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- The Press Gazettei
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NO 23 HILLSBORO OH IO RIDAY MAY 3 1946 i RIDAY edition qr 129th VOLUME SAVING'S BONDS The Press Gazette ONE OLDEST ESTABLISHED IN 1818 Annual Music estival to Be Held at High School Here riday HILLSBORO HIGH SCHOOL BAND HILLSBORO HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS ToHoldSchooL to are as follows: (Continued on Pace 2) and Girl Injured When lines of school endeavorswill be rAissions flyinc a 24 Liberator Hutchinson McCrelght Dr birthday" celebration of the organization which will be tn the armers Traders Among these will be club JAYCEES TO MEET A dinner meeting of the Hills boro Junior Chamber of Com merce will be held riday at 6:30 at Restaurant VACCINATE PUPILS The Highland County Health Department has completed 50 small pox vaccinations of the first and second grade pupils at all three school buildings here PLAN RECOGNITION DAY Annual recognition day at Hills boro High School will be held ri day afternoon of this week Wal ter Shannon principal announced today The two hour program giving formal recognition to stu dents for outstanding work in all bomber in the European Theater as a member of the 83rd Bombard ment Group He also acted as an Instructor in instrument approach equipment during his 26 months overseas Capt Conners home town is Worth Tex Charter members and the pro gram of the charter night pre sentation of the Hillsboro Lions Club scheduled for next Wed nesday night May 8 were an nounced following a meeting of the group at the Chatterbox Res taurant Monday night Lions from organized clubs throughout southern Ohio are Carolyri Sams age 6 daughter of Mrr and Mrs "Donald SamsT was seriously injured Thursday afternoon when she was struck by a car as she was crossing South High Street The var was driven" by Edwin Barrett city employee of the Sohio Service Sta tion on North High Street Taken to the office of Dr Roads in an unconscious con dition the injured girl was remov ed to the Hillsboro Hospital Barrett was driving south on South High Street The girl was crossing to the west side of the street Barrett said he was right upon her before he saw her Mud and rain on the street made it im possible to stop quickly riday Night Program of Annual estival at Hillsboro igh School Listed Hillsboro Lions Club Plans Charter NigiProgramHere Music Concert To Be Heard County Dog Trial Details Are Announced Details of the annual twenty first Highland County Coon Dog ield Trials have been announced Sponsored by the Highland County Coonhunters Association the trials will be held at the Meyers Hybrid Com arm bn State Rt 138 four miles northeast of Hillsboro Sun day May 19 A $500 guaranteed finals has been set by the association al lowed as follows: $150 first tree dog $100 second tree dog $150 first line dog $100 second linO dog $14 heatmoneyr ($7 first tree dog $7 first line dog) A $7 entry fee will close at 11:30 A on the day of the race Dogs will be trucked to the grounds' and the races partly un der cover will be run rain or shine The final heats will be run over new tracks and all tracks will be laid on different ground from last year Dog owners desiring information concerning the trials may write Vernon Morrow Lees burg Ohio Lunch will1 be served on the grounds Admission has been set at 25 cents to everyone except children under 12 years of age who will be admitted free i gin at 1 Teachers in each department will honor students for various activities including sports home economics vocation al agriculture music dramatics etc Recognition day will be clim axed with (the concert riday The Hillsboro Grange will hold a homecoming celebration to which ail former members of the organization are invited at the Grange Hall here on Wednesday May 15 at 8 it was announc ed today to reunite all those who have been members of the local Grange since its inception September 1910 with 50 charter members the homecoming fete will be highlighted by a potluck supper and entertainment to be announced later Arrangements are in charge of Mrs Maude Lemon Mrs Rae West Brown is present lecturer and program director Other Grangers throughout the county are also invited to this meeting In announcing the celebration honqfing 30 years of organization Grangers also released a list of all the Grange masters who served during that period irst master of the local group was the late in Burch Huggins who served through 1916 and 1917 The other masters in succession were: Glaze 1918 A ettro 1919 Edwards 1920 through 1923 Charles Diven 1924 through 1927 Sylvester Smith 1928 29 A Hicks 1930 31 Irwin Shannon 1932 33 Clarence' Hamilton 1934 35 Harry DeWitt 1936 37 Alva Overman 1938 39 Burch Hott 1940 41 Orville' Stephens 1942 43 Donald Robbins 1944 William Hamilton 1945 46 Secretaries who served during the 30 year period include: Kerns Edwards Nbf tiger Mrs SrB Sanders A Lemon Clarence Hamilton Harry DeWitt Blanche ettro Lucas James Hogsett Lucille Kerr Walker Helen Erskine Pearl Col lins and Lawson Walker The regular quarterly meeting of the United Bible Class composed of the men of tle Sun day Schools of Hillsboro will be held at the Methodist Church Sunday May 5 at 9:15 ArM the executive committee who urge a banner attendance announced today The executive committee is composed of Thomas Berry president Paul Upp vice presi dent Leo Griffith The fifteenth annual spring concert of the Hillsboro High School Band and Glee Clubs will be presented riday at' 8 at the high school auditorium The music festival will feature numbers by the band mixed chor us ensemble and soloists Accompanists for the affair in clude Beverly Griffith Robert Penie Jean Chapman and Ruth The prograni for the concert as announced by George Miller di rector is as follows: Band Our National Anthem Trombone King" by King "Princess of (Overture) also by King by De Luca (bantone solo by Harold Lyle) "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers by Jessell Roses" Bernard in the by Smith (trombone solo by Eugene Shin kle) selection from the opera "Carmen" by Bizet Trom by illmore Pluribus march by Jewell Mixed Chorus Spacious irmament on by Haydn "Kentucky by Geibel "Danny arrangement by Weatherly (soprano solo by Mary Kesler) by Sil vers Scotson and by lYiml Scotson vocal en semble) Liza Jane" and Hymqrof the sung by mixed chorus Hills boro High School Alma Mater ollowing is a list of the mem ber! of the mixed chorus: Harriett Ambrose) Alberta Gall Earlene Hetherington Dolores Rhoads Betty Rhodes Virginia Siddons Jane Penn Nancy Car roll Betty Peterson Marjorie Roberts Katinka Wolfk Laurelord Eva Barnett Mon Gar man Ramona Ramsden Carol Krhtzer Emily Moran Avery Castle Jean Chaney Mary Jean Graff Evelyn Roberds New bry Mary Lou Siders Jean Wil kin Maxine Zink Isla Shaw Don na Shaw Eleanor McCtinnaughey Barbara Ames Jean Chapman Ruth Dunnagan Juanita Booth Betty Gregory Mary Kain Ann Roush Evelyn Hopkins Alberta Johnson Nina McComas Dottie Phillips Helen Wagner Barbara Predmore Jean Broomhall Ruth Capling er Marlene Hedrick Helen Head Doris Bloom Margery Collins Joan Collins Mary Lou Edwards Mary Kesler Earliene Marshall Ada Marshall Ruth Marcum Charlotte Shelton Louella Shaw Shirley Shinkle Mary Runk Vi vian Smith Phyllis Green Bob McMullen James Haley Harold Lyle Ronald Waits Norman Chaney George awley John Gregory Owen Lyle Paul Pulse Eldon Schraw Eugene Shinkle Grant Layman Duane scheduled to take part in the fical new held Hall representatives from Bethel West Union Manchester Washington Springfield Wilmington Lees burg Peebles and Columbus Chief speaker for the occasion will be Horace Kerr Columbus national director of Lions Inter national as the parent organiza tion is known Other speakers who will appear include Marion Har over past district governor of Lions of Manchester waited Eat on district Lions governor of Hamilton The local dub Is being sponsor ed by the Sardinia Lions Club Attendance at the meeting will be by invitation only officials an nounced Charter members of the club coming from business ranks in Hillsboro Lawson Walker Red key Wayne Ports Leland McBride Thomas Hogsett Ralph Radcliff Ray Schutte Lin coln SprOwles Scott Rigdon Har old Hottie Elmer Vogel Lionel Rhoads Alfred Richards A Heywood Ralph Grimshaw John A Adams Barker erris Hughes Haggerty Gene Mc Cann Roger Griffith Walter Shannon John Osborne At the 'meeting Monday nignt the Lions went on record to sup port unanimously the $70000 bond issue asked by the Hillsboro School district in the May 7 prim ary Rotary Club Hears Army Air Officer Stressing the urgent need for development of instruments overcome hazardous flying weath er Capt Alva Conners chief of project tests at Clinton County Army Air ield home of the All Weather lying Center of the Air Materiel Command addressed the Hillsboro Rotary Club at its week ly dinner meeting Tuesday noon "The mission of the All Weath 6r Center is' to defeat bad weath Capt Conners stated "We are concerned mainly with the de velopment of safe take offs and landing of ships in zero zero weather Capt Conners explained that take offs have been developed to such an extent that they can be made completely by instruments but that landings in bad weather still constitute a major problem "Landing and landing approach es by means of low frequency ra dio beams soon will be an out dated method" Capt Conners' research work oq this phase of flying is employing radar to locate guides and land airplanes in any kind of weather also are using radar equip ment to steer planes around dan gerous thunder clouds that are capable of tearing them he added After briefly describing the functioning of the much publicized 54 button" plane develop ed at the All Weather Center Capt Conners opened the meeting for questions from the group and held an informative discussion period Capt Conners Completed 24 Homecoming Local Group to Honor All ormer Members Spelling Match To Award Prizes To JJeit Spellers A Mfcnmitt4e'lof principals of schools in the oOunty system has completed plans for the Highland County oral spelling contest which will be held 'riday May 10 at 1 at the Concord Local School One of the major purposes of this contest is to sponsor and foster an increased interest in the basic subject of education spell ing Each of the schools of the coun ty system is to send one pupil from each of the grades three to eight to represent that grade and school in the contest Each school is to conduct its own elimination con tests to select" its representatives Words in the spelling book for each grade will be used (All pu pils still standing will make up the County One Hun dred Per Cent Spelling ori pupils who jremain standing after the words in the spelling book have been spelled the contest will be continued using lists of words which teachers in the county schools will receive The oral spelling contest is to be carried on simultaneously in six different rooms There are to be no spectators Each partici pating school is to send one teach er Io Concord Local on the day of the contest A spelling certificate is to be given to each spelling contestant who represents his school grade at Concord Local HHr iMBi MHMHh Hmf iii RnEnMaSaEsS BKsagnaHtii I fs anuKUEsa WIjMUW 1 Ik 1 I I sr i KfiKKlB li I A Iras 'liam mri ImL jrilillamii 1 I it Compile List of County War Dead for Honor Roll Board The committee in charge of the Highland County Honor Roll hqs prepared a list of county men who lost their Jives inWorld War JIr This list includes 83 men Since no agency has a complete or' official record of those who died in the service the committee had to compile this list from news paper fiWs and other sources The committee feels that some If anyone knows of additional men who were killed in the war or died in service they are asked to contact Ms Ruth Pencerwho is compiling the official list Known casualties of the war follow: 2 Walter McDowell Sloan Peter son Virgil Lee Payne Howard Bumgarner Roy Jones Donald Yager Walter ults "George air Campaign und Reaches Total of $49001" "Will Take irst Steps To Organize Highland County air Society names may have been overlooked The names of the war dead are to be placed on the honor roll when it is revamped' or that reason the committee is desirous of hav ing a complete list of the casual ties Col Crabtree To Be Candidate Seeks Nomination or County Auditor Col Matthew Crabtree an nounced today that he would be a candidate? for the Democratic nomination for County Auditor Since Col Crabtree was releas ed from the Army only a few' weeks ago and not in time to file for the primaries his name will not appear on the ballots at the election Tuesday His many friends throughout the county are con ducting a write in cawtsalgmh: his behalf Crabtree has had a long and successful business career in ad dition Jo more than a score of years of Army service or a1 number of years he was associated with the Geyler urnHtire Co and the Globe Chair Co here and in the early held responsible government posts His experience ilT business and public service qualify bim for the post of audi tor 1 Col Crabtree is a veteran of World War I and II He left here in October 1940 when the local National Guard company was mo bilized He first joinedjhe 'army May" 1617 as a gunner in the 147th Infantry During the first world war he participated Hi many engagements including the Argonne St Mihiel and upper and lower Ypres Lys He was wounded and in addition to the Purple Heart medal wears the Combat Infantry badge and other decorations A corporal in World War I Crabtree was promoted during the second world war to rank of colonel He was overseas with Gen 97th Infantry Di vision which fought in the Battle of the Ruhr Pocket and was bat tling inside Czechoslovakia when hostilities ceased name will have to be written in by 8 of the voters at the primary Tuesday for him to receive the nomination A county wide drive is to be made over the week end in behalf of the veteran Sportsmen Called To Special Meet A special called session of the Highland County oxhunters As sociation will be held at Hie Court House Monday night it was an nounced today Beginning at 8 the meeting will be devoted to the regular business of the group and discussion of the com ling sportsmen gathering at Jack son on May 12 The next meeting of the High land County Coonhunters "Asso ciation will be held on Monday May 13 the week prior to the an nual dog trials' Gene McCon naughey secretary announced inal details of the dog races will be ironed out at that time Collins Donald EMiller CleoGarman James KICqrroll Chil ton Ison James Vanzant Wil liam Nace Sanford Ritchie Walter Hollman Sid ers Donald McCoppin Cleo Gar rison Harold West rank Chenowith Sherman Carter Ray mond Garrison Raymond Logan Richard Dixon William Bobb Harry Parks Clarence Smith Herbert Moore James Davis Byrl Noble Everett Graves Edwin Wolfe Butler Harry Gossard Paul Ward Seltzer Jr Jsmery Harnsf Yale Huffman Bernard Walker Elmer Rhonemus John A Smith Joseph Runyon Richard Tannehill William Wisecup John Bowen 1 zJHerschel Woodrow Wilson Ver non Roger Donohoo Roy Wilson Clarence Yager Jack Holt Edward Morrow Duane Deakyne Walter Humphrey Wilbur Hil derbrand Thomas Stanforth' Wil liam Cotterill Austin Chestnut Robert itzmeier Wilbur Wil kin Cecil Tolle Spencer Shaw William Linkhart Howard Tolle Jr Robert Tolle Harry Hamilton Robert Crites Thompson Emery Gray' Charles loyd Charles Perry Oscar Whiting Roy Blazer Walker Harry Burns Lowell Hart Delmer McCarty Wendell Hig gins i Stratton Richard Lee Chapman Donald Caplinger Edwin Ridgeway Willard Eugene Caplinger Eighth Grade Tests Slated Here riday The 1946 eighth grade tests will be given riday at 9 A in the county school system Weaver Williamson county superintend ent announced today The tests will be hand scored locally instead of by the state department of education in order to obtain the results sooner the school head added The tests designed to" foster scholarship in the eighth grade rank and file of pupils include questions based on the four sub jects of English arithmetic science and history Schedule for county locals thathave no high schools is as follows: Carmel at binfcmg bpnng concora at Whitedak Hamer at Hillsboro New Market at Hillsboro Paint No 1 and 2 at Greenfield Paint No 3 at Hillsboro Penn at air field and Salem at Lynchburg Maxine Walker of Lynchburg scored 170 out of a "possible 200 last year 'to take first place in the county Richard Young of White oak was second with 165 The eighth grade tests for pupils Iff the Hillsboro system will" be given at 9 A Thursday Prin cipal Walter Shannon announced This date was set since it might conflict with the annual recogni tion day planned riday afternoon at the high school he explained These local tests will also be hand scored Shannon said IN NEW LOCATION The auto and license bureau is now located in Meyers Hybrid Corn Co building on West Walnut Street Grover Collins is the registrar In order to take the prelimin ary "steps in buying the fair grounds for which sufficient funds have now been raised and in deed ing the land to the county a ten tative meeting of the executive committee of the fair campaign and the county commissioners has been set for next Monday? night The fair executive committee is composed of John Grierson chair man Arthur Milner vice chair man Ralph Grimshaw secretary and Paul Pulse treasurer In view of the reported total of approximately $4900 collected in the drive to? Grierson pointed out that the scheduled meeting would be held for the purpose of ironing out the legal ities of th? deed and In buying of the fairgrounds from Burch Riber indings of this group will then be presented to a subsequent gathering of toe township chair men who are conducting toe drive The fund raising campaign is ex pected to continue during the sub sequent organization of the High land County Agricultural Society Grierson pointed out since Jt is" important that as many persons as possible become subscribers to the county fair Meanwhile toe grounds can be purchased and work of clearing the site started The fair committee has ex pressed a desire that the deed giving the land to the county oe so written as to provide for use of the fairgrounds in recreational and educational programs of organiza tions throughout th4 county Many of these groups have indicated their desire to use the location for their activities The fair committee also pointed out that the results of the drive to dato have been gratifying in many respects since there was little tan gible material to offer as an in ducement to contribute other 'than a sincere desire to revive the county fair The committee feels certain that more and more per sons wil subscribe as toe project advances As an illustration of this point Chairman Grierson said jhat one county resident whose nW he withheld gave only $50 in his in itial subscription However the donor said he would give $450 more as soon as the fairgrounds are purchased and rehabilitation started The fair committee is hopeful that this is a typical re action throughout the county Solicitation in toe drive has been slowed considerably since most of the porkers are farmers who must sandwich the job be tween hitches of their regular ag ricultural chores But enough money has now been raised to buy the grounds and that much can be accomplished without de lay However county residents are reminded that additional 'funds can be used to good advantage in rebuilding the grounds nd in possible expansion Cyclist Hurt Here Monday Richard Pfeffer 17 son of Louis Pfeffer near Hoagland's Crossing suffered contusions in the abdominal regions when toe motorcycle which he was riding smashed into a car driven by Oscar Malcolm city at a street intersection here Monday noon Emerson Babington 16 riding on Urge Support for School Bond Issue at Tuesday's Primary The Hillsboro Board of Ed ucation and school authorities today called upon the citizens of the school district to lend their whole hearted support to the $70600 bond issue forschool improvements when they go to the polls next Tuesday lifoy 7 and express ed confidence that the resi dents of the community would exercise sound judgment In their choice The board also reiterated the uses to which will be put including repair and maintenance work of all three elementary buildings and pur chase and improvement of ad ditlonal land near the school building trusting that voters would declare the bond issue a progressive step to ward better educational fa cilities and advantages I The board urged that voters go to the polls no matter what their individual wishes and desires in order to make the final decision a justifiable commentary on the will of the majority The $76060 issue requires a 65 percent favorable vote for passage If authorized by the voters it wfll mean an in crease on the tax levy of $1 per $1006 property evaluation toe rear of toe motorcycle escaped injury The accident occurred as Malcolm made a left turn into North High Street from' West Main on a green light The motor cycle headed west oh Main Street smashed the side of the Malcolm car a 1937 Chevro let Both young rhen were thrown from toe vehicle and Pfeffer was struck in the abdomen by the handle bars of toe cycle Remov ed to the office of Dr Bohl he was given treatment and re moved to his home The doctor reported internal in juries The motorcycle was damaged considerably In the tfchap which occurred at approximately 12:30 the Chevrolet received a dented right fender A 3.
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