay also going iitar but from a break through by Nunn Turcan scored a t-ry whkh Stuart converted and Clietwode ran through some weak to give the scratch side a half-time lead of -0 Harrow attacked at ono on the resumption and after ii WuaLVs had oroaed with a strong trurst Lindsay dropped a fine penalty goal at long raum Fox Strangways scored for (Taw ley XV but Harrow were not to denied and Welch dribbled over for a try subsequently making an opening for Lindsay to go over hile final I a long dribble down tlie field by the Hon Pk) dell -1011 verie left the ball with Duncanson who ran round behind the posts for Welch to convert Tlie forwards whom Cadtuajj Plewiell Boiiverif and Morgan Jonas were often conspicuous packed well ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL FA AMATEUR CUP DRAW diaw (or tho fourth qualifying round of tho FA Amateur Cup competition was made yesterday and resulted as follows SOUTHERN DIVISIONS Great Yarmouth Town Sheringhaoj or GrtwGn CYitiaWY Athletic (kay Auhlet or GF lloiuii Depot Town MNrpjiian Police Sutton United Cvil Service (Uxbndg) Leagrav a nJ District Northa rnptn Nomads Akirrsbofc Traci ion CV RASC (Aldarshot) Uxtord Cowley (Oryn) F-ntiJd Chohutit or Finchley -t Worthing Srrvt hwick Il MA ExcelleAi (INritfiKuth) 5th Bd Riya: Tank (Vrpi (Ludgershai!) uro mmith TVwnc or Bournemouth fkaeworW Hanbajo Athletic Swindta Oirinthians or St Philip's Athlotu' (Brixtol) CcJrirerl Athletic CThippenliam Town Tics to be played on Dec 3 Tho draw fr first round prof km will le made at Sheffield on Dec 8 Just before the end of the match Udueen Aston Villa and Tottenham Hotspur at Villa Park on Saturday Gibson the Villa left-half sustained an injury to the right foot and had to be assisted from the field A medical examination has revealed a fracture and dislocation of a small bone Gibson will be unable to play again for some time CRICKET IN SOUTH AFRICA 1 rr ows Tuesday The w5hr again took control of the match between the and Western Province to-day and after an hour's struggle against the element the teams abandonee the game as a draw- Not until thier were Western Province able to resJmc their first innings and the players carried on for an hour during which time the Western Pro vince total was taken from 31 for one wicket to 67 for six Rain then began to fall again and although another effort was made to satisfy tlie demands of the crowd plav was restricted to one over which was barren of runs Score MCC UnlfilE Ibw 3 wi 40 Sutrliff run oit 9 Tv ArtXty Ncurae Owen 17 Htmai'ind Veal nrf out mm 44 VwJ 0 Vt ingt A tbw Morning II Wragg Arcade Fox I 'auNt lenico und rlan 1 2 35 -CHESTERFIELD NURSERY PLATE Uan -ap of £400 ftT 1 ear oaL- 5 lur -'-ra-ight Guadiana Irl (jne nborouglu Benwtt 9 0 Nmiine rb Mr GaJit I owe 8 1 Aobo i Mr 3 Taylor 7 8 Arch Knight (Capt Uaey) Owner 7 3 Silver Ore (Co Story) 1 Dawron 7 I eur Jehan (Lt-Col Johnson) Owner 7 0 THE ABOVE HAVE ARRIVED Maeve Mr Beaky Per-ae 8 9 firandmator '71h ex Ird Gianolx Vrcher 8 8 Jake a Glass lad Heicn Mjtidmuuti 8 Frank I) I Harvle) Rig 11 Wiimot 7 10 Silvni Isle Srr Aoe Bail Day 7 9 Sria tlavd Derbv Frank Buttora 7 7 Lundy Light (Ixrd Lonsdale) ArmstrGiig 7 First Hussar (Sir A be Bailey) Dav 7 1 Tin o' Mint (Mr A Gemmell) Whitaker 6 13 Pommadin (Mr A f'unliffe) Owner 12 Iri-htnan 0un (Mr Nolan) LVlling 12 Alchemist (Mr Glorney) Sneyl 10 Belling' 'i Mf Urei Owner PROBABLE RUNNERS AND JOCKEYS cid am Beery Pm IDwisax 4 Thnos tmirne Richardix ilvrr Ore A nigg Frank BJver Isle Yoho St vria Lundy Light RANGEMORE MAIDEN PLATE £200 two-rear-sM olda 5 fur straight St lb Caballero (Mr Wootton) Owner 9 6 Hartford (Mr A Cox) A Taylor 8 10 Historical Mx Hardvi Hogg 8 7 T1IK ABOVE HAVE ARRIVED The Lawver (Sir Sansoon) Elcot (Mr II Sutton) Silver Argo (Mr A Read) Sonie Power (Capt Brasey 'Mrs Dent Alcinou IMr Horlock) t'rawford 9 4 Waugh 9 6 Foater 9 3 Persse 8 10 Gilbert 8 10 Wal Griggs 8 10 11 at i First Trinity) whose tbr igh uidispob tion f)-HIAT A Litbmi' Wibiary Ptrbon HEAT A ndf I Tfr T- HEAT I H'ruoo Trn (Jr-usl br 24r tim 8m in HEAT f) Hamltiu Br1lev IVmhfii KrRh HFAT I 2-Sa Bi SNOOKER CHAMPIONSHIP- Van der I 2 an-1 Om-Jcnith 1 Morkei 0 eman Vwl 0 Extra 12 138 WKSTLRS PROVISO bertuner ftuuliflr Freeman mm 17 4 8 II a 0 12 0 7 KWk Wevene Fraeiuan Mnetis mm A Nour? not out renJiTwr' baniortb to Freeman Oa -btn not owt mm mm mm Total (for ix vkted) if Innmaa Mardi Bit atnr lM ne Rf nU An absentee from the Annateu' -p olish provisionally fixed I 3 at Birmingham will I I ntinglsami the holder There forty and there are no nom ra' Hull Ply mouth or Cambridge has len received from Cardiff aud Ramsgate so tha li 8kwe A Hamer and A compel ition proper The draw qualifying otnpetitio ha -r- i tIVDOX Bye Ii i tr A Wnjfcjfi tm -1 Mr T' hxri 4 Ma'fnu Bh A r- OMm Graham nl I WU-rfal Y'u RroCVTNGH VM -Timt Rmrwi A Gowp 4 4 J) Tborrrpaon WJuuali Mathrt BrtV amo-rnsN-B wbb t- uamet SECOND MRS TANQUERAY Specal fee-vi A teni jf Pwriamn snuai ran-qufji players under the auspice the Flinch SquARh Rn que: A xsoc at ion will visit lrtdon in the Dec 5 They will plav four of the leading London clubs and a representative London aide and will com pete kbe foikwoDg week in tlie amateur championship.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.